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Posts posted by Machsy

  1. Thats what all the fuss is about?

    That is possibly the lamest forum ive ever seen lol

    Try imagining yourself going into a rundown sh*tty old pub... then finding a lot of your old mates are there having a drink.

    And they're quite happy where they are drinking draught, even if you might want to go to a flash new pub down the road so you can get a mojito.

    That might give you some insight.

    • Like 5
  2. I find it laughable, when journos like in that article in the HS yesterday, say, because we stuffed up our previous PP's we shouldn't get another.

    Do these people ever try and do their job properly? Clearly this person is totally unaware of the criteria for getting a PP?

    They probably don't care - they are just given a directive by their editor to write a quick anti-PP article to fill space.

  3. What was wrong with them?

    They're god-awful.


    Vezspremi FCS!

    Lower is a list clogger. He's only young & done it on 3 lists now.

    Rosa, Clifton, Horsely, Magin... All NO.

    If Enright leaves, he retires.

    Stokes exceptionally unlikely to leave, especially since he has already signed on.

    If I was trading with WestCoast I would not touch Rosa, but Gaff may be your best suggestion.

    Coming off a poor year performance-wise but has ability, potentially keen to come home if a rebuild is imminent.

    Only way we'd get Jolly is if Jamar gets traded.

    And finally, I fully expect to be totally wrong on at least one of these points, making me look like an idiot.

  4. Surely the reason the decision is being revealed on brownlow Monday, is because we are receiving a PP.

    Otherwise they'd just announce it now, and let Barrett roll around in his gleeful schadenfreude.

    By releasing it then, it'll be wrapped up in a media smokescreen of the brownlow, then the GF, which is shortly followed by the trade period & we'll quickly move it on before anyone has too much of a chance to create too much fuss.

    It's hard to generate real outcry if we don't even have the pick in possession anymore.

    It's too clunky & counterintuitive.

  5. Is that because of our club's poor history of the use of pick #1 ?

    No, because as far as overall talent goes, GWS has far more than we do.

    Pick 1 would just bring MFC back closer to the pack, whereas it would push GWS even further ahead of the rest.

    That talent may not be experienced or physically mature, but it is there nonetheless.

  6. Simpson has good pedigree:

    - played in multiple flags under Pagan

    - assistant coach under Clarkson whilst a dominant top 4 side (should've won a flag in 2012)

    Slightly more impressive than Burns:

    - got to 2 losing grand finals as a player

    - assistant under Worsfold whilst they climbed the ladder from last to be flag favourites before imploding

    • Like 1
  7. It is a strong argument - to take away draft assistance that would normally be awarded - we mean we would be punished. Therefore, the Not Guilty verdict officially becomes farcical.

    It's essentially double jeopardy.

    We've received punishment for a "crime."

    To be denied what would otherwise be owed to us based on that "crime", would be to suffer a further penalty.

    Either way, I believe the decision has already been made, but it will be realised as close as possible to the trade period, so neither party has long to stew on it, and the GF will detract from the focus upon the decision.

    i.e. I believe we'll get a decent early PP, but the AFL want everyone to be able to quickly move on from that.

  8. As far as captains go (since this thread has gone off on that tangent) does no one remember the system Roos employed at Sydney?

    It's the one I've always favoured - 2 or 3 co-captains.

    I say we give Trengove a break from the captaincy to focus on recapturing his form and hunting the footy, and promote Garland & Jones alongside Grimes, as our 3 co-captains.

    It would be nice to have a forward, but that is where I see our leadership coming from.

    • Like 1
  9. I dont want a priority pick and prefer the club to stand on its own but if the rule exists then surely we may qualify. Our history including wasted picks and poor development is irrelevant it is a decision that should be based purely on the here and now. Does the MFC need a priority to become competetive and not have a negative effect on the comp?. I am not sure of the answer, I think our back line and potential of our forward line means that we are not weak across the field and that key big men are in place in some depth. This should mean that we dont really need a leg up. If Watts or Sylvia walk then that may impact on the decision.

    Where on earth does this train of thought come from?

    Did you ever hear Hawthorn say that, or people criticise them now for not doing that?

    Collingwood? Carlton?

    And if we suffer from that perception, it is not going to change by us not getting a PP now.

  10. That's it.

    I don't think anyone is saying draft picks alone will save us.

    But we shouldn't be looking gift horses in the mouth, or even turning away the raw tools we should be using to rebuil the list.

    I don't see why we should make things potentially harder for ourselves than they need to be.

    All in the name of false dignity...

  11. One pick? ONE pick is going to do that?

    It will remove the last skerrick of dignity this club has. We'll be hated alright, but there'll be absolutely no respect attached to it.

    Whatever floats your boat.

    Trent Cotchin would do that.

    A young Chris Judd would do that.

    Luke Hodge would do that.

    Nay Fyfe would do that.

    Should I go on..?

    And what dignity do you really think we have left, that would be lost by accepting another priority pick?

    That ship has already sailed.

    You want to cut off our nose to spite our face.

    I want to take any advantage available to us within the rules for future success, like any ruthless club would.

    • Like 4
  12. Only play a small part in stoppage work? What about clearances, and working the ball inside 50? I haven't seen much of that the last two years.

    I find it embarrassing, laughable, and confusing that people on here thank and applaud previous staff who have contributed to this appalling era.

    To make it laughable should I thank him whilst sticking to the Demon supporter sterotype by swiftly clapping my hands together in a short manner and poshly saying "go deeeessss"?

    Do we really need to belittle people the do fit the stereotype?

    I know some who come close to fitting that and they ride the emotions just like the rest of us and aren't any less committed.

    In fact, we need them to grow the club.

    I don't see the point in being derogatory because they are less knowledgeable about the game.

    Or rather, don't have the same misplaced belief that they're better informed, as this thread may show...

    • Like 1
  13. As BB points out above, it'd be in 16 of the other 17 clubs' interest for US to get pick 1 as opposed to GWS.

    Obviously the other clubs aren't that smart.


    As someone (GNF..?) posted in the last couple of weeks a lot of the clubs will make a bit of noise about the priority pick to appease fans, but behind the scenes won't really care.

    Either way, I think it's definitely in the best interests of the AFL for us to get a priority pick, and I expect them to realise that and afford us 1.

    2 would be better.

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