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Posts posted by DemonFrog

  1. 4 hours ago, old dee said:

    Now that may be a little grandiose for 2017 R and B.

    A slow build to a decade of continuing domination is what I want.

    2017 we make 8th with a little luck then a Prelim in 2018 and the GF in 2019.


    Was anyone else at Subiaco Oval in 2006 to watch the last time the MFC played a finals game?



  2. Just now, hemingway said:

    What does Mrs Frog feel about your move? Is she croaking with joy or dismay? 

    Let's say I need to do a lot of driving (12 hours to get home) and flying, otherwise I will break my must follow rule number 1.

    Rule 1 is happy wife = happy life.

    • Like 1
  3. 41 minutes ago, old dee said:

    Well DF I am not sure what that says about your domestic situation.

    I will not be making my pronouncement until the fixture is revealed but you can be sure it will be more than 10.

    So at this stage I will put you down for 11 wins while my guess is more optmistic at 12. Your positive thinking is rubbing off on me!



  4. Just now, Earl Hood said:


    Are you moving to Onslow or Wyndham or even further north?


    I am moving to a remote town which is located at the Centre of WA (Mid West/Goldfields) which is not as far as Onslow / Wyndham (Pilbara), l have already lived further north (Newman) during the 90's.

  5. 12 hours ago, Redleg said:

    Seems pretty quiet around here, any news lately?

    Planning my move up North to where there is sun and more sun. I think all I will be getting is a lot of heat and sun. Unfortunately Mrs Frog will remain down South in the cold.

    Not sure if there is a TV service where I am going, so I will need you guys to give my detailed match reports for next season and as many banana recipes as you can. As Mrs Frog alway bursts out in laughter when she talks about the MFC so I need more reliable match reports and she also not a big fan of bananas.

    From what I have read so far, it appears the MFC will be turning Essendon for next two or three years. Only things missing is Hird and his totally legal supplements program. 2017 should be interesting, OD how many games will the MFC win?





  6. 59 minutes ago, Earl Hood said:

    RL I have been too busy lately, test driving C3 1970's Corvette Stingrays.  I am still searching for one with Pickett's Starsky & Hutch stripe down the middle as this would be one hell of a chick magnet car I would think based on Pickett's experiences in the 70's. 





    Earl are you chasing one of BBO's blue rinses? 

  7. 6 hours ago, old dee said:

    Now DF did I tell you ten wins this year?

    Have faith my son 2018/9 we are a chance with this group plus  five new players over the next two years.

    I hope that you are right.

    Unfortunately, the current MFC team couldn't beat a depleted MessyDrugs team and lost their final game by over 110 points. IMO the MFC list still needs a lot of work.



  8. On 27/09/2016 at 3:18 PM, daisycutter said:

    hey froggy, we need you to get to work and find out what jesse is up to over there. we want all the details. i know we can count on you

    DC things may not be looking good for the Dees with regards to Jesse!

    Image result for jesse hogan

  9. 23 hours ago, old dee said:


    Wow DF I thought you had started supporting the Eagles.

    Welcome back.

    To answer your questions Not a lot.

    Hi OD

    I had stopped supporting the Eagles way back at the end of the 1998 season and its very unlikely I would ever go back to become a supporter again.

    I been away from DL because of the AFL commissions support towards 34 drug cheaters.

    As a result, I don't think I have actually watched an entire AFL game all season.

    But I did notice the Dees had won 10 games this season as per your prediction, well done!

    Next years can you predict a 30 goal win in the Grand Final against the Pies or Hawks (anyone really)?

    I know good thinks come to he who waits, but is over 50 years way too long a time?









  10. On 25/09/2016 at 5:08 AM, Whispering_Jack said:

    There is absolutely little doubt that this thread has been building to an exciting and crescendo over the past few months and reached an exciting moment of climax just before 8:00pm last night as the events at Spotless Stadium unfolded. I am not surprised therefore that nobody has posted here in the interim.

    Where have you all been celebrating?

    What did I miss?

  11. 3 hours ago, M_9 said:

    I appreciate that it's not on-topic, but mention of St Bernards allows me to relate the story (from BF) of my mate big Bill Schwarzenberg, a premiership ruckman in the 60's:

    Bill used to dish out a few cheapies whenever he got the opportunity. In his last game, playing against Uni Blues, Bill belted some bloke. Thuggery of the highest order. Half a dozen Uni blokes wanted a piece of him and charged at him. Time for some quick thinking. As the umpire was nearby giving a free kick, Billy grabbed the umpire around the neck like a hostage yelling out "any of yous touch me, the umpy cops it". 

    I still think he will have a good shot at playing AFL foofball for Essendon as he would just fit right in to their culture 

    • Like 1
  12. I am surrounded by Eagle and Docker fans over here. HELP!

    The only way out for me will be when the MFC can finally field a competitive team.

    I am also hoping this means they are capable of winning a flag or two.

    I do appreciate that winning a flag in the AFL is a big ask for any drug free club but it worth a go.

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