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Posts posted by Wormburner

  1. I don't think you just give away coaching appointments to heal rifts of the past.........He has been appointed by the club for football reasons I would say....

    Your prob right, and maybe I've turned sinister.

    I do though think it's quite coincidental - they offer a position to Junior which is knocked back, then soon after Miller is appointed. It's like they either want to fix wrongs of the past, or to at least have someone with Dees history on the coaching staff (which could be made up of predominately ex Swans).

  2. I don't mind this appointment of Miller as I always rated his endevour at the contest when he played - hopefully he'll rub some of that onto the boys.

    I don't know if anyone else thought this (it may be just me) but is his appointment as a coach the clubs way of trying to mend the wrongs of the past - Unfortunately Junior turned them down, so next up Miller?

  3. With all the other Clubs and media attention focused on Adams and Martin, maybe we should quietly arranging a trade for Swallow? I would be happy to see him as part of our midfield (longtime- term) and Cross (short- term).

    Stealth, I like your thinking....

  4. Sensible move to me.

    There are evil people out there that may try to convert her to Collingwood.

    As a good Dad you need to get in first and protect her future.

    You should also get a few spare membership application for the MFC for when she gets older and starts to bring boys home.

    Haha, I'll kindly pass them the membership forms before I chase them out of the house with my shotgun ;)

  5. Its a bit of a worry that we are looking at older players that have been delisted by their current clubs as this is what happened last trade season.

    Some of us keep saying in Roos we trust, I think we said this about Neeld and possibly Bailey too.

    The difference this time is that Roos knows what he is doing and this does give me confidence.

    I agree, but as others have mentioned above - if we can get him for nothing then it's a win win for all parties.
  6. I have heard of it but never read it. Will definitely check it out as need a new series to delve into.

    My favourite character in the Riftwar series is Nakor.

    Definitely worth getting into.

    Been a year or so since I read the series, I can't remember Nakor - the name sounds Tsurani though??

    My favorites were Tomas (pure power) and Meecham (for stealth)!

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  7. I think I have worn out a couple of copies of Magician over the years as I like to go through the series every so often. It easy to do because the books at last count were up to 30 different novel centred around a young boy from Crydee.

    Haha, yeah I loved them too.

    Have you read the Terry Goodkind series The Sword of Truth? IMO it is the best I've read - big call I know, but I reckon better than The Magician

  8. Connors this morning on SEN stated he would think Watts would be staying at Melbourne.

    Yeah I heard that.

    He kept saying how "loyal he is to Melbourne" and he believes he'll be in our colours next year.

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