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Posts posted by jazza

  1. Try washing your hair with it tomorrow, jazza :blink:

    Where are you Jizz? Not sneaking a puff behind the milking shed I hope!!

    I've changed my beverage of choice to Bickfords diet lime and soda - still appalling.

    A further sad irony is that two of my usual wine suppliers rang last night with special deals. The gasp at the other end of the line when I told them I was participating in Febfast did at least give me a laugh

    Unlike South American farmers,im working,Tried washing my hair in the red wine and its chit.So im sticking to guzzling it by the bucket load.Even cooked using the said wine last night and tonight.

    Anybody looking for Biff wont find him,he's down here helping me milk cows and drinking wine of all sorts.

    Would swap this camel's pi55 for a ciggie anyday,but desperately want to beat BBO in the monthly abstinance competition.

    If anybody has idea's of what other wines i can taste over the next 27 days please pass on suggestion's.

  2. As I sit here slurping on a Bickfords Cloudy Apple cordial and soda water I ask myself what moment of temporary insanity allowed me to sign up (And pay money!!) to join this "Febfast foolishness". A month without the tender caress of a fruity Shizaz! FMD what an imbecile I am.

    No competition either. I reckon Jizz will go up in a puff of smoke within a day or two.

    Dairy farmers have (read appendage disadvantage) and are unable to match with the real heroes of the land.

    Just had a Vanilla Chai Latte. What is happening to me?

    Just ordered 3 gallon of red wine and 420 packets of chewing gum from the local soopy.

    Spose i will win the monthly bet with BBO and learn to guzzle red at the same time.

    Wish biff was here to help.

  3. The "lads" signed me up for Febfast - no grog for a month! (I suspect my GP may have put them up to it) . I have had no such abstinence for about 50 years - a significant number hereabouts.

    Any thought I'd mention this to show Jizza what real 2 balled farmers can achieve.

    Want to go head to head with me Jizz? My booze for your fags ( tobacco variety)

    Anyway aim to inhale a couple of shiraz tonight


    Extra chewing gum=check

    Poofta salad for dinner=check.

    Beer in slab form=check

    2 balls=check

    Dairy farmer attitude=check

    Your on South American importer of feral animals,you me one month.

  4. Jazza I have done the others, but what or where are these Scottish archeolical digs? Hadrian's Wall or something? I live in hipsterville but am well past that. I ride a mountain bike I don't think that qualifies and I shaved the beard off 20 years ago. Still like to hang out in some hipster coffee places though. Are there any trendy coffee dens down at Beech Forest these days? What is the coffee blend at the Beech Cafe this week? Salvadorian or Costa Rica fair trade arabica? Just asking before I make the trip.

    Pablo is the prefered choice of coffee at the beech forest community shop and beer hall.

    The digs in scotland are from the days of viking and are a favourite haunt of No1 son.

    Of course for BBO,the real aussies live down this way,no pinko-lezzo hipster,pipe legged tree hugging hippies down this way.

  5. It's the only way I drink Coopers.

    I still don't consider myself a hipster though, my pants don't stop and go tight at my ankles.

    Mmmmmm the majority of posters on this board dont consider you a hipster either.

    BBO doesnt qualify because of his cheap holidays in asia's minnow states.

    Real hipster's visit places such as Machu Pichu,Mexican beer factories and Scottish archeological digs.

  6. I was having an aus day drink of coopers and was told this was a " Hipster" choice of libation. Does this make me a hipster? What is a hipster?

    You are only a hipster when drinking Coopers if you lay the bottle down before opening to let the sediment infuse.

    Dont think you are smart enough to do that.Ethans IQ would qualify him.

    • Like 1
  7. Probably watched every Beatles video/movie/docco ever made, And after any advertisement for a new show i think yeah,seen it and its just rehashed stuff adinfinateum.

    But last night on SBS,they showed a George Harrison doco,It had beatles film ive never seen,after following the band for 50 years,i still find it amazing that YOKO ONO has the rights to some fantastic material that she releases bit by bit.

    McCartney once said she had tapes of himself and John playing some new material,She refused to let him have it and recreate it in studio for the fans.

    Even at the end of last nights show,the credits were for yoko and her film library.

  8. Didnt see either of those guys play unfortunately.

    Just marvel at Cahill on the nod.

    Charlie Yankos used too knock off work early{4.00}and head to the ground to play an international.

    He reckoned all players should have a full time job.

    He also kicked the living daylights out of anybody getting into our defensive box.

    In the dictionary under the word patriotism is a picture of the Charlie Yankos and his left boot.

  9. Certainly sir, from what I can gather, there were quite a few sore bodies after Maroochydore, think that was the idea of the camp, actually given them a couple of days away, will be interesting to watch if there is any difference, although Roos said sessions may be light

    Find it difficult to wear the flag cape, comes with being called a POM for the last 37 years, offends my Irish/Scottish heritage

    Yep,I wouldnt wear a union jack either.

    Besides it could play havoc with the scooter wheels.

    • Like 2
  10. Best player to done the green and gold?

    Charlie Yankos might disagree with that.

    But all the same,TV has made us love Timmy for the better.His goals for the national team have been terrific and last night certainly was worth watching.

  11. I'm not too sure, but I have an inkling that it may have been due to the fact that Carlton had a functioning, talented and deep running midfield..

    Just a thought though..

    (But seriously, if Garlett kicks close to 30-40 goals from our midfield next year, I'll be unbelievably surprised to say the least).

    For those predicting Garlett's total for the end of the year, did you happen to glimpse our inside 50 average for last year?

    Our midfield, (which will supply Garlett) still has a LONG way to go going by last year's form.

    Garlett is a dangerous acquisition but he's going to need the ball to come his way quickly and often if he's going to kick 30+ goals.

    I think with Dawes leading so far up the ground{creating space}and the coach using forwards to help clog up midfield {we need that to help our mids}Jeffy will kick 30.

    He probably had some off field issues and also didnt want to play MMs defensive first role.

    PR will let that non-defensive attitude remain if he kicks goals.

    Win for us this pick up.

  12. Day 3 jazza!

    Backwards at a fast rate of knots,Although humour has picked up and looking forward to sparring with thye plebs.

    Speaking of which,isnt it amazing how the poorer parts of farming society can at least pretend to travel overseas by going to asia.

  13. Remarkable victory really.

    When they were 3/28 at the start of the 6th over I thought they were gone and never even thought they were the slightest chance until there were about 6 overs to go and I realised they still hadn't let the run rate blow out.

    Hastings then went bang and McKay got some valuable runs allowing poor Handscomb to catch his breath. The poor guy looked like Dean Jones in Madrass 1985!

    A great effort from the Stars and tat now makes in 5 in a row! Funny though, I'd actually rather then finish 4th and play Adelaide then 3rd and play Perth. But I guess we'll find out after we see how much Sydney Sixers win by tonight to see who finishes where.

    Nobody could have looked worse than Jones in 85.

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