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Posts posted by jazza

  1. classic. nice to have a laugh this morning. has anyone actually seen BBO?

    Yes,i have met BBO,When getting treatment for depression the shrink recently gave me the all clear.

    When leaving his office he made the comment "could you please ask Mr BBO to step in.

    Passing him in the waiting room was such a revelation.6'3 bald and fatter than a bobby calf and wearing some kind of plastic get up ensured me that BBO was all that the shrink needed to complete his thesis on neanderthal man.

    Still,id accept the lift just for the chits and giggles.

  2. At every level of this game,if you're not good enough to win the footy,then the team and yourself are in trouble.

    And in PR's aftermatch interview he simply said "we dont have enough of those players".

    We are 4 years behind all clubs that have a list of players that can win their own pill.

  3. Grossly overated in this website.

    Been calling and keep getting howled down for it. But Dawes is a spud who we paid way over for.

    Get pedersen of Gawn in atleast they can MARK the ball.

    Probably missed the Pedo gutsy type of game he played last year.

    Antway going to milk the chitters and hope the scoreboard changes when i get back in.

  4. I fall into the camp that suggests depression isn't a mental illness. It's certainly real, but it's not a disease or illness. It's a state of mind and coping mechanism humans have used for time immemorial. But it's not an illness.

    I'm not an expert, but I've read the views of experts and there's no real diagnosis for depression in psychiatry. The chemical imbalance in the brain theory is very unreliable and no longer considered sound.

    Should he be sledged over it ? Probably not, as it's pretty childish, but I don't see it as the despicable action some do.

    Thanks,i feel so much better.

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  5. Think he attended more test matches than any other person?

    Bill Lawry told us that as a younger player he nailed Richies shoe to the floor of the changerooms one day and when Richie tried to slip the foot into the shoe and realised what had been done,he roared with laughter and took the joke as a skipper should.

    Yep,to bad we dont have a leg spinning gentleman around to replace the great man.

  6. I actually didn't move. I liked the atmosphere there. Whether or not as many congregate there again remains to be seen.

    I could see that stuff happening in Fed Square 3 weeks ago. Signs were being put up in bus shelters by those who wish to force the socialist alternative on us urging us to come disrupt their rally and that 'we couldn't rely on the cops to protect us'. When I participated in the Palm Sunday march for refugees, I saw the Socialist Alternative handing out flyers again to disrupt it.

    Bloody sad really. Barely a non anglo in the crowd. Just a collection of the most self righteous knobs in our society.

    So are you saying they were all Jippo's?

    We do live in a free society,let them protest as much as they want.

    Couldnt sit in the wing on any given day myself,generally city end riverside for me.Away from the clowns and close to the exit.

    I get a good parking spot next to the river and a quick westgate bridge exit.

  7. lol, the more these clowns come out to praise themselves for beating the system the more likely it will be that WADA goes after them. Brokering peace could also be seen as tampering with witnesses.

    I cannot see any way in the world that WADA will not go after these clowns and will not go hard on them once they find them guilty using their own system and definitions of proof. The AFL tribunal in finding essendon innocent have set Essendon up for a far harsher penalty from WADA once they find them guilty. .

    I seem to remember some asada person saying that the WADA/american people had looked at the evidence and given it the approval as one of the best cases they had ever seen.

    So either the tribunal was corrupted or the top 3 people at WADA are not familiar with the tribunal rules for evidence or are full of chit.

  8. The thing I've noticed more than anything in round one has been the pathetic influx of head ducking in every single game. And, even more pathetically, the umpires have been paying free kicks for them like a kid in a candy store.

    I've noticed an instance of it in every single game thus far (not even just the usual flogs at North), but even in our game against Crossy, when an idiot from the Suns just rammed his head into Crossy and was paid a free kick for no explicable reason.

    What the hell happened to the AFL cracking down on this, not only for the integrity of the game, but for the sake of protecting players from their own stupidity? It won't take long for this kind of cheap playing for frees results in a catastrophic head injury. And the more umps pay them, the more players will duck their heads into other players.


    Generally done by weak insipid cowards.

    But in todays footy{selwood}it has become accepted.

    Wait until it goes out of vogue and then throw mud at the current batch of so called experts.

  9. Stones Green Ginger was the favoured heart starter when I played. Usually a 3/4 time booster.

    Typical softkok romesy beetles attitude.

    3/4 booster,hahaha,try putting your head over the footy,that usually works.

    No wonder our club is buggered with this attitude,out with the soft and lets get some tuff buggers with coconuts in here to help us climb back to the top.

  10. You've been invited to ..."open local league tomorrow" !!!!! Bra hahah ha ha !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Make certain you shake the cow shite off!!! Ha Ha ha.... "open local league"..... WAhahahahahah......!!

    AHHHHHHHHHHHHH,thanks chit for brains.

    Free tea/coffee and beers{light}after the game.

    Sort of beats a 6 hour round trip to melbourne for the opening of yet another season.

    Dont have to worry about cowchit,as all will smell the same.

    opening,sorry opening.

    Still not smoking either girlboy

  11. Will be there in spirit.

    Been invited to open local league tomorrow and daughter thinks i should take the offer.{smarter than i thought}

    Will catch you during the year at some point.

    Enjoy the day all who attend.

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