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Posts posted by Machsy

  1. I can understand that such a scheme can be justified for GWS which won't benefit from a father/son pick for a couple of decades but the Swans already benefit from having father/sons. Tom Mitchell was taken by them last year and made his debut this season.

    It seems to me that this is another rort that benefits the Swans and must be ended ASAP.

    Isn't this under the long-established NSW scholarship scheme?

    That all clubs are able to utilise?

    Collingwood did it with Witts.

    Geelong had Ranga Ediriwickrama, who was hyped as being one of the greatest players ever prior to be drafted and fading into obscurity.

    We had a scholarship holder in Teddy Ruxpin a couple of years ago that we didn't bother promoting (can't remember his real surname - Sheringham?)

  2. 12, and a round or 2 before predicted. Thanks again Barry.

    Not true.

    Most mock drafts had him going about 10 picks later.

    Geez I remember being worried when I heard he was interested in fashion design, but at the time consoled myself that Travis Cloke was the same at the same age, and he turned into a contested marking machine.

  3. His first season was so good. Speed, got enough of the ball, used it beautifully from half back. Then every year after that he just got worse. Couldn't defend, couldn't find the ball and then got changed into a forward. I think he's got the talent if he was developed properly. But now we've replaced him with Terlich and Clisby it's hardly a loss.

    Happens often. Opposition sides don't know how to play against a player, but once his weaknesses are found and exploited it catches on pretty quickly.

  4. I must say when I first read this yesterday I completely agreed with you. Although I don't think it's entirely the case.

    Firstly he left to us to rejoin his old club he played his career at alongside old friends, if say Brad Green or Junior Mac did the same after being recognised as amazing assistants at their retrospective clubs I believe the vast football community would understand if they wanted to come back to the MFC.

    And now after a year of hell and controversy, having his name somewhat tarnished under his old and trusted friend Hird I don't blame him if he wants to get out of football and have a break.

    There may be extenuating circumstances, but he definitely has jumped ship at least twice nonetheless.

    Not sure what the details are of his exit from the bulldogs, but if he did a similarly impressive job there, I think it could be 3.

  5. The amazing part is even though they chose well with Franklin, Roughead and Hodge they had big busts with Thorp, Dowler and Ellis.

    Beau Muston too.

    They wasted Zac Dawson.

    Ellis for pick 3 has been a fair bust.

    Brent Renouf is fairly ordinary.

    Jarryd Morton.

    They let JPK go.

    Jordan Lisle was poor, can't believe Lions took him off their hands.

    Rhan Hooper was no good, lasted about 5 seconds.

    They haven't all worked, but it's what they've done with the players that did work.

  6. What are you saying! More than any other industry, footy is full of romance, passion, excitement and unexpected outcomes. You just to open up and let a little love flow, Machiavelli. ;)

    No room for it.

    Either he's good enough to be picked where we want to take him, or he's not.

    You don't over-reach to ensure you select him, and in the process ignore a much better player.

    Haven't we been burnt enough in the past by selecting lesser brothers..?

  7. I think we are portrayed that way in the media because the vast majority of the football publics aren't us - MFC supporters.

    I care not.

    I just want the best coaches, the best players and a bloody priority pick or 2.

    And if we get them, I don't care how anyone else feels.

    They can yell at the ocean all they want.

    • Like 1
  8. I liked the line in Caro's article today when GWS asked about who he goes to for advice and mentoring, and Dusty began to reel off a list of key Richmond figures...

    The kid has raw talent, but needs a lot of help.

    He doesn't realise how good he has had it at Richmond, and I think other clubs have begun to realise how much maintenance he will require.

    • Like 1
  9. Never seen this Lloyd Perris kid before, but I do recall hearing in the last few months how highly he is rated at the Sydney academy.

    The Swans will spew if Roos poaches him, but honestly, I think they'll find a way to match whatever he offers.

    The kid is from St George after all.

  10. So? He wouldn't believe any of it.

    The mindset of a kid in his position is to play well this year so he can get drafted.

    He may feel a bit safe now that he will actually get drafted, but he still wouldn't have a clue where and won't agonise over what pick.

    He'd know better than most that it's the clubs that make that decision of who they draft, not the papers or bloody Hutchy, so he'd take it all with a grain of salt in the knowledge that if he does get drafted, it could be to anywhere.

    Why worry about where that might be without any real evidence?

    He's concentrating on getting back from injury, playing good footy, finishing school and chasing skirt like an 18-year-old.

  11. I asked you a couple of days ago how many times you'd seen Aish "live". You're yet to respond. Perhaps you can clear it up now.

    I have little doubt that Aish will be able to improve his contested footy as he gets stronger, as will Toumpas. But I don't see either as "inside mids".

    Toumpas is more a straight ahead player, who distributes the ball really well. He likes to get on the end of a chain of disposals and set up play. He could actually make a very good half-back, where he's played a fair bit of footy as a junior.

    I haven't seen enough of Aish and certainly haven't seen him live, so I'm not well equipped to comment, but from what I have seen I believe he has more upside as an all-round mid than Toumpas.

    Aish has agility in and around packs reminiscent of Cotchin.

    I think he'll be an absolute gem, working on the inside and out with aplomb.

    Edit: agree with you assessment of Toumpas.

    He'll run in long straight lines and deliver the ball long into the forward line.

    I think he'll be best-suited to the wing.

    Not sure about how he'll go winning a lot of his own ball in his first few years, but he'll get there.

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