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Trapper on the outer at the Lions


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Guest hangon007

I guess you've finally answered my question. Trapper was never dropped for poor form, because poor form doesnt actually exist. You might be the only person in Australia who would take this point of view, but luckily the idea is so far outside the realms of logical thinking that it's difficult to form an argument against.

Yeah I dont think "poor form" is the only reason. And just because people or newspapers want to call it "poor form" is that what it really is?

"Poor form" by who ... the player or the team structure set up by the coach?

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Yeah I dont think "poor form" is the only reason. And just because people or newspapers want to call it "poor form" is that what it really is?

"Poor form" by who ... the player or the team structure set up by the coach?

Then what are the other reasons?

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If you're not going to play TJ, why draft him?

If you are going to play TJ, why would you play him instead of someone like Gysberts or Trengove?

Rogue you must realize that question is far too simple for hangon. You have not taken into account what it would cost to get him, that's what this is all about.

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Guest hangon007

Sure, but back to you original point, it would be remiss of us not to also consider:

Now that's going to take some consideration!

Let me explain it this way. Might be repeating myself. However, unlike many around here I dont "pot" past or present players on our list. I look for the positives and not the negatives, in both past & present players. Seriously, I dont do it at games so I wont do it here. I dont share my opinions on every player in the AFL just a many around here, why? I will leave that up to you. But let me say this, I'm here to learn and I appreciate the input of others. In fact I might just be the dumbest bloke here, which is fine by me.

If I listened to half the crap written on here I wouldn't have the faith in Colin Slyvia, Mark Jamar & Lyndon Dunn that I do ... just to name a few. B)

Then when they are "challenged" out come the "moron", "idiot", you are "wrong" ... thats fine I'm a thick skinned old bloke.

Yes, I'm critical of this place at times. However, I think I've made my position clear. In any "community" you will find many of the same traits as you do here. I accept that my views are "different" but I would not want it any other way.

So I wasn't trying to be evasive with your answer.

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Define "poor form"? Is "poor form" for 1 club the same as for all clubs. Its "Internet forum naiveness" to think "poor form" is the reason why players get dropped, especially in the modern era of football. B)

Ah yes the power of thinking for yourself?

Your responses has all the credibility of Shane Warne trying to explain his drug taking and salacious texting of women other than his wife. :lol:

If he is fit to play and not selected then he is deemed not good enough to be in a bottom 4 club. For a 1st round draft pick that you want to talk him up as, its poor form either way. It was not because of injury as you have erroneously tried to assert was the case. Sorry damn facts.

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Guest hangon007

Then what are the other reasons?

Hahahah ... Was it you that told me. Go look it up for yourself. Try google as a starting point. B)

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Guest hangon007

Ah yes the power of thinking for yourself?

And you are finally starting to get the message. Stop reading those newspaper spreading allegations & opinions and trying to pass them of as "facts".

But as you say ... probably miss that one. B)

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Hahahah ... Was it you that told me. Go look it up for yourself. Try google as a starting point. B)

I really do feel sorry for you, you really are embarrassing yourself.

I replied to you when you said you personally feel there were other reasons, so unless you have a personal blog google won't tell me this. Unless you form your opinions from newspapers? Oh wait...

As others have already proved, he was dropped cause he was playing poorly. This is called poor form, a new concept for you.

You have proven to be a complete simpleton.

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Hahahah ... Was it you that told me. Go look it up for yourself. Try google as a starting point. B)

That was a fair question posed by Ox, hangon007. How about you give it some more thought ?

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Let me explain it this way. Might be repeating myself. However, unlike many around here I dont "pot" past or present players on our list. I look for the positives and not the negatives, in both past & present players. Seriously, I dont do it at games so I wont do it here. I dont share my opinions on every player in the AFL just a many around here, why? I will leave that up to you. But let me say this, I'm here to learn and I appreciate the input of others. In fact I might just be the dumbest bloke here, which is fine by me.

If I listened to half the crap written on here I wouldn't have the faith in Colin Slyvia, Mark Jamar & Lyndon Dunn that I do ... just to name a few. B)

Then when they are "challenged" out come the "moron", "idiot", you are "wrong" ... thats fine I'm a thick skinned old bloke.

Yes, I'm critical of this place at times. However, I think I've made my position clear. In any "community" you will find many of the same traits as you do here. I accept that my views are "different" but I would not want it any other way.

So I wasn't trying to be evasive with your answer.

Don't get me wrong, I don't pot players either and i share your positivity when looking at the list...

But my opinion is based not on inside knowledge but purely on events that have proceeded this discussion...

IMHO I do not believe TJ will come under any consideration form the recruiting department because:

- We traded him for pick 14 in the 2007 National Draft, in which we selected Jack Grimes. This was in no way done as a result of salary cap pressures or any other factor other than the maxisimising of 1st round draft picks as was well documented at the time. From this i can only deduce that the football department believed that the list would improve as a result of this trade (only my assumption) and acted on it accordingly.

-The amount of players aged 27 and above over the past few years who have been given a tap on the shoulder, Yze, White, Whelan, Wheatley, McDonald, Miller. On that basis there is nothing there that suggests to me that the recruitment department would add a player who turns 31 in July next year.

-I believe the football department would be debating who will get a game round 1 next season out of Blease, Tapscott, Strauss and Gysberts rather than whether TJ should be picked up. TJ would be the last thing on their minds if at all (just my opinion)

Edited by Stigga
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Guest hangon007

I really do feel sorry for you, you really are embarrassing yourself.

I replied to you when you said you personally feel there were other reasons, so unless you have a personal blog google won't tell me this. Unless you form your opinions from newspapers? Oh wait...

As others have already proved, he was dropped cause he was playing poorly. This is called poor form, a new concept for you.

You have proven to be a complete simpleton.

Hahaha ... I rest my case your honour. I too feel sorry for you & many like you around here. Now I will also leave that up to you why that is.

Unless you form your opinions from newspapers? No I dont, but I do accept many around here get all their information from newspapers & the Internet ... but I'm so, so fortunate that is the case.

PS No I'm "differentiating myself" against many of the commonly held beliefs around here. B)

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Guest hangon007

Don't get me wrong, I don't pot players either and i share your positivity when looking at the list...

But my opinion is based not on inside knowledge but purely on events that have proceeded this discussion...

IMHO I do not believe TJ will come under any consideration form the recruiting department because:

- We traded him for pick 14 in the 2007 National Draft, in which we selected Jack Grimes. This was in no way done as a result of salary cap pressures or any other factor other than the maxisimising of 1st round draft picks as was well documented at the time. From this i can only deduce that the football department believed that the list would improve as a result of this trade (only my assumption) and acted on it accordingly.

-The amount of players aged 27 and above over the past few years who have been given a tap on the shoulder, Yze, White, Whelan, Wheatley, McDonald, Miller. On that basis there is nothing there that suggests to me that the recruitment department would add a player who turns 31 in July next year.

-I believe the football department would be debating who will get a game round 1 next season out of Blease, Tapscott, Strauss and Gysberts rather than whether TJ should be picked up. TJ would be the last thing on their minds if at all (just my opinion)

Fine by me. Sounds all fair and reasonable. If it happens that way I have no problems with that. If it doesn't happen that way I can live with that too.

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Hahaha ... I rest my case your honour. I too feel sorry for you & many like you around here. Now I will also leave that up to you why that is.

Unless you form your opinions from newspapers? No I dont, but I do accept many around here get all their information from newspapers & the Internet ... but I'm so, so fortunate that is the case.

PS No I'm "differentiating myself" against many of the commonly held beliefs around here. B)

Again, dodging the question initially raised. You should play dodgeball.

What are those "like me" around here? Those who see a point of view, consider it, then disagree with it with our own opinion and facts? [censored], we don't want them on here! Lets all conform and agree! You're annoyed because you didn't get the reaction you had hoped for, that is, others agreeing with you. You are just disappointed nobody else sees your point. That's okay, we have all been through that. Now lets see if you can get over it and come up with some more ideas for discussion. Maybe you will find another bone you can run with.

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Guest hangon007

Again, dodging the question initially raised. You should play dodgeball.

What are those "like me" around here? Those who see a point of view, consider it, then disagree with it with our own opinion and facts? [censored], we don't want them on here! Lets all conform and agree! You're annoyed because you didn't get the reaction you had hoped for, that is, others agreeing with you. You are just disappointed nobody else sees your point. That's okay, we have all been through that. Now lets see if you can get over it and come up with some more ideas for discussion. Maybe you will find another bone you can run with.

Hahahaha ...Now your telling me how I should & do think. Hahahaha. I'm really starting to love this place. Go try that one on someone else.

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Yeah I dont think "poor form" is the only reason. And just because people or newspapers want to call it "poor form" is that what it really is?

"Poor form" by who ... the player or the team structure set up by the coach?

maybe he was dropped because it was "poor form" by the coach? . . . or the newspaper? :unsure::unsure:

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Hahaha ... I rest my case your honour. I too feel sorry for you & many like you around here. Now I will also leave that up to you why that is.

Unless you form your opinions from newspapers? No I dont, but I do accept many around here get all their information from newspapers & the Internet ... but I'm so, so fortunate that is the case.

PS No I'm "differentiating myself" against many of the commonly held beliefs around here. B)

Look, you've said that there were other reasons -besides poor form- why Travis Johnstone was dropped on several occasion by both Matthews and Voss. Ox has asked you to elaborate on your position and cite what those "other reasons" were.

If you're not prepared to substantiate your assertion, then whats the point of making it in the first place? And besides, what possible reason could you have to refuse to answer what was, in anyones language, a very reasonable question?

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Look, you've said that there were other reasons -besides poor form- why Travis Johnstone was dropped on several occasion by both Matthews and Voss. Ox has asked you to elaborate on your position and cite what those "other reasons" were.

If you're not prepared to substantiate your assertion, then whats the point of making it in the first place? And besides, what possible reason could you have to refuse to answer what was, in anyones language, a very reasonable question?

I like to call that simpletons syndrome. Dont answer questions which may not support the point I have been trying to push for this whole thread.

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Guest hangon007

Look, you've said that there were other reasons -besides poor form- why Travis Johnstone was dropped on several occasion by both Matthews and Voss. Ox has asked you to elaborate on your position and cite what those "other reasons" were.

If you're not prepared to substantiate your assertion, then whats the point of making it in the first place? And besides, what possible reason could you have to refuse to answer what was, in anyones language, a very reasonable question?

Nice question. But sorry I'm not as smart as many around here. Remember, I'm the "idiot & moron" (Oh yes and the simpleton). Sometimes you always have to delve that little deeper. All I merely pointing out is ... wait for it ... dont believe everything you read in the newspapers or on the internet, not all the "facts" are actually the facts. Many times the given reason, well to be polite is utter, utter BS. However, thats not to say is not one of the reasons.

"Poor Form" is a beautiful simple yet also naive answer to belief all the time.

However, when you draw "most" of your information from the newspapers and the internet you can't help but get "mis-lead" at times. Hope that answers your question.

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Guest hangon007

maybe he was dropped because it was "poor form" by the coach? . . . or the newspaper? :unsure::unsure:

Now there is an interesting concept. Are you saying the coach always gets it right? Are you saying the newspapers always get it right?

Tell me more. You had me at "maybe". But I somehow think you might not.

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Guest hangon007

Ahh I covered all this [censored] in year 9 hangon007.. everyone knows this.

The question is are you insinuating anything or just stating what everyone already knows?

Sorry mate I'm "insinuating" nothing except many around here are naive. Anyway I'm off to watch Trappers game against North Melbourne ... LAST YEAR AGAIN. A team that touched us up twice, then I might watch his game against Collingwood again, a team the beat us by a total of 1 point over 2 games.

Might suggest a few around here should do the same. (But thank the Lord I live in a lazy world) B)

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If you would answer Ox's question to you on the previous page, you wouldn't have to keep going on like this. Ox is still waiting. Support your view, otherwise you're doing yourself no favours. Your call.

Remember this ?:

hangon007 -

Yeah I dont think "poor form" is the only reason.

Ox_5 -

Then what are the other reasons ?

Good luck.

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Guest hangon007

TRAPPPPPER ... this is seriously awesome ... watching your games against North & Magpies last year (mate if you ever read this dont take my next statement wrong)

I honestly do hope Brisbane delist you and give us the opprtunity to talk to you.

Your Magpies game .... Oh my God 30 possession game and you beat the eventually premiers. Well played. Something we couldn't do last year.

Your game against the Roos ... OH my God 35+ possession games and your boys were stiff. Yet again against a team that we could not beat last year. But with 35+ possession it was clearly your fault Lions lost.

You look like these days you are much better with a break between your games ... Dont mind if you only play say 10-15 approx depending on form. (PS that not Vossy definition of "poor form" by the way - just for the record)

Seriously mate, just for the hard of hearing around here. If we could get your services for 10-15 games and help our "young" boys to make the finals and turn a 8 game winning season into a 12 games winning season I could be sold on the concept.

Sorry, I'm the local "idiot & moron" around here and I know some think AFL football has pasted you bye.

However, mate lets put the history in the past. If you are "keen" and Brisbane do let you go (:wacko:) I could be sold on the concept if you would listen. Ok I know Vossy is a "rocket scientist" but not unlike many around here. If we are both lucky the much more educated wouldn't even listen to us.

TRAPPER!!!! ... thanks for the memories big boy. hehehehehe. :wub: :wub: :wub:

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