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Posts posted by Wormburner

  1. I can get you some drugs to fix what ails you.

    Just joking.

    Out of our adversity I believe we will emerge as one of the few squeaky clean teams in the AFL. No-one can tell me any of our boys have much to enhance their performance in recent or past history. We'll be able to walk proudly wearing our scarves and look down upon the drug-taking rabble around us. Hope is the drug my friend. That and a few optimistic single malts. Bugger the diet.

    Go the drug-free DEES!

    Of course we were drug free - why would we take performance enhancing drugs if we were supposedly trying to lose?

    • Like 1
  2. I propose that we somehow get behind the club once an outcome has been achieved - whether it be a mass turnout at the next training session or match (depending on when this thing goes away).

    I'm sure the club and players would appreciate us all turning up and supporting them either way.

    I know I'm going to have a stiff drink to either celebrate or try to forget the outcome of this whole fiasco.

    • Like 2
  3. Our response is due by the 29th. It will be interesting to see how long after that, the AFL Star Chamber makes its decision and announces it to the world.

    If the announcement is made within a day or so, I would suggest that would further support our claims that this whole process was a travesty in the first place.

    I hope that the whole thing is cleared up by the start of NAB cup.

    I'm trying not to get caught at work checking media and other websites every hour to see if we have handed in our response. If the AFL strings out reviewing our response for too long then I fear I'll be out of a job.

    The suspense is killing me...are we going to court or aren't we?????

  4. The Neeld revolution is beginning to take shape, no more softies, no more players ruling the roost, no more games to players that don't deserve them, hard, tough, contested football, with players that want to play for the MFC.

    I really believe he is restoring the respect and pride this club used to have.

    Interesting article that i stumbled across on the Age Website about our pre season training - looks like everyone is having a crack and is determined to take it up a notches in 2013...


    Love the part where the coaches are pushing the Neeld revolution -

    “We can't afford to miss tackles and we can't afford to get stepped,” forwards coach Leigh Brown chips in. “Get up in their face, and get up in their face big.”

  5. Ok, so far as I can see, we can't get done for match fixing . There aren't any bookmakers involved . There are no large amounts of money involved . There hasn't been any 'plunges' and certainly no unusual betting has occurred . There is nothing that we've done that could be constituted as match fixing . I'm talking specifically about 2009 which is where the investigation seems to be mainly focused .

    So .... we could only be sanctioned or incur penalties for 'Things' other than match fixing . Things like - playing certain players in different positions , giving young players more game time , putting players in for early operations so as to ensure those players can do a full pre-season , etc etc . These sort of things have been going on in all sports for a long long time . Experimentation like this is practiced by teams in contention as well . Not just in footy, in all sorts of sports . In our sport many young players have debuted in finals over the years (often replacing a veteran) . Apart from all this, there are no set rules on how much a team can experiment (in the sort of areas I've mentioned above) .

    If they find us guilty and we incur sanctions they are going to have to explain why we've incurred sanctions . They can't just come out with the old 'Bringing the game into disrepute' angle . There will need to be details given and this is why I reckon the investigation has (virtually) stalled .

    I completely agree with your comments.

    The only basis i can see for the AFL to charge us with 'Bringing the game into disrepute' is if there were damning evidence found against the club that came out of the supposed 'Vault" meeting.

  6. They've committed themselves to a full investigation.

    Even from the time they present their preliminary findings it could take weeks to finish things off. First the parties have to agree the facts ie on this date he said this etc; then they have to agree or disagree on the conclusions from these facts ie this means/doesn't meantanking; then they've got to agree/disagree the penalty , if any. It won't be just a matter of the AFL saying we conclude x and us saying we don't accept x.

    Unfortunately even if we escape sanctions , the AFL are going to have to report in enough detail to justify all the time and effort they've put into it - and to justify all the years they let other teams take advantage of the rules.

    The AFL has created a monster ..... and its hard to see them tying it up without weeks and weeks of to'ing and fro'ing (with the media standing beside the shredder trying to pick up few scraps of info!)

    I'm just pleased we have signalled again that we are going to fight to preserve our integrity.

    Don't hold your breath for clean quick solution ( unless they've been feeding us drafts for weeks already - which seems unlikely)

    Our hopefull speedy resolution to the allegations looks like taking a hit with Adrian Anderson resigning. Can just see it now, another Operations Manager stepping in throwing his weight around, and having to review all information at hand before no doubt referring to AFL Commitee.

    My guess is we'll be lucky to have an outcome before NAB cup starts.

  7. I agree rpfc

    However I don't really care what number any player wears.

    What i really care about is winning games.

    To do that we need good players what number is on their back has little apeal to me.

    Just win games

    Well said. We've spent too long in the abyss of the competition.

    This year it's time to go out and let the other teams feel the wrath of the Dees.

  8. I have to say that the the past twelve months are beyond a joke and it is all becoming rediculous. I'm sick of MFC being the laughing stock of the AFL teams and community.

    I can only imagine what Mark Neeld would be saying under his breath about this. The poor bloke will no doubt be thinking, please just give me a pre season where there are no off field distractions and I can focus on getting this team half decent.

    Yes the individuals had the clubs best interest in mind when and if they had these alleged meetings. Surely the persons involved must have thought, "s&*t we're in trouble if it gets out that we are having a meeting with 15 coaching staff, and we are blatenly expressing to them that we need to lose". I mean seriously, we can't even lose without stuffing it up!

    As a passionate supporter, whatever ramifications come from this, it will be a bitter pill to swallow.

    I want to see MFC as a tough on and off field team that strikes fear into our opponents. When the night before we step out onto the ground, the opposition players are having nightmares over how hard they're going to get hit the next day. When as a supporter we can walk away from the game saying "geez that was a tough match and our boys put their all in". And when we can say that the board is going great guns.

    Maybe one day...

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