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Posts posted by Machsy

  1. Would Dusty maybe be able to sue Ralph Carr for professional negligence, for the discrepancy between the amount originally offered Martin, and the amount they offer now?

    I hope so. It would teach the agent, and all agents a valuable lesson, and I think this sorry situation is one of Carr's creation.

  2. I think the effects are purely mental, but if it gives you the mental edge, it is probably worth it.

    It's definitely an area where MFC has fallen down in the recent past, and longer.

    Even if its a placebo, the confidence of training in a noticeably more difficult atmosphere would have an effect.

    Players wouldn't buy it without the noticeably difficulty in breathing the air, even if it doesn't last.

    It's a tool to draw on later for confidence.

    There's the team bonding, which is important.

    And there's the simple act of changing the environment for the players, to break up the hard slog of preseason training and give them a mental refresher, so they can maintain a high level of training intensity, relieving the monotony.

    Psychologically, it's easy to see where the benefits are.

    Physically maybe not, but you have to weigh up if the mental benefit is worth the outlay, even if the physical side might not work.

    I think it probably is.

  3. LOL.

    And no other Club has been under AFL hypercare financial and resource support like MFC.

    That's purely your opinion, Rohypnol.

    We've been promised money.

    The amount differs depending on who you ask.

    Other than that, the board went to the AFL and asked for a recommendation of who we should replace Schwab with.

    Anything else is speculation.

    I await your derogatory reply.

    I'm just glad you're not a mod anymore cos you'd just delete the post & ban me.

    • Like 1
  4. Looks a bit of an in between'er. Not a tall, not a small, have really only seen his senior game or games and wasn't overly impressed but that is unfair on a kid in his first game or so.

    Where would he fit?

    I think you're right.

    The cats rate him, but I think he falls victim to being a bit of a tweener.

    I think for us he'd be a HFF or pocket, but probably not the pure crumber we need.

  5. What I maybe didn't explain is, if Adams is bent on going to Richmond, we can still convince GWS to engineer a situation that is better for them and we still get him, somewhat against his will.

    It happened to our very own Jade Rawlings.

    This is based on the assumption Adams is bent on going to Richmond and won't go to Collingwood or whoever else bids.

    Forcing him into the PSD means he is ours.

  6. Schwab's issue was he thought the structure made the organisation, but it is the individuals that drive the organizations ad we had no one of great stature or experience save for Craig, who we put in a foreign position.

    Oh and these 3 men have nothing but my sympathy, once again, the MFC is a place where careers come to stall, go backwards, or cease to exist entirely. I hope they can find their way again.

    Then why did he have such an asinine organisational structure where he was effectively CEO and GMFO?

    He was either determined to be involved, or thought he was supposed to be.

    But it created a bottleneck and severely hampered the workings of the footy dept.

    Anyway, que sera sera.

    It is done.

  7. 1 pay TV channel, 2 free to air channels that really cover the game, AFL.com.au and club websites and then 2 major papers and yet they feel they need a media awards. Have you ever heard of anything so self centered?

    I don't know about that.

    I think they should be given incentive to strive for excellence in their field.

    I just think its a shame that the bar is set so low.

    There are hundreds of AFL media contributors. More than play the game.

    It's definitely not as few as you may think.

    If you think about it, getting Paul Roos and Peter Jackson were kind of like our priority pick and to demand a pick on top of this is a bit greedy.

    That being said I hope we get one but life moves in if we don't.

    Rubbish. These are appointments that the club made themselves, not concessions from the AFL.

    PJ was recommended, and then he targeted Roos and we got our man.

    You may wish to believe otherwise, but there is no conclusive proof.

    We made appointments just like any other club does.

    If WestCoast get their first choice, does that amount to a priority pick?

    You may think that the money we are to receive also amounts to assistance, but surely you're aware that EVERY club receives money from the AFL each year? And differing amounts to equalise the competition?

    Our allocated amount has effectively just been adjusted because the AFL have become aware of how behind we actually are.

    We still fall behind in onfield talent, and that is where we require assistance if the AFL want us to be competitive sooner rather than later, or rather it'll give us a higher probability of being competitive sooner - there are no guarantees.

    • Like 1
  8. If GWS can get Dustin Martin in the PSD, why would they trade Adams for him?

    We should offer our 2nd pick for him, approx pick 19

    Losing Adams and getting Martin & pick 19 is a lot better than losing Adams and only getting Martin back.

    That's how I'd be selling it.

    At the same time, we may even be able to convince Adams to come to us in the PSD.

    Or a "Lochlan Veale trade" where we trade a pick or player (Jamar) to GWS for peanuts, and in return GWS refuse to trade him, so Adams goes into the PSD where we can select him with PSD pick 2.

  9. Damian Barret works for the AFL, but his agenda is not necesarily guided by the AFL.

    It's only about 4 days until the deadline when we find the result of our priority pick application, and I honestly think he's just winding the football public up for an almighty backlash as he thinks we'll probably get one.

    He's trying to create a situation of public outrage so he can get mileage out of the issue.

    Good luck to you, DB.

  10. How dare he!

    Honestly, Matthews was working as a development coach and we offered him a promotion to line coach.

    No mention of that, but DB mentions that he's getting paid significantly more.

    What a [censored].

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