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Posts posted by Machsy

  1. In all honesty, I don't think we should be so quick to draft players like Shiel, Adams and Swallow. They're guns, no doubt, but none of them have tasted much success and in order to bring a culture of success to the club it is essential that the leaders understand what that feels like!

    You couldn't be more wrong.

    Leadership has nothing to do with previously experiencing success.

    And that experience were needed, no teams would ever climb the ladder.

    There's no logic to your post.

    • Like 2
  2. I'd happily have Voss as an assistant, but I don't think he'll be the annointed senior assistant set to take over.

    I do think Voss will be looking for a job in Melbourne.

    It is reported he wants to be able to settle in the one place for an extended period, as his kids are about to go into high school.

    There are more teams in Melbourne than anywhere else, so if things to sour at one club, he can always just shift his workplace & not move the family.

    I wouldn't rule out Geelong as a home for him either.

    In fact, I think a couple may leave.

    Heard whispers Caracella could be on the move.

    Lappin is highly sought-after, too.

  3. As Dermie said to Roos on SEN Friday night, and Roos seemed to agree, it looks like MFC have too many flankers trying to move into the midfield, as opposed to "mids who can go back" to the flank.

    As said above, Kent is a midfielder.

    And if guys like Tapscott, Blease, Strauss, etc can't build a decent tank and learn to find the ball often, they might be in a lot of trouble.

    Well, to be honest, they are already.

    • Like 2
  4. I wonder how many people wouldn't have been underwhelmed by Clarkson, Lyon or Longmire as coaches immediately following their playing careers.

    None had done anything that made them jump out as potential coaches during their playing days.

    Simpson is much the same.

    The fact he is so highly rated as an assistant has me completely "whelmed", because it doesnt seem based on a preconception from his playing days. Rather people see him as beige.

  5. So we let Clisby take three matches for being in the vicinity of a popped shoulder without contesting because we did not want to jeopardise his chances to play finals, didn't we?

    I give up trying to work out the logic. Oh maybe he has picked up a calf strain in his time off like Davis, Magner and any number of others in recent weeks. Boy some of our guys are fragile.

    Probably something to do with players being required to receive 8 weeks uninterrupted leave.

    The earlier it starts, the earlier it ends.

    And I imagine Roos has a lot of work to do with the majority of our players.

    Clisby will be one.

    I expect him to be a serious candidate for upgrade off the rookie list.

  6. It's perfectly feasible that Ling (like Roos before him, if some sources are to be believed) does not want a circus around him of being asked repeatedly about the MFC role for the remainder of the finals?

    As we'll most probably have to wait until the conclusion of the finals to name anyone else, I don't see why we couldn't let him see out this year's media commitments.

    And if he's yet to decide, I'm sure PJ & Roos could sway his thinking.

    Seriously, an opportunity like this would not come up often.

    Hopefully we'd also get Simpson or Burns.

    Can't put all our eggs in one assistant basket.

  7. If he goes to form he'll go after big bodied mid fielders. He'll tell blokes like Tapscott to get themselves fit or you won't make it.

    Look at Freo.

    Lots of big bodied hard running players, that gut run both ways.

    It's exactly what we don't have.

  8. Burns / Simpson / Ling

    Can hardly go wrong.

    Obviously with Ling, Roos would want to be at the club about 5 years and let Ling gradually take the reigns over the last 2, then take the training wheels off.

    Ling is my preference.

    Just such a quality bloke, universally loved and respected.

  9. I think us getting pick 1 as a priority pick (and us being forced to/ bent on trading it) actually suits the AFL and most opposition clubs also.

    GWS already have enough talent, without needing to secure a 2nd of the games 4 pre-eminent power forwards.

    They really don't need any more assistance. To get clearly the best player in this draft also would be rubbing it in.

    Kinda like GoldCoast having Ablett, Prestia, Bennell and O'Meara then being able to add Jack Martin.

    Come on - how dominant do they want them to be??

    Also, there are plenty of clubs like the bulldogs or saints who are going to continue to founder without a good forward to straighten them up a bit in the coming years.

    Share the wealth, assist MFC, avoid a ludicrous situation in a few years where on GCS and GWS can compete for the flag.

  10. Not true.

    I supported Dunn for many years, against popular opinion, until watching his play closely convinced me otherwise.

    I know I have exaggerated on this thread, but only in an effort to give something that resembles balance.

    The love for him is unfounded.

  11. I think the shorter than expected contract may be key to enticing the best candidates for assistant coach positions.

    It's a perceived carrot for taking over, but once they are in place, I'm sure Roos will talk them around for a longerterm apprenticeship, a la Longmire.

    Maybe an overtly positive view, but it's the one I have.

    Or GNF's explanation is probably a lot better...

  12. I think the shorter than expected contract may be key to enticing the best candidates for assistant coach positions.

    It's a perceived carrot for taking over, but once they are in place, I'm sure Roos will talk them around for a longerterm apprenticeship, a la Longmire.

    Maybe an overtly positive view, but it's the one I have.

    • Like 1
  13. Evidence?

    It's a handful of stats, and you clearly overvalue those stats.

    I'm not saying you skew them in any way, but you overvalue that particular part of his game and influence it has on the side winning games.

    He's a momentum killer, an appier of pressure (to his teammates) and a shirker or responsibility.

    Watch the game!

    Closely watch incidents in isolation. Then watch more. Then more.

    It'll become clear there is a clear pattern.

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