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Posts posted by DemonFrog

  1. 6 hours ago, old dee said:

    Today it has been announce that the Melbourne Tigers Basketball club will field a team in the SEABL in 2016.

    This is the first step for the "Tigers" to return to the NBL at some point down the track.

    I and a lot of others will once again have a team to support in 2016 and beyond.

    "Go Tigers"

    Go Wild Cats!!!!!!

    Now that is too much basketball excitement for one day.

    • Like 1
  2. Just now, Redleg said:

    Have I missed something. I thought the CAS case involved a WADA Appeal on the 34 Bomber Players. Where and by who, has Goodwin been charged, putting his position at risk?

    Please Don't use logic and reason here Red, as we are talking about Essendon and their past coaches.

    And everyone knows Essendon is where true magic happens.


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  3. 9 hours ago, Demonstrate said:

    I'm really sad to learn this. Although not a poster I do get many a laugh with all the drivle on here and Jazza with the woes of milking and trying to give up his smokes was always cause for BBO to admonish and chide. Very sad indeed. It's funny how you have all become so familiar to me. ?

    Why not come and join us as a regular poster.

    But remember to never say a bad word about bananas, as there are some amongst us who know certain people. 

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  4. 2 hours ago, daisycutter said:

    folks, sadly jazza passed away a while ago. he can't post any more but i'm sure he's a regular lurker here and follows the dees passionately.

    This is very said news indeed.

    He will be missed as he was a great contributor to this site.


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  5. 2 hours ago, Red and Bluebeard said:

    Yeah, definitely. More beards, too. :lol: 

    We need a comeback from jazza, as well. 

    I heard a rumour that he wanted his team to play finals next season, so he joined the Hawks.

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  6. I have it from a reliable source (Chris Judd's grandmother) that BBO has another month holiday from Land. Thank god for that! His mindless drivel, crass humour and down right slovenly ways are a blight on this fine forum. I put it to the mods that upon his ungrateful return, he be given the all time mother of jolly good floggings, preferably delivered by special robert or enyaw.

    What has he done this time?


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