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Posts posted by DemonFrog

  1. 3 minutes ago, hemingway said:

    Clarkson and Kennett. It won't end well. A mistake to go back to the past with Jeff. He should have had the good sense to say no. 

    That is only true if your a Hawks supporter, because as a Melbourne supporter I fully endorse his decision to say Yes.

    As they have so much from Melbourne already why not give them our 1965 curse!



    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  2. 1 hour ago, old dee said:

    Definitely not I will always be a Victorian now matter where I live. Sometimes I think there more Vics  up here than Queenslanders. Great night up here with the Melbourne storm kicking their butts.

    Don't tell anyone but my wife was born in Victoria.

  3. 12 hours ago, Redleg said:

    Less than 2 months to ND.

    Less than 8 days until the start of trade period.

    Less than 18 days until the end of trade period.

    85 days until xmas.



    Red we need you back to your normal countdown standard!

    2017 was always going to end in pain for a MFC supporter.

    To cheer you up, may be you need some life style tips from Mr Bitters or Moonie?

    Things could always be worse, you could be a Essendon/Collingwood supporter or you can no longer eat bananas.


  4. 17 hours ago, old dee said:

    I moved on  from disappointment decades ago DF.

    Times with GD's is way better than any football game and warm weather is now higher on my list as well. Might move up here!

    You just want to be called a Banana Bender!


  5. 6 hours ago, Red and Bluebeard said:

    Eggs over easy then please ...

    Are we allowed to talk about eggs?

    As it was my understand that we are only allowed to discuss bananas?

    Well after today's results it is all about Tigers eating bananas or was that bananas eating crows.

  6. Travelling home today.

    So I will miss the GF, who is playing again?

    But, Red you could give me a countdown on the progress of the game?

    OD, you need to go back South where it cold and rainy. Good weather will only upset you more. A bit like how the MFC has left you disappointed for the past 53 years. Although time with the GD will always cheer you up.

    I hope you all have fun watching the GF today and remember the second best colour combination is Black and Gold, preferably with a Swan.




  7. 5 hours ago, Redleg said:

    Are you serious? The first one was a repeat of the Staker hit.

    I would have given him a year.

    PS. On second look, victim not really hurt and claim it was a slap. Maybe not a year then.

    I would have given him a year just for the fact he had played for Sydney.

    If only the AFL  gave us $1m above every other AFL Club's salary cap, we could also play regular finals games.

  8. 1 hour ago, Bitter but optimistic said:

    Two years FMD!

    Had some good laughs with Jizza.

    He was indeed a character.

    Only person on DL I had actually spoken to. He wanted help with how to setup an Avatar in his DL profile.

    Seemed to be a genuinely nice guy.

    Plus he was a Demon Supporter which means he a higher class of person.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Diamond_Jim said:

    Not sure if this made the Australian media but it certainly makes one stop and think ... what the hell was he doing:



    "A man in the German city of Worms had his penis stuck in the hole of a 2.5kg gym weight plate on Friday, forcing fire-fighters to use power tools to free it."

    Clearly a Trekie Fan.

    Boldly go where no man has gone before.

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