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Posts posted by Wormburner

  1. I was there on Sunday. You didn't have to queue very long to get a beer - that was good. Moonshadow was downing them at a furious pace - that was good. However, despite what some posters above saw, I could not take a positive out of the game. We were weak and lacking in basic skills - It was like being transported back in time.

    There were no positives in that game.

    It was a membership killer.

    If I'm missing any thing please advise me. However, if it is positive, I will consider it bull sh ite.

    Nope no positives here:

    I cannot understand the whole roof fiasco - I spent the whole afternoon with my arm/hand stuck to my forehead trying to block the sun....although I realized at 3/4 time that it was better staring straight in the sun than watch the crap our boys were dishing up.

  2. I am only 18 myself too, welcome to DLand. Pretty sure that interview was this week? If it's the one I'm thinking of then yes he said basically we need another big key forward, to go alongside Dawes and Hogan, he mentioned Tex Walker and Josh Kennedy, even said that we'd offer Buddy 15 years. While he's obviously taking the [censored] about Buddy, we do still need another key forward. Wether it's Tex or Cameron, who knows. But that doesn't mean we won't go hard for mids either, mids win games and ultimately finals. Swans won without Tippett/Buddy, they won the flag because of their dominant midfield. We'll be targeting a ruckman for when Jamar slows down/finishes, a key forward, and mids mids mids. Just can't focus on getting a big key forward thinking they'll win us games, we need a good delivery to the forwards so they can kick goals, that's where having a dominant midfield helps.

    Thanks guys for making me feel old :)

    • Like 1
  3. Fossil...dont confuse acceptance of failure, mediocrity or otherwise with an acceptance of reality ..i.e..What is

    Like an alcoholic the first step is to accept what you are and where you are and how you got there. Then you can change.

    Im just not fussed that we might be last this year..as others suggest 16 17 18...its just a number

    I think the club has known it sucks for a while now

  4. I just can't see Roos simply stepping back into the shadows, if we can't find a successor. I know he's apparently said that he definitely wouldn't coach past three years (I didn't see FC, so I'm not sure exactly what he said), but I'm still relatively sure he'll stay on as head coach past three years. Particularly, if we are on the fringe of the eight or in it by the end of 2016.

    He doesn't seem that type of person does he....

    However he did say he would like to possibly rotate work with living in Hawaii (not sure how that would work) - for him, that would seem a pretty bloody good working arrangement to me :)

  5. Which is why we are fortunate that the club had more foresight than all most of us here and retained and progressed Pedersen. A club needs a solid big (or nearly big) man who can play at either end.

    It will make Frawley all the more valuable should he choose to remain a Demon during our forthcoming years of progression and success.

    Could add Georgiou to that emergency list also.

  6. I am surprised no one else finds what attire he is wearing interesting. I think that if he rocks up in MFC gear that he still considers himself part of the team/brand opposed to if he rocks up in just casual attire.

    Why, what will you say if he rocks up in a dress with the MFC logo on it?

    • Like 3
  7. Cracking year, I was only ten, but it was when I was really starting to love the game.

    Me too, what month were you born?

    Think that year sealed my love for the dees. My old man used to crack it I didn't follow Fitzroy :)

  8. The mastermind that is Paul Roos NEVER GIVES ANYTHING AWAY.

    Just listening to him on AFL360 reminds me how lucky we are to have a tactical genius in our corner.

    I'm no body language expert - but not only was Roos a little coy when asked about Kirk, I noticed this little smirk on his face that I thought he was fighting to hide.

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