Biffen 12,949 Posted June 11, 2017 Author Posted June 11, 2017 12 hours ago, dieter said: Alleluia. A dialogue with Pro Dee was like having a dialogue with Pauline Hanson. And, for the record, Magda Borham has as much credibility as the poor girl whose mother held up her scripts - obviously written by someone fluent in English because she certainly wasn't - about the evil regime called Syria under Assad. But, some people will believe anything. Seen any flying saucers? Syria is the battle ground for international Islamic teen rapists. We didn't have anything to do with it. Germany was stupid enough to take them as refugees.
dieter 3,325 Posted June 11, 2017 Posted June 11, 2017 16 minutes ago, Biffen said: Seen any flying saucers? Syria is the battle ground for international Islamic teen rapists. We didn't have anything to do with it. Germany was stupid enough to take them as refugees. I fly the saucers, Biff. I am an official UFO Pilot. I got my certificate from the same UFO Flying Academy that trained the 9/11 pilots to fly with such unerring precision. I was personally taught by the Master Pilot who trained the dude to score a bulls eye at the Pentagon. That was an incredible experience, being taught by the Master, made me tremble in my boots.
daisycutter 30,006 Posted June 12, 2017 Posted June 12, 2017 18 hours ago, dieter said: Just keep quoting the Uncle Toms and the people who see history through the filter of their own nearsightedness , bogus historians like Bernard Lewis, and totally ignore the facts of history in the Middle East, how it has been shattered by the brutalities of English and French exploitation and greed. Not to mention sheer stupidity. Also, ignore the depth of historical anti-muslim hysteria in the west, ignore the rapacious atrocities of the Crusaders, etc etc, just quote the Pauline Hansons of the world, like Magda Borham. She know the TRUTH about Islam, obviously. you are becoming obsessively boring, deits. wouldn't take much to totally radicalise you. you need to take a deep breath and stop cherry picking history.
dieter 3,325 Posted June 12, 2017 Posted June 12, 2017 1 hour ago, daisycutter said: you are becoming obsessively boring, deits. wouldn't take much to totally radicalise you. you need to take a deep breath and stop cherry picking history. AS though I am alone in this regard on Demonland. Most of the posts are right wing muslim haters who put Pauline Hanson's rants to shame. And you pick on moi? Dear oh dear. I guess I'll have to join the muslim haters to be acceptable to the likes of you. Sorry, Daisy, you've lost me, baby.
Biffen 12,949 Posted June 12, 2017 Author Posted June 12, 2017 5 hours ago, dieter said: AS though I am alone in this regard on Demonland. Most of the posts are right wing muslim haters who put Pauline Hanson's rants to shame. And you pick on moi? Dear oh dear. I guess I'll have to join the muslim haters to be acceptable to the likes of you. Sorry, Daisy, you've lost me, baby. Pick a side. Pauline is at least intelligent enough to do that. You sit on a fence and criticise the freedoms Western civilisation has granted you. Believe me- there are only two sides .
dieter 3,325 Posted June 12, 2017 Posted June 12, 2017 3 hours ago, Biffen said: Pick a side. Pauline is at least intelligent enough to do that. You sit on a fence and criticise the freedoms Western civilisation has granted you. Believe me- there are only two sides . No, Biff, there's a third side, The Polish Side. By the way, I'm tracking you from my UFO, short for You Fluck Off.
dieter 3,325 Posted June 12, 2017 Posted June 12, 2017 3 hours ago, Biffen said: Pick a side. Pauline is at least intelligent enough to do that. You sit on a fence and criticise the freedoms Western civilisation has granted you. Believe me- there are only two sides . Also, I'd rather pick my nose, much more satisfying, especially when you get to my age. You get good Gorbychovs some mornings.
Bluey's Dad 3,419 Posted June 13, 2017 Posted June 13, 2017 On 10/06/2017 at 7:29 AM, Biffen said: I have not seen many Australian Muslims come out and speak against radical Islam/Jihad.-no marches,no campaigns,no figureheads laying blame where it belongs. You aren't looking very hard. Evidence #1: Facebook post on behalf of multiple Australian muslim communities condemning Orlando attacks Evidence #2: Article about the phenomena itself, blames the media for lack of coverage From the article: The truth is, Muslim leaders are speaking out, but their voices are drowned out by sensationalism, such as the comments made by Palmer United Party MP Jacqui Lambie on Insiders last week when she equated sharia law to terrorism. Lambie's comments got a lot more media attention than when the Australian National Imams Council issued a media statement on September 15, that likened Islamic State to a "group of criminals" with nothing Islamic about their murderous actions, and stated: "Since the ISIS group was established we have been very clear about denouncing their lies and betrayal of our faith." FWIW I disagree with the conclusion of the article, but the statements about the Imams Council is relevant to your statement. Evidence #3: University of Melbourne list of Fatwas condemning terrorism The first entry: In March 2010, Sheikh Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, a leading Pakistani cleric, published a 600-page Fatwa on Terrorism and Suicide Bombings, endorsed by Al-Azhar University, which prohibited killing Muslim and non-Muslim civilians and destroying property and places of worship. Evidence #4: Recent ABC article Relevant: Sadly, he said, Muslims share some of the blame. and The vast majority of Muslims reject terrorism. After the 9/11 attacks in 2001 until 2007, Pew Research conducted extensive worldwide studies of attitudes towards terrorism. The research polled thousands of people representing up to 90 per cent of the world's Islamic populations and found that 93 per cent condemned the 9/11 attacks as unjustified. Evidence #5: Grand Mufti of Australia condemns terrorism: The Grand Mufti on 15th September 2014 said about ISIS that: “These criminals are committing crimes against humanity and sins against God.” fact check of above Evidence #6: And, of course, there is Waleed Aly - a man who continually speaks out against terrorism. I know you don't rate him, and I fully admit he can get agitating, but here's a Muslim with a megaphone in prime time TV doing exactly what you claim to have never seen. That took about 20 minutes on google. I'm sure I could find more, but surely that's enough to prove your point wrong? I must admit Biff, every time I think I'm done with this conversation, you find a way to pull me back in.
dieter 3,325 Posted June 13, 2017 Posted June 13, 2017 14 minutes ago, Choke said: You aren't looking very hard. Evidence #1: Facebook post on behalf of multiple Australian muslim communities condemning Orlando attacks Evidence #2: Article about the phenomena itself, blames the media for lack of coverage From the article: The truth is, Muslim leaders are speaking out, but their voices are drowned out by sensationalism, such as the comments made by Palmer United Party MP Jacqui Lambie on Insiders last week when she equated sharia law to terrorism. Lambie's comments got a lot more media attention than when the Australian National Imams Council issued a media statement on September 15, that likened Islamic State to a "group of criminals" with nothing Islamic about their murderous actions, and stated: "Since the ISIS group was established we have been very clear about denouncing their lies and betrayal of our faith." FWIW I disagree with the conclusion of the article, but the statements about the Imams Council is relevant to your statement. Evidence #3: University of Melbourne list of Fatwas condemning terrorism The first entry: In March 2010, Sheikh Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, a leading Pakistani cleric, published a 600-page Fatwa on Terrorism and Suicide Bombings, endorsed by Al-Azhar University, which prohibited killing Muslim and non-Muslim civilians and destroying property and places of worship. Evidence #4: Recent ABC article Relevant: Sadly, he said, Muslims share some of the blame. and The vast majority of Muslims reject terrorism. After the 9/11 attacks in 2001 until 2007, Pew Research conducted extensive worldwide studies of attitudes towards terrorism. The research polled thousands of people representing up to 90 per cent of the world's Islamic populations and found that 93 per cent condemned the 9/11 attacks as unjustified. Evidence #5: Grand Mufti of Australia condemns terrorism: The Grand Mufti on 15th September 2014 said about ISIS that: “These criminals are committing crimes against humanity and sins against God.” fact check of above Evidence #6: And, of course, there is Waleed Aly - a man who continually speaks out against terrorism. I know you don't rate him, and I fully admit he can get agitating, but here's a Muslim with a megaphone in prime time TV doing exactly what you claim to have never seen. That took about 20 minutes on google. I'm sure I could find more, but surely that's enough to prove your point wrong? I must admit Biff, every time I think I'm done with this conversation, you find a way to pull me back in. I'm sure the Biff won't take this lying down. I'm sure he has the answers. He knows all about Muslims, Mr Biff does, guaranteed.
Biffen 12,949 Posted June 13, 2017 Author Posted June 13, 2017 Great work. A recent poll of French Muslims found 25% of all French Muslims agree with Jihad . 75% of under 25 year old also. By your own out dated figures 10% supported 9/11back then. That leaves about 150 million or more who thought 9/11 was a good thing.It is more now. Every time there is an attack on westerners we hear the phrase " lone wolf",or " mental issues ". The mental issues come from the religion itself. I like the way Choke waits till the dead are buried before coming back with more obfuscation. Not a word on Brighton,London,Egypt,Kabul etc. On the travel bans- did you know Jews are banned from entering over 20 countries. Time has arrived where westerners should ban Muslims from entering secular societies. Your stats /evidence includes a Facebook page,then a claim that voices are being drowned out by media sensationalism . "An extreme Muslim wants to kill you- a moderate Muslim wants an extremist to kill you."
dieter 3,325 Posted June 13, 2017 Posted June 13, 2017 26 minutes ago, Biffen said: Great work. A recent poll of French Muslims found 25% of all French Muslims agree with Jihad . 75% of under 25 year old also. By your own out dated figures 10% supported 9/11back then. That leaves about 150 million or more who thought 9/11 was a good thing.It is more now. Every time there is an attack on westerners we hear the phrase " lone wolf",or " mental issues ". The mental issues come from the religion itself. I like the way Choke waits till the dead are buried before coming back with more obfuscation. Not a word on Brighton,London,Egypt,Kabul etc. On the travel bans- did you know Jews are banned from entering over 20 countries. Time has arrived where westerners should ban Muslims from entering secular societies. Your stats /evidence includes a Facebook page,then a claim that voices are being drowned out by media sensationalism . "An extreme Muslim wants to kill you- a moderate Muslim wants an extremist to kill you." Love it, Biff, you just keep on keeping on from your pulpit of knowledge and profound wisdom.
Biffen 12,949 Posted June 13, 2017 Author Posted June 13, 2017 1 minute ago, dieter said: Love it, Biff, you just keep on keeping on from your pulpit of knowledge and profound wisdom. Indeed. It's not hard to find evidence that Muslim seeks the destruction of non- Muslims.Its in their irrefutable book. You will not be satisfied till you hear the Muezzins call at 5am. I prefer to speak up for my own people.
Wrecker45 3,381 Posted June 13, 2017 Posted June 13, 2017 On 11/06/2017 at 2:56 PM, dieter said: Dear Mr Wreck I've gone to that site: Daily Mail. Yeah sure, the Murdoch Press is so reliable.It's been known to employ the likes of Andrew Bolt, Gerard Henderson, Piers Ackermann, that Devine Gal, and my very favourite, Geoge Pell's great mate, Greg Sheridan. Now if you want the truth about anything happening in the world just ask these guys and they'll tell you straight and simple, Boy, you believe what Winston Churchill or Dubbya tells you, in fact, just believe everything Uncle Sam tells ya. With regard to building 7, the Official View will tell you that aeroplane fuel was responsible for the inferno that caused the Twin Towers to melt and smolder for months. ( Yeah, right, air plane is fuel that burns - once - at 970 degrees or something similar. In other words, you'll need over another thousand degrees of heat to melt steel structures.) That aside, no planes hit Building 7. No building of that size has EVER collapsed, especially in one and a half seconds, from fire, especially to the tune of continuous sounds of detonation . I wonder, Wrecker, if the Daily Mail proved that Pigs fly whether you'd believe it. And while I'm on topic, isn't is just ridiculously remarkable that a US FBI Agent, who later went to jail, discovered perfectly intact, the passport of one of the so-called Pilots, this was in smoldering rubble, two days later, would you believe. A remarkable scientific story, that a piece of paper would survive perfectly intact while the two tallest buildings in the world liquefied. Only an American can be so lucky, I guess. And if you believe that pigs fly I guess you'll also believe that a plane hit the Pentagon and left not only no rubble or plane or passenger wreckage, just a clean hole about the size of the front of a double fronted house, and even more significantly, an exit whole when part of it went through untold reinforced concrete walls and came out clean on the other side, and since there's no footage, presumably still flying out in space somewhere. And I won't mention the 6 gents of 'Arabic' appearance who were seen cheering and dancing when one of the buildings collapsed, who were reported by an onlooker, who the Police apprehended, their van full of explosives, who were identified as Israelis, who were released 6 weeks later, who then appeared on an Israeli Television talk show and when asked why they were there, and one of them replied, We were there to record it. I know, Wrecker, to you I'm just making all this stuff up. Dieter - you asked me to google building 7, I did and the 3rd link down was the Daily Mail article. I was following your instruction. Perhaps next time suggest I search for something like "crazy left wing conspiracy building 7" and it might lead to links more in tune with your line of thinking.
Bluey's Dad 3,419 Posted June 13, 2017 Posted June 13, 2017 Biff, you said you hadn't seen any instances of Australian Muslims condemning terrorism. I provided examples showing that some had. I made no comment other than showing links that disproved your sweeping and inaccurate statement. If your statement that 25% of Muslims agree with terrorism (I assume you meant terrorism since jihad is not the same thing), then 75% don't and you've just shown your own over simplification to be false. If the grand mufti can come out and condemn terrorism and the Muslim community can then be pilloried for condoning it by those who ignore that fact, then there is no room for debate. You simply ignore what doesn't suit your narrative. And as I said, those links only took 20 minutes to find. All I needed was one, but I found 7. I'm sure there are many more examples out there of Muslims condemning terrorism, but figured that my post was more than sufficient. I see that no amount of evidence will sway you in even a minor way, even when it stares you in the face.
Biffen 12,949 Posted June 13, 2017 Author Posted June 13, 2017 24 minutes ago, Choke said: Biff, you said you hadn't seen any instances of Australian Muslims condemning terrorism. I provided examples showing that some had. I made no comment other than showing links that disproved your sweeping and inaccurate statement. If your statement that 25% of Muslims agree with terrorism (I assume you meant terrorism since jihad is not the same thing), then 75% don't and you've just shown your own over simplification to be false. If the grand mufti can come out and condemn terrorism and the Muslim community can then be pilloried for condoning it by those who ignore that fact, then there is no room for debate. You simply ignore what doesn't suit your narrative. And as I said, those links only took 20 minutes to find. All I needed was one, but I found 7. I'm sure there are many more examples out there of Muslims condemning terrorism, but figured that my post was more than sufficient. I see that no amount of evidence will sway you in even a minor way, even when it stares you in the face. Facebook examples,Waleed,a statement from the mufti etc does not a mass denunciation make Choke. I'm not going to argue stats-mine are from Gatestone institute- which is a Jewish site run from America.So potentially skewed as they mention lots of unreported Jewish murders in Europe that go down in the stats as gang murder or some other piffle. Your quotes are lip-service paid by figureheads for cheap acclamation. I'd like to see them marching in the streets against terrorism-not these forced deflections of blame. They only ever march against our Government policy which is none of their business. FYI-the grand mufti here has a fatwa on his head because of his comments. Even then-they were pulled out of him like teeth after the Police shooting IIRC.
Bluey's Dad 3,419 Posted June 13, 2017 Posted June 13, 2017 Right, so when we can show that there are Muslims who do speak out against terrorism, contrary to your initial position, you then cry 'lip service'. I wish I had the insight into the human mind that you seem to. There a billions of Muslims on this planet. If they all wanted us dead, we'd be dead. I regret posting. Again.
dieter 3,325 Posted June 14, 2017 Posted June 14, 2017 11 hours ago, Wrecker45 said: Dieter - you asked me to google building 7, I did and the 3rd link down was the Daily Mail article. I was following your instruction. Perhaps next time suggest I search for something like "crazy left wing conspiracy building 7" and it might lead to links more in tune with your line of thinking. They're not hard to find.And, like I say, if a 47 storey building was set up for controlled demolition the whole thing falls apart. By the way, it's not 'crazy left wing'. It just requires someone with an open mind to watch a building falling like a pancake in 1 and a half seconds, and when slowed down, you actually see the explosion points. If that's crazy, you're right, I'm crazy. At least I use what remaining brain cells I've got. At least I don't just swallow a narrative that just does not make sense.
daisycutter 30,006 Posted June 14, 2017 Posted June 14, 2017 5 hours ago, Choke said: Right, so when we can show that there are Muslims who do speak out against terrorism, contrary to your initial position, you then cry 'lip service'. I wish I had the insight into the human mind that you seem to. There a billions of Muslims on this planet. If they all wanted us dead, we'd be dead. I regret posting. Again. you're such a soft touch, choke. you always want to believe in the good of people didn't the filth supporters at the g on qb teach you anything
daisycutter 30,006 Posted June 14, 2017 Posted June 14, 2017 4 hours ago, dieter said: They're not hard to find.And, like I say, if a 47 storey building was set up for controlled demolition the whole thing falls apart. By the way, it's not 'crazy left wing'. It just requires someone with an open mind to watch a building falling like a pancake in 1 and a half seconds, and when slowed down, you actually see the explosion points. If that's crazy, you're right, I'm crazy. At least I use what remaining brain cells I've got. At least I don't just swallow a narrative that just does not make sense. but you swallowed the alternative narrative hook line and sinker, didi
Bluey's Dad 3,419 Posted June 14, 2017 Posted June 14, 2017 3 minutes ago, daisycutter said: you're such a soft touch, choke. you always want to believe in the good of people didn't the filth supporters at the g on qb teach you anything lol hard to argue with that, but I refuse to admit that a Collingwood supporter has taught me anything.
dieter 3,325 Posted June 14, 2017 Posted June 14, 2017 2 hours ago, daisycutter said: but you swallowed the alternative narrative hook line and sinker, didi Dear Daisy If you want to believe pigs fly because Uncle Sam tells you they do, that's up to you, baby. Me, I've got a brain and I try to sniff the chaff from the grain.
daisycutter 30,006 Posted June 14, 2017 Posted June 14, 2017 2 hours ago, dieter said: Dear Daisy If you want to believe pigs fly because Uncle Sam tells you they do, that's up to you, baby. Me, I've got a brain and I try to sniff the chaff from the grain. of course pigs fly, theudhar, i saw it on the web
dieter 3,325 Posted June 14, 2017 Posted June 14, 2017 1 hour ago, daisycutter said: of course pigs fly, theudhar, i saw it on the web See, I rest my case!
dieter 3,325 Posted June 14, 2017 Posted June 14, 2017 13 hours ago, Biffen said: Facebook examples,Waleed,a statement from the mufti etc does not a mass denunciation make Choke. I'm not going to argue stats-mine are from Gatestone institute- which is a Jewish site run from America.So potentially skewed as they mention lots of unreported Jewish murders in Europe that go down in the stats as gang murder or some other piffle. Your quotes are lip-service paid by figureheads for cheap acclamation. I'd like to see them marching in the streets against terrorism-not these forced deflections of blame. They only ever march against our Government policy which is none of their business. FYI-the grand mufti here has a fatwa on his head because of his comments. Even then-they were pulled out of him like teeth after the Police shooting IIRC. I believe you are a Mufti plant. Your real name is IBN Bin Biffen . You are going to dob in all the collaborators like Wrecker, that horrid Pro Dee - please dob him, he's beastly - and Fence Sitters like Daisy while you plan to turn the Romsey mansion into a Mosque. Your so-called Vietnam - The Horror- trips are subterfuge while you trudge to Mecca. I've met you trype. It's your way of hiding from your Cells that you are really gay and in love with Marlon Brando. Like I say, it's too late, he was spoken for. You never listen to what I say, that will be your downfall. Join the path to salvation, read the Bible instead of the Koran and the Marquis de Sade. You only get one crack at life, Bin Biffen, are you making the best of your chance? ( I doubt it.)
Biffen 12,949 Posted June 14, 2017 Author Posted June 14, 2017 Dieter- a good article today in Takimag about how conspiracy theories strengthen existing governments. There is another article about a Norwegian male rape victim who didn't want his attacker sent back to Africa-because he thought that was a cruel piece of punishment . The victim was a left wing politician so it makes sense. Thought of you both times.
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