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Roger Mellie

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Everything posted by Roger Mellie

  1. I'll be ropable if they get pick 2 as well. It wont do squat They can have an end of first round pick or, better still, decent but fixed term salary cap concessions. They should be able to get in a position to do something similar to Brisbane. Get in a Burgoyne (Hodge), trade for player upgrades with the lure of the dollar. Brisbane hit the jackpot by bringing in Neil and McCarthy. They just need to manage it so as not to get an pensioners chasing a superannuation bonus.
  2. Isn't there a date in August when assistant coaches must be told they are no longer required? Exit Macca
  3. Last year he reliably butchered the ball in his quest to get the ball forward quickly. I recall watching him routinely ignore a free player facing the play as he thumped it over his shoulder to no one. It went by largely unnoticed because a) he was in such good form and b) the chaos ball was working well for us. It strikes me that he hasn't been able to eradicate it from his game as he continues to do it with a turnover typically the end result. He's definitely more composed when actually running with the play but seems to (infuriatingly) ignore better options when running against the play. I hope his future is with with us and fitness, form and confidence (and a better defensive side) brings back 2018 Angus! We also know squat about what injury he may or may not be carrying. I doubt the club would trade him out if he's played the season under an injury cloud.
  4. The inclusion of Preuss would suggest so
  5. I really like this idea. I haven't seen him play this year but he looked like he had all the attributes we need apart from size (which will come in time I hope). Good smart user of the footy, good mark, poise. Could be the power forward we are missing and will be entering his 4th year of AFL footy in 2020. Anyone know much more about him? Has played 6 games in 2019.
  6. Storm in a Teacup - my guess is toe-cheese Tom's got wind of the fact that Jones' is in contract negotiations and he's been offered one year. The rest he's made / stirred up.
  7. I think he will either go to Freo as they've shown interest (He's from WA) or stay at Toigs.
  8. We could bid 42 x slightly used MFC blazers. Nah, that's too much
  9. Wagner, IMO, like many other players on the list, is a good kick (sometimes even a very good kick). Unfortunately when the heat is on it's rubbish. We have some players who are good kicks but are unable to execute under pressure. Eg. Hore, He's got a good tank and runs both ways. I'd like to see him get a few more games there to see if a little extra time and space can enable him to execute his kicks and make better decisions. It's not like we are blessed with wing options at the moment. He did a couple of very ordinary lollipops yesterday and I still see him as competing for a depth spot.
  10. The HTB decision today, IMO, was wrong. He was clearly hit in the head and enough to stop him in his tracks. Looked dazed and confused. So he was either out of it or it was a desperate act for a free. I'm inclined to think the former. Just to show balance to this argument, I thought the rest of his game was poor. Whether it's through injury or form, I'd still put him ahead of many others in our depth department, which is a way too thin at the moment.
  11. Fixed Can you ask Steven where he thinks Billy's best position is? Cheers
  12. It appears to me that Jeff talks up Melbourne when he's here and Freo when there. I can understand that. I don't like it, but I understand he might do that.
  13. OMac's form at Casey in no way warrants a call-up
  14. He also excels at handpassing to the opposition
  15. Spargo - FMW? Listed as an out for Casey but I don't think he's the carry over player (JKH is?)
  16. In: Gawn, Lever, JKH Out: TMac, Hore, ANB I noticed in the Carlton game and (IIRC) the Freo game, ANB was on the bench at the end of both games. That tell's me that when both games were going down to the wire, with players fading fast; the player with the most run, who covers all the kms was on the bench (only one spot on the bench for the Carlton game). Speaks volumes to me.
  17. I did mine last year. 6 weeks on crutches with a cyborg style brace (7-8 weeks). It depends on the type of tear.
  18. He's playing like he reads Demonland. If that wouldn't give you second year blues nothing would. He's a smart operator who is badly out of form and low on confidence. I agree his size goes against him and he's not that quick, but some of the rabbits he pulled out of the hat last year that resulted in goals was quite gobsmacking for a kid.
  19. Speaking of Captains, was Jones there? It was mentioned yesterday or Thursday (?) that he left the track and was in doubt.
  20. Agree, it's got late withdrawal written all over it. Still don't know why all the talls. Maybe a few more late withdrawals or they'll play May and Frost as smalls. I'll stop now before this it turns into a poem.
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