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Posts posted by DemonFrog

  1. On 17/11/2016 at 10:35 AM, beelzebub said:

    courtesy  of Titus .....

    The worst ideas of AFL season 2016

    Part of the fun of following the AFL is the constant stream of bad ideas and their unintended consequences.

    Yes, the AFL and its clubs are a terrific case study in the Dunning-Kruger effect

    Most fans think they could run their club or the competition better than those who currently do and looking at this list, they’re probably right.

    Extending Damien Hardwick’s contract

    Much has been written about this already. It made no sense at the time, let alone with hindsight.

    The Board said they had to do it when they did, to lock Hardwick in. You only need to lock something in that people would try to steal.

    Of course, it was also a bad idea because it led to…

    Focus on Football Ticket

    The rival ticket’s push for the Richmond Board was so shambolic and inept; it made me believe they were qualified to be the Richmond Board.

    They certainly seemed to have everything required, a vague platform, poor media skills and a general sense that this was all being made up as they went along.

    Focus on Football even had the same policies as the current board.

    So bad was this campaign that it made the current board look competent.

    Truly, that takes some doing. I mean, this was a board that appointed an accounting firm to review their football department.

    That’s like getting Brendon Fevola to review your finance department.

    there is more   in general about Bad-Footy Ideas  here

    What's wrong with an Accounting Firm reviewing a football department ?

    After all football is all about the numbers e.g goals for and against, number of inside 50'so etc.

  2. On 10/11/2016 at 8:39 AM, old dee said:

    I heard our coach on SEN.

    I smell a change of Captaincy, sounded like Mr. Jones's position is not guaranteed for 2017.

    I hope I am imagining it! 

    No OD we need more captain's!

  3. On 11/11/2016 at 8:15 AM, bazza226 said:

    I am having similar internet issues at work - I have now signed up with TPG for a 10/10Mbps unlimited Gig service for $199/month + GST.

    Hopefully that will speed up our system.

    Do you know if the service contested?

  4. 12 hours ago, Red and Bluebeard said:

    Would love to -- it was well worth it last year. Unfortunately I have a stupid work 'retreat' that day .... I am sure Old Dee and Beelzebub can eat my share between them :)

    So you work in the Italian Army?

  5. On Wednesday, November 09, 2016 at 7:41 PM, daisycutter said:

    sounds like a great junket, froggy. what's new to learn about roads you can't get out of a book or the web and what's wrong with a video conference :)

    I understand that by attending last year's conference help my new local government secure 60 million in road funding.

    This money was to seal a road that the State Government promised to seal in 1957 when it closed the rail access to our town.

    Unfortunately there a State election soon and last time there was funding for this project the State spent the money in Perth on the expansion of the train passenger network. 

    I did learn how the Victorian State Government needs to hand over 200 million to the Glengle Shire so they can fix their roads. Plus NSW councils need more road funding from their State government. Apparently the Federal Transport Department wants a new user pays road funding system as the current fuel taxes are unfair and not providing them with enough income.

    You city slickers believe everything the Fed's tell you about the NBN and how it provides fast Internet to everyone. Well video conferencing requires decent Internet speeds, plus it's a poor way to deliver a conference.

    The NBN started construction in my area in May 2013 and it has not been completed as yet. I assume they want to complete their entire east coast network before they complete my area. IMO it should be called the NBN.CON.



  6. 11 hours ago, Earl Hood said:

    What is a road conference DF? 

    It an annual local government national road conference.

    I am attending the conference for the first time for professional development purposes.

    I understand it's a great way to network and increase your local government's chances of gaining road funding.

  7. 12 hours ago, Choke said:

    I left a long, long time ago. I played it from release (smoothest MMO release day ever) for about 6 months. Then there was nothing to do, and haven't been back.

    No idea on the server.

    You got a link to the new content? If I ventured back in I'd want to check it out first.

    Once I setup my Internet at my new place I will let you know.

    Better to show you the new content.

    Do you use TS3?


  8. On Monday, November 07, 2016 at 10:13 AM, Choke said:

    I loved GW2, probably the best levelling experience of any MMO I've played so far. The dynamic zones and dragon invasions were really great.

    Got to endgame and there was nothing to do but map completion and cosmetic crafting so I left :(

    How long ago did you leave?

    The game is always getting new content, but I have mainly be playing WvW. 

    Which server are you on?

    Once I sort out my Internet and game access (assuming you are on the US server) we could team up to complete a mission or two.

    I also played Guild War for about seven years.

  9. 19 hours ago, Abe said:

    I am amazed that it wasn't clear to Jobe and all involved that if the appeal failed he'd have to hand it back, there is no reason to hear from Jobe and even less to hear from Cotchin or Mitchell. 

    a convicted drug cheat in 2012 cannot also be the "fairest" and best player in the very same year. 

    the AFL just seems to lack the backbone to make the decision

    Surely the AFL and Essendon can negotiate an outcome that is satisfactory to both parties ?

  10. 10 hours ago, old dee said:

    Could not agree more Mr Leg.

    The off season is the time to earn points.

    No time for cheap points OD.

    As I need to travel 3,000 km in four days by car.

    Then flying to Queensland for a Roads meeting.

    Flowers will simply not cut the mustard with Mrs Frog.

  11. On 16/09/2016 at 8:11 PM, Whispering_Jack said:

    I have to confess that I'm overcome with boredom over the 2016 trade period.

    It's not just that Melbourne seems to be predominantly sidelined because of a lack of currency to trade with but also because most of the mooted trade deals give the appearance of having been set up a fair way back in time.

    Did anyone doubt that Jaeger O'Meara would nominate Hawthorn or Caleb Marchbank would announce his preference for Carlton? Anyone surprised that Travis Cloke is off to the Doggies? In all three cases, the rumours that these players were going to those clubs have been circulating for some time. 

    There's nothing particularly interesting about this time of year. I'm already over this trade period.

    Trade period.

    When does it start?

    • Like 1
  12. 29 minutes ago, Earl Hood said:

    DFrog did you see the wild flowers of WA on your long drive? They are saying this year is phenomenal after all the rainfall this year. If I was retired I would be over there now hanging around Geraldton and inland. 

    I been driving too fast to get a really good look at all the wild flowers.

    But I am very much inland (about 600km north of Kalgoolie).

    If you plan to travel West, let me know as I have a spare bed.

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