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Posts posted by Wormburner

  1. The reports have been nothing but positive for young Toump! If he plays well this year I can see a cult like following of the mighty Toump!

    Been reading that he is one of the louder players at training and is definitely leading by example and setting the right standard. I hope he has been strapping himself to Daniel Cross and sucking off as much information as possible!

    Watched the R23 match against the Dogs last night. Great game (bar our 2nd qtr brainfart).

    Anyways Toumps was manned against Cross most of the match. Cross really showed Toumps how to play as an outside mid that day.

    Very excited about his development and what he can be taught from Cross now he's on our team.

  2. I just watched the Foxtel replay of the R19 Melb vs GWS match...

    There is always so much positivity for the preseason, but watching that was a reminder and a reality check - we really stink!!!!

    As Roos has said a number of times "we are a 2 game win and 54% team".

    IMO our gameplan 2014 is - Everyone is accountable, be competitive and reduce turnovers from sloppy disposals.

  3. You lost me at Blackberry sorry OD.

    Although the wifes work phone is a RIM Blackberry and she love it more then me LOL

    Would not bother with a Ford or Toyota. Ford cars a awful and there something wrong with Toyota Dealership or so I got the feeling when my work last purchased one.

    Do they have a Madza or Honda Dealerships?

    IMO can't go past a Diesel Toyota. Especially a Hilux, landcruiser or Prado - they are workhorses!

  4. ^^ I spoke to senior Dogs player last weekend (was mates with his older brother at school). The players are upset that Cross is gone and rolled his eyes when he mentioned "list management, whatever that means". Also said he'll be great for our young players.

    Mentioned also that the last match of this year when we played them was a tough match and we hit em hard - obviously not hard enough to win though.

    • Like 6
  5. Melbourne Football Club – Major Announcement

    The Melbourne Football Club will make a major announcement tomorrow at 8.45am.

    Peter Jackson and Paul Roos will be available to the media.

    Monday 18 November


    AAMI Park Lecture Theatre (Access to the Theatre is via the side door in car park).

    Melbourne’s full playing list, including the new recruits, will train for the first time together following the announcement. Training vision is available from 9.30am on Gosch's Paddock.

    There you go.

    Loving the excitement around the club at the moment....

    Please oh please bubble don't burst!

    • Like 1
  6. Good on ya Don great job!!! You must be joking,he went cap in hand to the AFL because of the putrid decisions made under his eye, yeah thanks don great job well done, remember when people where naming there starting 22 for the premiership in 2013 5 yrs after Watts, Scully and Trengove where taken, it's because of incompetent fools like Don is why we won 2 games this. year, would nearly go down as the worst AFL president of all time, lets all pat dumb Don on the back.

    Is that you Enyaw??

    • Like 2
  7. How did that happen?

    From memory it was between Neeld and Flash. I believe Flash said a comment to the AFL's indigenous ambassador about Neeld either being too hard or ignoring them (something to that effect). The ambassador took his comments that Neeld was a racist, to which Flash had to correct him on.

    But you're right Redleg, another one Don had to deal with.

  8. I don't know if anyone else caught the interview (I don't know if there is a link on the SEN site and 'm on my iPhone so can't post link sorry), but I have to say what a nice bloke and passionate supporter our man Don is.

    To recap, they discussed briefly:

    - said that when Jim passed, the club tried to show a strong and united front but it was a really difficult period for everyone;

    - The tanking scenario, which he highlighted went as long as the Bombers supplement investigation; and

    - Ox pointed out that also the Energy watch fiasco also.

    Things they didn't discuss but what he had to deal with as a President:

    - He had Schwab as a CEO.

    - He had to go on his knees to the AFL asking for money.

    - Liam Jurrah incident.

    - Neeld as coach and our shocking run on the field.

    Bloody hell, what a mess to deal with.

    To finish off and the thing I loved the most about the interview was his passion for the club and optimism for our future.

    Good on ya Don!!!!

    • Like 9
  9. This has been probably the most exciting end of a season i have experienced. Usually around this time im thinking about the Cricket season coming up and i usually look down at the people counting down to the start of the AFL season and laugh to myself. Im not saying i never look forward to the next season but the last few years it hasn't been a highlight and the off season has given me a chance to restock my faith (my faith is always there but it takes a beating some years) and prepare for the first round.

    This year after playing most of the year with a caretaker coach under a cloud of who will coach us, rumours flying that its Roos no its not its Williams, no wait its Roos again etc then finding out that one of our major sponsors is leaving, then losing the other. Well we got our man in the end and i feel we have done a amazing job with our free agency/trade period. Having the likes of Hogan (i know he was already ours), Vince, Cross, Michie, Riley and Tyson all in the mix for our seniors, does make our list look a lot more like a decent playing list.

    Then there is all this talk about new sponsors but as all the leaks from the club have now been plugged there all rumours. There is also talk around about getting new jumpers. That's exciting for me too. not that i hated or loved the old ones and either way i was going to be getting new jumpers at the start of the year but that too is exciting. Obviously we will be getting a new sponsor/sponsors for the next season (hopefully for more then one) and new or old jumpers well as long as its red and blue and worn with pride, i am behind it (and in it).

    Now onto the topic of this thread. As i type we have 19,170 members and i know a lot of them are die hard roll over members but it still impressive. All of these factors have made me so excited about next season. Now i know ill probably be jumped on here about keeping the lid on it etc but i am not saying we are going to win every game etc or make the finals etc. I am just saying i am excited about watching us play. I have spent the last decade between Perth, Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra and watching game after game on TV or at the ground when i get a chance. It got to the point where i would support because i am a life long demon supporter. Always will be, Whole family are, my Sydney supporting partner is going to be, she just doesn't know it yet. This time i am one of those people counting the days. I am on the MFC website daily, im on Demonland all the time. I don't say much on here but i read a lot. Im so excited im am looking into having a couple of trips to the NT next year along with a lot of road trips to see my family, at the MCG, when the boys play. Hopefully we can keep the numbers rolling in and next year will be the first of a lot in the right direction for the club.

    Go Dees

    Good post. I'm also excited about the off season and what next year brings.

    It's incredible when you think that this time last year we were getting slammed by the media and AFL with the tanking saga....any wonder everyone's feeling good this time around.

  10. I don't mean to be rude, as I think it's great that you keep supporting the club, but why do you feel a need to have the latest sponsor on your jumpers?

    My jumper is a cherished possession to me; it has Hankook and Kaspersky on it. I don't feel like I need to change to the latest one. I'm just interested in what makes you want the latest.

    Lol. I still have Tooheys Blue on mine :)

  11. I've always rated Jimmy and I can't help but feel sorry for him.

    When you look at the Emma Quayle piece about Jonesy and with what Jimmy talks about in this article - just shows how mentally challenging to past two years must have been.

    It's time to move on to the new chapter, the Roos and Jackson era....

    • Like 2
  12. it is important on so many levels and for so many reasons that we DO NOT BLOOODY LOSE THIS!



    Agree. I was sooo gutted after PA last year.

    If I hear "we're training really well" during off season, I think I'll spew....

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