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Posts posted by DemonFrog

  1. 2 hours ago, beelzebub said:

    ? Illogical. efc votes to lose it?

    To be fair they casted their vote just after the arrival of more of the good stuff. Then in line with the traditions of the club, they undertook the shreading of all documents  including the how to vote instructions.

    After realising their mistake they are now accusing the AFL of having an agenda to destroy their club. 

    • Like 1
  2. 20 minutes ago, beelzebub said:

    Odd that Essendon end up with a full list and we don't.Not unexpected given the nature of the AFL but odd none the less. 

    I thought the Drug Lords only get 10 gifted players from their major sponsors, the AFL.

    That would mean they are 2 short of a full list.

  3. I will never forgive Channel 7 for refusing to telecast West Perth games in 2015 because the club was sponsored by Channel 9 which they displayed on their jumper.

    Local football clubs are struggling to attract sponsorship as it is and don't need this type of behaviour.

    So there little chance I would ever see this ad.

    • Like 1
  4. 7 hours ago, Moonshadow said:

    Just read this fascinating article. What a wonderful idea. Shows imagination and a 'can do' attitude.

    No doubt that it will offend those on here who's moral compass is unflinching, so I sincerely apologise in advance.


    This criminal should get 10 years of hard labour for this.

    Think of the all the Blue Rinsers who would be horrified at seeing this kind of inappropriate images.

    Plus the Council has no more money to actually fix pot holes.




  5. 3 hours ago, Moonshadow said:

    Very good Toady. Have you had a personality transplant lately?

    There is no shame in have some real man love for the Frog there Mr Moon.

    After all we both love to eat bananas and support the once mighty Dees!

  6. 2 hours ago, pineapple dee said:

    BBO and I are different beasts I assure you.  I only aspire to a handful of BBO's proclivities and tendencies. We are as one in our love of the dees though.

    There is strong written evidence that BBO is in fact PD.

    IMO the above comment only strengthens this view.


  7. 23 hours ago, old dee said:

    The EFC and AFL are endearing themselves to no one.

    WAFL Club Swan Districts have demanded compensation for the loss of Crowley.

    He was their playing assistant coach and they are now left seriously short.

    The WAFC does enough damage to the WAFL competition  as it is let alone the AFL getting their pound of flesh.

    Mind you it is Swans the team I hated the most as a young Cardinals supporter.

  8. 56 minutes ago, Georgiou R.R. Martin said:

    Do you even remember in 2013 when Essendon were banned from playing finals, fined and had draft picks removed?

    It is completely impossible to play an AFL season with 34 players. It's an OH+S issue and could do serious damage to innocent young players.

    If you want Essendon banned from this season then that's fine by me. I understand that point, even if I don't agree with it. If you agree that they should be able to field some kind of team this year then you have to let them sign top up players to assemble a proper squad. 

    Give those cheaters nothing!

    If they can not field a team then let them forfeit the game.

    Better still, kick out of the AFL.

  9. 2 hours ago, jnrmac said:

    Does anyone at the EFC get irony?????? These guys are mad.

    Their new coach was in charge of a club during a highly publicised drug taking regime. And they won a flag.

    Now the FIRST person they hire as a fill in player is someone who is coming back fom a drug suspension, Ryan Crowley.

    My God you couldn't make this stuff up


    I thought the employment of a Chemist as the new Senior Coach says it all!!!!

    • Like 1

    I don't agree DF the list is now better than " very ordinary" it has improved substantially  over 2015 and we will win 10 games.

    I am afraid you have lost me with this comment OD, as the MFC could not even beat a depleted Drugs Lord team in 2015 and I am not going to comment about the 2 x St Kilda or Carlton losses.I can not even remember when the MFC last won two or more games in a row?

    Although my hart wants to agree with your estimate OD I am afraid my head is still telling me we still have a very ordinary team in 2016.

    However I would be more than delighted to be proven wrong with my prediction.



    Always a pleasure to hear from my old mate Fl  og, however, i wish to make it clear that I do not intend standing for Local Government.



    I take your point OD - it's just that I like to think that I can do "sordid" better than anyone.

    It appears that I have spent too many years in that industry BBO! 

  12. 33 minutes ago, Deecisive said:

    Questions I would like answered are:

    - so what did the players take.

    - why do you not have records on what they did take

    - Why was dr reid kept in the dark about the program.

    - Why has Danks not come forward to testify on your behalf if nothing is wrong, why has he not produced the records if he does not want to testify

    - why have you not tried to force him to provide the documentation on the program.

    - How could you sanction a treatment when you did not even have a clue about what the players were given.

    - How could the club spend $700k without any for or accountability or governance program in place to monitor safety and its effectiveness.

    - if you don't know what they were given how can you say they were not given prohibited substances.

    - You mentioned early on you would accept responsibility, just what did you accept responsibility for.

    - Do you believe your self righteous crusade has helped or harmed the players

    - The Essendon football club is likely to be sued for $60m+ by 30+ players for lost earnings, shortened careers, pain and suffering.who at the club should bear responsibility for this situation.


    Just have to wait to see how many of these are answered.

    Should we pass the hat around Demonland to see if we can help the Drug Lords out in a time of need?

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