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Everything posted by samcantstandya

  1. We must pick Martin if he's not delisted & declared a free agent & nominates Carlton. The Suns aren't going 2 do Carlton any favours so if he goes in National Draft they will need to use pick 9 or the run risk that someone else picks him up. Or he nominates PSD in which case Suns redraft him or WE do b4 Carlton at pick 3. Stuff Martin he must go to whoever drafts him so I'm hoping we grow a pair & pick him.
  2. Iced vo vos r a gr8 biscuit probably my favourite. But Frost wasn't & if he wants more iced vo vos than we r prepared to give than he can go 2 the Hawks & eat all the vo vos he wants. We will as Gloria Gaynor sang survive.
  3. On trade radio they're saying pick 47. Rather he stay than get that late a pick.
  4. Varcoe isn't the answer we need a better longer term one
  5. Don't forget we started the season with 39 on senior list so at this stage with have one extra pick that is 4 picks.
  6. If we don't get Anderson I hope we pick Kemp with one of our picks happy 2 wait for him to recover & develop.
  7. I think we hang on to depth players for too long hoping they 'll gradually become first 22. The reality is if they don't show much in the first 3 y hang on to them. Better to turn over these types for younger talent. The only exception would be rucks & key position players who take a bit longer. However players like Josh, JKH & even ANB have had time & really not impacted how we hoped. We have really limited who we can draft & trade in by the most resignings (Wagners etc). I wanted us to draft high end talent ie pick 2 etc & take a risk on a high risk high reward player like for example a Martin or a Bennell type. I wish we had the courage to draft another Jurrah.
  8. It's hard to understand the rationale.
  9. Josh is so vanilla & lacks pace. Hard 2 understand y they've given him another year. He doesn't make good decisions, but maybe they just like him because he's a good guy. Melbourne have always shied away from recruited talented bad boy types whereas other clubs embrace them.
  10. Let's hope Taylor earns his keep & snags a couple of players who turn in2 guns
  11. Ess r so hard 2 trade with. They want overs 4 their players & want to pay understand 4 the players they wany 2 trade in. As well as dragging things out.
  12. Our chances of luring Elliott just improved. I reckon had they won & haven forbid won the premiership he def wouldn't consider coming to the Dees, but now maybe.....
  13. Doubt we would do it. I agree we should, but we are far too conservative. We couldn't cope with Martin Pike & he won premierships after leaving. We haven't recruited any a Irish players for eons & we tend to pass bad boys who can play for good boys who can't. Where is the x factor????
  14. We must keep Smith he will be gr8 as the 3rd tall in forward line. He'd b hard 4 opposition 2 match.
  15. Walker's retired so that makes 2 rookie spots & 1 cat B spot along with 3 senior spots plus one extra senior spot because we only had 39 on the list. So if we get Langdon, Tomlinson & ??? Elliot we def need to move on JKH & J.Wagner.So we can have at least 2 Nat draft picks & 1 pre season pick. More if Vanders retires.
  16. Either option has its positives.
  17. If they want 2 keep him y don't they demote 2 rookie & free up another spot. If Wagner improves then promote him if he doesn't delist We hang onto ayers for 2 long. JKH 7 years for 39 games as an example.
  18. We have only 3 spots available maybe 4 not sure if we went in2 the season one senior player down???? Either way we need 2 make some smart calls otherwise as it stands we can only pick 1/2 players in the draft if we r committed 2 selecting Langdon & Tomlinson. Surely we need 2 make calls on JKH, Stretch , J Wagner & Vanners. Am I missing any other senior players. I believe ANB is resigned. Ok VDB has a contract but he & KK r no certainties 2 play again. If we delete or trade 3-4 more at least we can capitalise on early draft picks & 2nd pick in the pre season draft.
  19. Did u factor in daylight saving Steve?
  20. Better options out there. I'd prefer the draft.
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