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OUT: Abbott IN: Turnbull


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goodness me. governing by consensus in a democracy. wonders will never cease :lol:

but....i take your point. strong leadership and a well articulated and meaningful vision are lacking in the political landscape

mind you someones's well articulated and meaningful vision may not be to your liking

Edited by daisycutter
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goodness me. governing by consensus in a democracy. wonders will never cease :lol:

but....i take your point. strong leadership and a well articulated and meaningful vision are lacking in the political landscape

mind you someones's well articulated and meaningful vision may not be to your liking

To be honest, any kind of strong leadership would be appreciated these days. Howard taking on the gun lobby, Hawke and Keating deregulating the Australian financial system, Gillard introducing the so called carbon tax, Fraser accepting the first set of Vietnamese asylum seekers. Hell, even John Howard introducing the GST would get a guernsey! There's too much of politicians thinking of their own hide when making policy decisions.

There's too much of this idea that because a certain number of people agree with a policy, then it must be true. It's like 'eat s***, a trillion flies can't be wrong.'

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That, along with:

"If Tony Abbott ends up the Prime Minister of Australia, you've got to say, God help us. Truly, an intellectual nobody, with no policy ambition."

"Where is the thought-out position? Turnbull had an articulated, intellectual, moderate, thought-out conservative position. The fact is that Abbott does not have this."

I find it pretty funny how even in an article attempting to show Tony's fluffy budgy wearing side, quotes taken from him include swipe after swipe at his predecessors. He is symptomatic of everything that is wrong with politics in this country. He clings to overwhelming negativity like a safety blanket. The problem now is that he is having to answer for his own actions, and almost without exception is coming up dismally short.

Let's wait and see what the budget looks like with no cuts to key areas as he has promised. If he finally manages to keep a promise, I'll just about fall over. M-m-Maybe it won't be g-g-gospel truth and he can st-st-stammer his way through another defense of his b-b-[censored].


I am speechless every time I hear this interview.

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"I think any government which makes it harder to manufacture cars is making it harder for us to continue to be a first world economy."

Abbott, May 2011

Seems at odds with the cold shoulder treatment and outright antagonism. It's time for Tony to put on his big boy pants and show his roadmap for manufacturing in this country as it is falling to its knees under his watch. Whatever the factors, that is what is happening, and he's PM now.

We need an actual policy framework based on more than one liners and constant proclamations of the country being "open for business".

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"I think any government which makes it harder to manufacture cars is making it harder for us to continue to be a first world economy."

Abbott, May 2011

Seems at odds with the cold shoulder treatment and outright antagonism. It's time for Tony to put on his big boy pants and show his roadmap for manufacturing in this country as it is falling to its knees under his watch. Whatever the factors, that is what is happening, and he's PM now.

We need an actual policy framework based on more than one liners and constant proclamations of the country being "open for business".

Have you been drinking again P-Man?

The Monk is too busy to do this or was that too lazy?

Anyway he is a no substance dude with no ideas or talent or ability to Govern.

His biggest asset besides his speedo's, is that his party thinks he is their best Leader.

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To be honest, any kind of strong leadership would be appreciated these days. Howard taking on the gun lobby, Hawke and Keating deregulating the Australian financial system, Gillard introducing the so called carbon tax, Fraser accepting the first set of Vietnamese asylum seekers. Hell, even John Howard introducing the GST would get a guernsey! There's too much of politicians thinking of their own hide when making policy decisions.

There's too much of this idea that because a certain number of people agree with a policy, then it must be true. It's like 'eat s***, a trillion flies can't be wrong.'

its always difficult, well imo, to get good strong decisions of direction when things are cosy.

when things are sick, that's when the tough step forward to lead. so it will be after this current abbott term, that we'll see a real leader step up.

the issues aren't so much with our economy perse`. but IMO the problem lye's within following the leaders down the wrong dark alley, in the past.

I'm sure the world will have to revert to local economy trading, after the coming recession. sorry Linfox. it'll be a huntin' season again.

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That, along with:

"If Tony Abbott ends up the Prime Minister of Australia, you've got to say, God help us. Truly, an intellectual nobody, with no policy ambition."

"Where is the thought-out position? Turnbull had an articulated, intellectual, moderate, thought-out conservative position. The fact is that Abbott does not have this."

I find it pretty funny how even in an article attempting to show Tony's fluffy budgy wearing side, quotes taken from him include swipe after swipe at his predecessors. He is symptomatic of everything that is wrong with politics in this country. He clings to overwhelming negativity like a safety blanket. The problem now is that he is having to answer for his own actions, and almost without exception is coming up dismally short.

Let's wait and see what the budget looks like with no cuts to key areas as he has promised. If he finally manages to keep a promise, I'll just about fall over. M-m-Maybe it won't be g-g-gospel truth and he can st-st-stammer his way through another defense of his b-b-[censored].


I am speechless every time I hear this interview.

Is this why Kerrie O'brien isn't hosting ABC's current affairs now... they moved him out to 4 corners

Was this in preparation for uncle tony to run for PM ? ear.png no-one to hold him up to the candlelight ?

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Have you been drinking again P-Man?

The Monk is too busy to do this or was that too lazy?

Anyway he is a no substance dude with no ideas or talent or ability to Govern.

His biggest asset besides his speedo's, is that his party thinks he is their best Leader.

since when lately, do the right wing governments (I won't call them conservatives because they aren't) ever have a real leader? they all have puppets to front the cameras & the public.

their real strategies are all made up behind the invisible curtain, by faceless people & lobbyists. these are the ones who want to smash the workers rights & conditions, so they can play on the world stage.

Big Stakes Poker with peoples lives.

they won't be happy till Australian workers are climbing bamboo scaffolds in bare-feet.

Edited by dee-luded
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That is possibly your worst post.

Stupid and undeserving of a rebuttal.

I give in there are no redeeming features and I thought there might be.

Robbie it might have been my worst post ever but isn't it interesting that the events of the past 24 hours add credence to my main criticism of Abbott. He is out to destroy his political opponents. He is a dangerous idealogue, in my opinion. The fact that we now have a succession of Royal Commissions into all things Labour is testament to my case. Pink bats for heavens sake, then a RC not into corruption in certain industries, but into 5 specific unions. The next year will see former PMs Rudd, Gillard and then Shorten called up to these enquiries, the unions and the ALP having to fund hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees to defend themselves. I think I smell a politically driven vendetta.

We know of your obsession with Julia's alleged involvement with a slush fund with her boy friend back in the 90's and that you were appalled by the pink bats program but really should these be the Governments top priorities while they are presiding over the dismantling of what is left of Australian manufacturing.

The real issue is that Tony has taken the whole system down to a other level into the dirt because what goes around, comes around and the next time Labour gets in, Tony in particular will need to ready to face any number of Royal Commissions. No one wins with this politics of revenge!

Manufacturing is dead but the new growth industry is for lawyers and judges. Oh and you can add financial planners and their new powers to fleece the poor and ignorant of a goodly portion of their superannuation funds.

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Robbie it might have been my worst post ever but isn't it interesting that the events of the past 24 hours add credence to my main criticism of Abbott. He is out to destroy his political opponents. He is a dangerous idealogue, in my opinion. The fact that we now have a succession of Royal Commissions into all things Labour is testament to my case. Pink bats for heavens sake, then a RC not into corruption in certain industries, but into 5 specific unions. The next year will see former PMs Rudd, Gillard and then Shorten called up to these enquiries, the unions and the ALP having to fund hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees to defend themselves. I think I smell a politically driven vendetta.

We know of your obsession with Julia's alleged involvement with a slush fund with her boy friend back in the 90's and that you were appalled by the pink bats program but really should these be the Governments top priorities while they are presiding over the dismantling of what is left of Australian manufacturing.

The real issue is that Tony has taken the whole system down to a other level into the dirt because what goes around, comes around and the next time Labour gets in, Tony in particular will need to ready to face any number of Royal Commissions. No one wins with this politics of revenge!

Manufacturing is dead but the new growth industry is for lawyers and judges. Oh and you can add financial planners and their new powers to fleece the poor and ignorant of a goodly portion of their superannuation funds.

the liberals are all about making Our Labour market competative against the wages/rights & work conditions of the East. but abbott lost the election before on "workchoices"... so he killed it & buried it. you know its true. he told us himself!

trouble is the East don't have any safe working conditions or workplace rights & work for peanuts.

Is this what uncle tony expects Australians to do. give up all safety & holidays as well as 10% of the annual pay?

..... where is the incentive and room for the Eastern workers, to improve their rights & conditions, IF we start coming backwards to them?

so the only other way to make the workers divided & desperate enough, to except the lower cost conditions of a 3rd world competative workplace, is to break the unions & the workplace agreements during a big recession.

the workers will only be vulnerable enough to accept his draconian work measures, under mass unemployment.

but we'll lose all our manufacturing infrastructure & skillbase whilst he smashes the place to bits.

'sell off the farm Tony' won't stop till the place is a 2nd world wreck.

investment is overrated. a small economy is fine for normal families. cheaper property, & houses, & wages. smaller working week. & capital growth can take a holiday.

buy Australian.


Edited by dee-luded
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Robbie it might have been my worst post ever but isn't it interesting that the events of the past 24 hours add credence to my main criticism of Abbott. He is out to destroy his political opponents. He is a dangerous idealogue, in my opinion. The fact that we now have a succession of Royal Commissions into all things Labour is testament to my case. Pink bats for heavens sake, then a RC not into corruption in certain industries, but into 5 specific unions. The next year will see former PMs Rudd, Gillard and then Shorten called up to these enquiries, the unions and the ALP having to fund hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees to defend themselves. I think I smell a politically driven vendetta.

We know of your obsession with Julia's alleged involvement with a slush fund with her boy friend back in the 90's and that you were appalled by the pink bats program but really should these be the Governments top priorities while they are presiding over the dismantling of what is left of Australian manufacturing.

The real issue is that Tony has taken the whole system down to a other level into the dirt because what goes around, comes around and the next time Labour gets in, Tony in particular will need to ready to face any number of Royal Commissions. No one wins with this politics of revenge!

Manufacturing is dead but the new growth industry is for lawyers and judges. Oh and you can add financial planners and their new powers to fleece the poor and ignorant of a goodly portion of their superannuation funds.

There's not an intellectual bone in your body.

Btw, do you speak with a Scottish accent ?

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Robbie it might have been my worst post ever but isn't it interesting that the events of the past 24 hours add credence to my main criticism of Abbott. He is out to destroy his political opponents. He is a dangerous idealogue, in my opinion. The fact that we now have a succession of Royal Commissions into all things Labour is testament to my case. Pink bats for heavens sake, then a RC not into corruption in certain industries, but into 5 specific unions. The next year will see former PMs Rudd, Gillard and then Shorten called up to these enquiries, the unions and the ALP having to fund hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees to defend themselves. I think I smell a politically driven vendetta.

We know of your obsession with Julia's alleged involvement with a slush fund with her boy friend back in the 90's and that you were appalled by the pink bats program but really should these be the Governments top priorities while they are presiding over the dismantling of what is left of Australian manufacturing.

The real issue is that Tony has taken the whole system down to a other level into the dirt because what goes around, comes around and the next time Labour gets in, Tony in particular will need to ready to face any number of Royal Commissions. No one wins with this politics of revenge!

Manufacturing is dead but the new growth industry is for lawyers and judges. Oh and you can add financial planners and their new powers to fleece the poor and ignorant of a goodly portion of their superannuation funds.

Do you ever consider the possibility that they are all warranted; there needs to be a thorough clean out of the Labor Party to rid it of the corruption, problem is if there was, there would be no one left.

It's about time some of these corrupt unionists and politicians were held to account; do you have a problem with that? Or are you happy to see them rip their members off?

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Robbie it might have been my worst post ever but isn't it interesting that the events of the past 24 hours add credence to my main criticism of Abbott. He is out to destroy his political opponents. He is a dangerous idealogue, in my opinion. The fact that we now have a succession of Royal Commissions into all things Labour is testament to my case. Pink bats for heavens sake, then a RC not into corruption in certain industries, but into 5 specific unions. The next year will see former PMs Rudd, Gillard and then Shorten called up to these enquiries, the unions and the ALP having to fund hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees to defend themselves. I think I smell a politically driven vendetta.

We know of your obsession with Julia's alleged involvement with a slush fund with her boy friend back in the 90's and that you were appalled by the pink bats program but really should these be the Governments top priorities while they are presiding over the dismantling of what is left of Australian manufacturing.

The real issue is that Tony has taken the whole system down to a other level into the dirt because what goes around, comes around and the next time Labour gets in, Tony in particular will need to ready to face any number of Royal Commissions. No one wins with this politics of revenge!

Manufacturing is dead but the new growth industry is for lawyers and judges. Oh and you can add financial planners and their new powers to fleece the poor and ignorant of a goodly portion of their superannuation funds.

Geez Hood. You are a patient soul to continue on with this line of conversation. I can see the old fella getting warmed up now and he is about to get very excited sooner rather than later.

Let me just save you some time and show you roughly how the rest of your discussion with Rob (swap Tony Abbott not being a disgrace with Kevin Bacon being in Footloose) will go.

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There's not an intellectual bone in your body.

Btw, do you speak with a Scottish accent ?

Ha Ha Good one Hannibal, no I don't have a Scottish accent and I am not a union shop steward. And I have never claimed to be an intellectual, never got to the right schools or Uni.

But I hope your not claiming the intellectual high ground around here, are you?

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Ha Ha Good one Hannibal, no I don't have a Scottish accent and I am not a union shop steward. And I have never claimed to be an intellectual, never got to the right schools or Uni.

But I hope your not claiming the intellectual high ground around here, are you?

i doubt it, biffo has commandeered all the high ground on demonland and protects it passionately (with a little enforcement of the lads from the gat)

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Ha Ha Good one Hannibal, no I don't have a Scottish accent and I am not a union shop steward. And I have never claimed to be an intellectual, never got to the right schools or Uni.

But I hope your not claiming the intellectual high ground around here, are you?

That's rich coming from a bloke who found a five hundred word response to his drivel too wordy. (Not you Hood)

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i doubt it, biffo has commandeered all the high ground on demonland and protects it passionately (with a little enforcement of the lads from the gat)

Where is Biff? I am disappointed that he hasn't appeared yet to throw a jerry can of petrol on this fire. He did appear however when hookers and crack were mentioned.

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Where is Biff? I am disappointed that he hasn't appeared yet to throw a jerry can of petrol on this fire. He did appear however when hookers and crack were mentioned.

Well I did see Scotty Cam down at Fitzroy street last week hanging around the Gatwick. I think it could be on for next season, a big Reno for the Gat!! That would have the Biff in a spin.

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Do you ever consider the possibility that they are all warranted; there needs to be a thorough clean out of the Labor Party to rid it of the corruption, problem is if there was, there would be no one left.

It's about time some of these corrupt unionists and politicians were held to account; do you have a problem with that? Or are you happy to see them rip their members off?

How many tyrants through history have uttered similar comments I wonder. Of course my political adversaries are unfit to govern. They need to be dealt with. Only my party is fit to lead.

Oh and no need to wait for the inquiry, in this case, numerous Royal Commissions to report on their findings, we already know they are guilty because they have been cited in the commissions terms of reference. They must be guilty. As you have just stated.

Good one Robbie. Can you let me know how democracy survives in your world view of good versus leftist evil.

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How many tyrants through history have uttered similar comments I wonder. Of course my political adversaries are unfit to govern. They need to be dealt with. Only my party is fit to lead.

Oh and no need to wait for the inquiry, in this case, numerous Royal Commissions to report on their findings, we already know they are guilty because they have been cited in the commissions terms of reference. They must be guilty. As you have just stated.

Good one Robbie. Can you let me know how democracy survives in your world view of good versus leftist evil.

The alternative is, of course, to live in your fantasy land where you can't see what these unionists are doing to their own members.

I guess you're happy to see them ripped of by the union bosses; as long as you make that clear.

Of course none of them are guilty; I guess that's why they are before the course at the moment, to show how innocent they are.

How much of their members money do they have to steal before you think it's problem; if they happen to bring down some of the corrupt employers who are playing their game then so much the better.

You're like the reverse Robin Hood, you like to see people steal from the poor to make themselves rich.

Edited by RobbieF
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Ha Ha Good one Hannibal, no I don't have a Scottish accent and I am not a union shop steward. And I have never claimed to be an intellectual, never got to the right schools or Uni.

But I hope your not claiming the intellectual high ground around here, are you?

he can't

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How many tyrants through history have uttered similar comments I wonder. Of course my political adversaries are unfit to govern. They need to be dealt with. Only my party is fit to lead.

Oh and no need to wait for the inquiry, in this case, numerous Royal Commissions to report on their findings, we already know they are guilty because they have been cited in the commissions terms of reference. They must be guilty. As you have just stated.

Good one Robbie. Can you let me know how democracy survives in your world view of good versus leftist evil.

I guess the Victorian Police have a political agenda as well.


VICTORIAN police have seized hundreds of union documents locked in a Perth storage unit that could provide important evidence for their investigation into the involvement of Julia Gillard’s former boyfriend in an alleged fraud.

Ms Gillard was a partner with Melbourne-based law firm Slater & Gordon in the early 1990s when she provided legal advice to hep set up the association for Mr Wilson, then her boyfriend. The former Labor prime minister later described the association as a “slush fund” for the re-election of union officials.

She has repeatedly denied wrongdoing, and said she knew nothing about the workings of the fund until serious allegations were raised in 1995 that Mr Wilson and a union sidekick, Ralph Blewitt, had siphoned off money that had been paid to the fund by construction company Theiss into secret West Australian bank accounts.

While insisting she had no involvement in the fund’s workings, Ms Gillard did not disclose her legal work on the fund to other partners of her firm. Nor did she inform her client, the AWU, that she was doing the work for Mr Wilson and Mr Blewitt.

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This culture of union bastardy must change, or even more jobs will be lost:

The former head of Toyota Australia and one of its top supplier executives say combative industrial relations helped trigger the company’s decision to stop making cars.

John Conomos, who worked at Toyota in senior roles for almost 30 years including as executive chairman, said he could understand the company’s frustration at union resistance to changing workplace entitlements and practices…

“The old fashioned ideas of labour unions simply must change,” he said…

Gary Stewart, the former general manager of a Toyota “keiretsu” supplier, Aisin Australia, said the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union gave the company a “two-fingered salute” when it blocked workplace changes in court rather than negotiate.

It was the last straw for the company and gave ammunition to “hawks” at Toyota who supported the pull-out in a finely balanced decision, he said.

“If it is not the only cause it is certainly at the top of the file."My opinion is that if Toyota had broken through its IR issues - then most probably Toyota would have tried to continue in Australia.”

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