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Posts posted by DemonFrog

  1. 23 hours ago, Red and Bluebeard said:

    I can see it now -- a chain of ice cream parlours years into the future, with the slogan "Based on Old Dee's secret banana split recipe, handed down from one generation to another ... " :):lol:

    Shhh you will give BBO and Biff more ideas on how to make a fast buck or two.

    This kind of thing never ends well.

    • Like 2
  2. 4 hours ago, sue said:

    That's where I disagree with the learned opinion ascribed to WJ a few posts back.  The way I see it, if they 'get off' then it will be harder for the players to sue anyone. That seems to be the motivation of the insurance companies funding this (if that is the really the case?)  But once they have got a bit older and beyond their playing days and the effects of team spirit, they will regret that.

    The team that jabs together stays together?

    • Like 1
  3. 29 minutes ago, Chris said:


    As far as I understand there was a mix up between ASADA and the ACC. Allegedly the ACC asked ASADA if AOD was banned under S2, ASADA correctly replied that it wasn't. The ACC took this to mean it wasn't banned and published in their report that it wasn't banned, even though it was banned under S0, but ASADA didn't provide that clarification. 

    This would give the players an out as it is published in a document by a government organisation, who reference ASADA, that AOD was not banned. 

    This mix up also saved a couple of our boys. 

    They should be banned as well.

    We should never support Drug Cheats.

  4. Just now, La Dee-vina Comedia said:

    Is that right? I thought he confessed to AD-9604, which was subsequently found not to be illegal, but was suspended for TB-4.

    I just recall him saying he had taken something banned not sure if was later found to be OK

    But I guess he a banned player for taking a banned substance during the year he won the Charlie and the AFL/Drug Lords want him to keep the Charlie!

    • Like 1
  5. 11 hours ago, biggestred said:

    nope. because like the 8yo boy who got caught in the garden ripping up Dads agapathas looking for a brand new kookaburra cricket ball, they had every excuse under the sun.

    "it wasnt me"

    "Everyone else was doing it"

    "you didnt see me doing it"

    "i didnt do anything"

    "you cant prove that i did it"

    "its good for the plants anyway"

    "it wasnt my fault"

    1 out of 3 ambulance chasing lawyers thinks our current and past players can get off their suspensions on a legally technically.

    Jab should keep his Charlie even though he confessed on National TV that he had taken banned substance and has also be suspended for the same offence.

    We are Essendon the rule simple do not apply to us. 


  6. 11 minutes ago, Chris said:

    Just read most of the Francis article, not only is he wrong on some points of law he makes some incrduble claims about misconduct by ASADA and WADA which may well find him in trouble. 

    If anyone cared about his opinion he would be in a world of pain from the public wuth his sexist and demeaning comments about Rita. 

    Such a pity he sounds like he knows what he is talking about as the gullables will beleive him!

    He is a true Essendon believer.

    As they all appear to support the theory "Don't let the truth get in the way of a good story".

    I wonder if he has some of the "In Hird we Trust" posters at home?

    Those posters will surely be a collectors item of some value in the coming years.


  7. 3 hours ago, Whispering_Jack said:

    Fairly sure there was nothing wrong with his toe.

    He was running around the court full bore. Showed a bit of talent as a basketballer.

    i think its because the Basketball League does not support Drug Cheats, while the AFL does.

  8. 5 hours ago, old dee said:

    But they did not do anything wrong dpositive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    Funny thing OD is they keep saying that but have no idea was to what they actually used.

    IMO the false declarations to ASADA about the injection program says it all.


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