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Posts posted by Machsy

  1. How would the Swans feel about Jarrad Rivers returning? For a price we could part with Gillies as a sweetner [particularly as he has been a multiple goal-kicker for Casey the last few weeks]!

    Doubt the Swans would care. Cats might.

    But we let Rivers go because his knees were shot.

    What would the point be of getting him back for maybe a year tops as KPD depth?

    He is widely known to not be much of a leader.

  2. On the contrary.

    We'd be better off with low-profile competent people who just get the job done, setting the footy dept up to succeed.

    Profile is largely irrelevant.

    Do you know much about Colin Carter? Any others on the Geelong board?

    What about Sydney's board members beside Colless?

    They just get the job done with a minimum of fuss.

    • Like 2
  3. You are not taking into account 2 things. His standing in the game and his network of contacts.

    As 1 member of a board they can be very useful.

    Other board members bring other qualities.


    I'm not certain he needs to be on the board to make use of these things for the club's gain.

    See: imminent Paul Roos acquisition.

    • Like 2
  4. I still wonder if Mike Sheehan will join the board. Part Time position.

    Could be good for both parties.

    Because he's such an expert in corporate governance?

    His legal, financial and managerial skills would be invaluable to the club?

    Beyond having the ability to maybe manipulate some of the media in affairs concerning the club (and tarnishing his rep in the process), which I very much doubt he'd do, I'm not sure what he'd bring to the board.

    Maybe a big name, but we don't need that. Roos provides that.

    We need solid governance.

    • Like 1
  5. According to the Mayan calendar the messiah is supposed to arrive this weekend. Not sure if this site can Handel that news.

    I'd like to believe that you often write musings involving Handel on your iPhone, and as such autocorrect has altered your post.

    It's more entertaining to me than a simple pun.

  6. Think about the effect this "50/50" news would've had on the playing group.

    Think how pumped up they'd be by it (no disrespect to Craig, but seriously - it's Paul ROOS).

    Jack Watts would've yelled out like Will Ferrell "MUM! Forget the meatloaf! Cancel the moving vans! Stop packing my action figures!"

    Col Sylvia would've dropped his mojito.

    Even the draftees.

    Young Aish, Boyd, Scharenberg and the rest will all be wearing "I support dees for a priority pick" badges at the draft combine.

    • Like 4
  7. I feel if we only picked up Rodan on his own for the draft pick we gave up then it would be neither here nor there. The fact that we went overboard and got him, Pedersen and Byrnes is probably the bigger mistake. They were mostly bought in as a top up for all the experienced blokes we had discarded over the last 5 years.

    I agree to an extent Nasher. We shouldn't s***can the poor bloke and I'm disappointed that his career has ended this way (going out to bat for our club) but I don't believe we should revise history. Damo is a smug little p**** but I think we went overboard with the style of recruiting. I will admit my folly here as I thought it was a great idea at the time.

    Yet again, congratulations on a great career David.

    Disagree again.

    Don't think it was a particular style; just simply what was available for us to acquire.

    Beggars can't be choosers.

    We have been beggars for a few years, and have outdone ourselves bringing in guys like Clark and Dawes.

    It boggles the mind that they were conned into coming here under our previous regime.

  8. Well, Caro never actually writes about football anyway.

    She instead writes solely about football politics.

    My issue with her is, like WJ, the reporting of opinion in a manner that suggests it is fact.

    That, and her propensity to get so many facts wrong, yet hold onto them like a dog with a bone, even when they've been proven to be untrue.

    Certainly the most offensive football "journalist" out there, in my eyes.

    • Like 1
  9. This would be irrelevant wouldn't it? Pretty site assistance can break contacts to become head coaches.

    This may be standard in assistant coaches contacts, although perhaps eade being a senior assistant has a downturn type of contact.

    According to Jay Clark, Eade is giving away the coaching caper to concentrate on the Football Director role he has been filling in the place of Geoff Walsh.

  10. You mean like taking Martin or Darling because they're not good Brighton lads?

    Yes, some ARE slow learners....

    Haha jesus h christ...

    Who gives a flying if they are "good Brighton lads"?

    It's about a no DHs policy.

    And with our culture do you really think DHs like Martin would be even capable of thriving?


  11. Where are the people that shot this down as a stupid suggestion when I brought it up moths ago?

    Impeccible character, professional, hard worker, good leader.

    Eats, sleeps & breathes footy.

    Got where he is through guts and gumption, not having the greatest skill.

    Won't expect to be our best midfielder, will be happy to get a spot on the list.

    Professional even when forced to ply his trade in the VFL at the expense of kids.

    Still capable of being a valuable contributor.

    There's little downside.

  12. Sure. But why did we fcuk it up so badly each year?

    All those responsible have left in silence.

    Gives me the trots.

    So... all those responsible are gone... but you want answers from those that have come in to replace them, or those that are still there but weren't responsible for that area?

    Do you ever have a single coherent thought?

  13. Good effort with his career. Shame it couldn't have worked out better. David will always be remembered as a Port player.

    That being said, despite what he may have bought to the locker room, picking him up was a mistake.

    Don't agree.

    For pick 88 and a spot on the list that would have otherwise only gone to a speculative kid or a Magner upgrade, it was more beneficial to have his influence at the club.

    It wasn't ever going to be a long partnership, but I'm glad it happened.

    • Like 10
  14. Do you really think the sporting world, or for that matter, the AFL community could give a toss about who we announce as our next coach? Us making an announcement will not draw attention away from anything else that's going on. We are an insignifcant club in the eyes of most.

    Of the 3 leading candidates, the reaction/headline will be;

    If Roos is appointed - Melbourne got their man, but is he doing it for the right rea$on$?

    If Eade is appointed - logical appointment given he still has the desire to coach and we wanted someone with experience

    If Williams is appointed - logical appointment given he still has the desire to coach and we wanted someone with experience

    What's the one thing the 3 potential appointments have in common? It's hardly newsworthy. The only appointment that will possibly interest some would be Roos, just to see if he is the magician that we all think he is and can turn this train wreck around.

    It's only a matter of time til I start reading on here about us not announcing a new sponsor because the cricket's on, or the tennis, or the ballet. And that we are waiting to make an announcement to get "maximum exposure".

    The sooner our supporters realise we are like a homeless person in the street the better. The average Joe just walks past and totally ignores us, while every now and then, someone might stop to read what's on the sign we are holding up, feel sorry for us, then move on. When the Club understands this, which I have no doubt PJ does, then we can use this as one of the driving factors to improve, because basically, people are expecting us to die. We will not be significant (or newsworthy) again until we show a sign of life. I'm as passionate as anyone on here, but I'm also not in denial.

    I'm not certain.

    While I don't think the AFL would bother trying to manipulate us to detract from Essendrug, I still think it would garner a great amount of media attention.

    Paul Roos returning to coaching would be a massive story.

    One aspect that will be debated is whether he did it for the right reasons.

    Also the fact he feigned disinterest would provide fodder for many articles.

    Eade & Williams provides all the "how does it feel to be second choice?" rhetoric.

    But overall, these 3 will play to the media, and whilst the media love to kick a team on its way down, the thing they love just as much is a story of redemption, especially if by one they already have an existing relationship with.

    And they'll be falling over themselves to be the first to report it at the smallest sight of an improvement.

    But also don't underestimate the laziness of the media.

    Fortunately enough, we are very close to most media outlets HQ, so it's not much effort for then to pop down to the club for a presser.

    We're also right next to Collingwood, so they can kill 2 birds with one stone.

    We're one of the easy options when they're stuck for something to write about.

  15. It's a delicate balance, between giving supporters hope, and the head start that comes with the benefit of having been with the club for 2 years prior, getting to know the personalities involved, building relationships and an intimate knowledge of the problems that need to be overcome.

    Any other coach coming in may have experience, but they still come in blind.

    That may be an advantage in some cases, but I think in the whole, a prior knowledge would be a much greater advantage.

    I don't think the other coaches would come into the job with a list of tailored demands like Craig would have.

    (Still prefer Roos)

  16. I never will change the club I support, but I also don't believe MFC will ever be allowed to fold.

    I can't imagine not following AFL.

    And, if somehow MFC were to fold, I can't imagine not following a team.

    I already have a long held hatred for most other clubs, and have often thought that if I was forced to follow another club, it'd be the Giants or the Suns.

    Simply because I love the game, and the more support those teams get, the better the game will become.

    Plus their futures look pretty bright.

    Failing that, I'd probably have to support someone like the Lions or Port.

    Once again, for the good of the game.

  17. I think this has been argued concisely and correctly so far in this thread, and those that want to go on with it beyond that won't ever get it, so it's not worth the aggravation.

    We tanked, we got punished, it's over, we move on.

    Never again.

    Now we build a culture.

    If you build it, they will come.

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