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Posts posted by Machsy

  1. Based on hype, reputation,(the sort of stuff that stems from this site), body language, form (lengthy sequences without going near the ball), then yes. A lot of supporters have a paternal instinct towards such high draft picks, but as a footy observer I was disappointed

    Based on hype?

    Body language?

    I've heard some bloody stupid things in my time, but this is up there...

    Heaven forbid a young player in his first season goes long stretches without finding the footy!

    I suggest you recalibrate your unrealistic expectations, before you look like a complete idjut.

  2. Mach..I doubt it... This is all the rest ganging up and epitomising the notion of "never give a sucker an even chance "

    Fair enough, but in doing so they hand GWS another number 1 pick.

    I would've thought is having it's be preferable.

    Anyway, maybe there'll be a revisiting of our case again after 2014, as raised by another poster (Tony Tea?).

    If we win 4 games next year, maybe they'll have us one, in a "super draft" no less.

    I won't hold my breath.

    We move on.

    • Like 1
  3. This is a joke but maybe it'll be a little more satisfying when we get that flag, other supporters won't be able to rag on about the priority pick we got in 2013 and how we were spoon fed the wins.


    Maybe it was all a PR exercise to change the way people perceive the club.

    We didn't get a priority pick, and weren't reliant on 1 for anything we achieve.


    • Like 1
  4. I just love how no one outside the club had any idea this was coming.

    Not a whisper.

    Quite pleased with Brad coming back into the fold.

    Might not have always been a smart footballer per se, but his work ethic was second to none.

    Also is quite an intelligent bloke, and coaching and match analysis is very different to in-game footy smarts.

    And he's only a development FCS!

    He hasn't been annointed the "successor"!

    • Like 2
  5. I don't think the AFL is conditioning MFC supporters to expect no priority pick with leaks...

    I think the AFL is using leaks to keep the football natives' restlessness at bay until the very last moment, when the decision is to be announced.

    That way, if it is going to elicit a negative reaction, the outrage has not been building for weeks in the lead up.

    The timing is also designed to have it largely lost in the buzz of the brownlow and GF.

    I can't see us NOT getting one.

  6. Now Machiavelli, Bar setting has nothing to do with my comment. I was referring to Yorkies last two lines which I found quite quirky and humerous. It's OK I fully get from your response you would struggle to comprehend any form of humour in your head space. :-) <------ Take Note.

    I wasn't as impressed with those lines as you obviously were, but my sense of humour has been questioned at times...

  7. Or even the Freo of not-so-long-ago.

    Under Harvey they showed a bit of promise, but were still a decidedly middling team.

    2 years under a top shelf coach and look at the steel in this side.

    Look what only 2 years has done to Michael Walters.

    It's incredible.

  8. The latest article in The Age leads me to believe that outlet has no idea, at the very least.


    "All 17 clubs are opposed, so we won't get one... Except if we do, they'll push for it to be the end of the 1st round"

    This reeks of currying favour to all supporters bar those of the MFC.

    But it bodes well for us, IMO.

  9. Tipped this matchup after Round 23.

    And after seeing Geelong get manhandled live at Simonds, I knew it was a good tip.

    The Geelong supporters were offended that someone in the crowd would even applaud a good mark by the opposition (especially when sitting near the wags, VFL players et al).

    Freo will obliterate Hawthorn.

    I've always felt the hawks gamestyle is NQR for finals, because it still heavily involves pinpoint kicking to moving targets.

    Whilst this works amazingly well during the season, under finals pressure, especially GF pressure, this has a habit of coming undone at inopportune moments.

    Freo's intense pressure will strangle Hawthorn, they won't be able to implement most of what they have spent all season practicing and they will be lost.

    I can't wait.

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