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Posts posted by Machsy

  1. Or if we can get BOTH of Simpson and Burns interested in joining the footy dept.

    They've both said no to Brisbane, and the word is that Simpson and WestCoast have little interest in each other, while Sumich is the favourite ahead of Burns, who likely wouldn't stay.

    I know I'm just hopeful, but unless this has already been decided yet not announced, then anything is a possibility.

    Roos didn't set it in stone.

    • Like 1
  2. I don't think we're in a position to judge Royal as an individual, but he was part of an atrocious coaching group.

    I recall there being a time when we didn't have enough in the square for a centre bounce.

    Disorganisation of the highest order, but at the same time I'm not really sure who should wear the blame for that.

  3. Listening to Schwarz yesterday afternoon (not the greatest source, I admit) he said that he has info that we will bring in multiple assistants without annointing any single one as the successor.

    Then they all get a chance to be the one that pushes his name forward as the most deserving, and the others get quality personal development in the process, and boosting their own profile and CV.

    That will keep the fire in the belly of all assistants and prevent the media from repeatedly asking questions of just the one coach, ignoring the others.

    • Like 1
  4. I'd happily do pick 2 for Sloane, we'd probably want to get a little more something like their 2nd round pick in exchange for our 3rd or something... dunno.

    A 2nd round pick that they don't have this year...

  5. Does "delisted free agency" make the PSD redundant?

    I'm not exactly sure how that works.

    My impression is:

    - if a club does not offer you a contract and deposits you >>> then you can be signed as a delisted free agent

    - if the "delisting period" ends, you've been offered a contract, but declined to sign it >>> then you must enter the ND or head straight into the PSD, depending on which you nominate for.

    Is this correct?

    So a player can still make the decision to NOT go into the ND, but go straight for PSD?

    I was under the impression you were automatically nominated for ND?

    Or is that only if you go unsigned as a "delisted free agent"?

    And I'm right in believing that a player cannot decline a contract offer and become a "delisted free agent" without his original club actually making the move of delisting him?

  6. What about midround after after first round picks?

    9 and 17?

    That would be a compromise.

    We can do some damage in October with 2, 9, 17, 18, 19 (Sylvia Comp), Blease, Jamar, et al.

    I think that's a good result. Gives us some tools to get involved in trades for more mature players, but still maintain a decent influx of young talent through the draft.

    Opposition teams shouldn't complain as much as if we were to get pick 1.

    Fair compromise.

  7. Watts s staying, and Roos said he wants to keep Blease.

    Id love Swallow and Adams, but i think Sloane is our man ,for pick two and Adams if we are lucky , possibly for Jamar.

    I wouldn't put too much stock in statements like that.

    It could very well be coach-speak for "we'd like to trade him, but we're expecting more than you might be willing to pay initially" or even "I'm willing to trade him, but in case he stays I want this player to believe I have faith in his ability"

  8. I believe he's over here to put that house he bought in Wembley Downs back on the market too.

    For the conspiracy theorists among us, maybe those rumours surfaced as a result of actual sightings of Roos in Perth... because Roos was signed sealed and delivered some time ago, and was making preliminary approaches to potential successors and poaching player targets prior to it becoming public knowledge.

    Can't get into trouble for "tapping up" a player or coach if you've not actually signed to work for the club yet...

    • Like 2
  9. One thing I notice is the amount of KPD depth we've discarded: Davis, Sellar and Gillies.

    Not that they were worth keeping.

    But I get the feeling (and at times during the season I wondered about this) that Roos sees us as having too tall a backline.

    Not enough runners.

    I think Dunn & Pedersen will be outside our 22 as depth, with Garland, Frawley and McDonald as our tall defenders.

    We'll have more runners in defense, running the ball out and running forward to create options.

    Dunn in particular is mobile, but doesn't often use his ability to run out of defensive 50.

    (Not trying to turn this into a Dunn thread - it's just how I see it, as far as balance. Dunn is never going to misplace the other 3 tall defenders, and simply needs to create more run).

    If you think about the running backmen at Sydney - Kennelly, Shaw, Mattner, Malceski... I think there were more.

    • Like 3
  10. Tom Couch would go down as the most pointless rookie pick in MFC history.

    Really? I thought the point was that along with Magner he'd make our VFL side competitive, giving the developing kids a winning atmosphere to develop in.

    I never considered him a serious chance for AFL game time.

  11. Tynan maybe could've deserved another year to prove himself, but if he can't find enough of the footy and make an impact at VFL level, he's well behind the 8 ball.

    Jetta is a keep, IMHO.

    With the 3 retirements we've now got rid of 8 players.

    Expect a few more changes.

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