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Generation dee

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Everything posted by Generation dee

  1. Several occasions? Used as a scapegoat? That anti-neeld vendetta blinding your judgement again old buddy? What about at the start of the preseason when neeld said jack had all the tools to be one of the most versatile players in the league akin to Brendan Goddard? How about in may last year when he said the previous administration set jack up to fail by claiming he was the poster boy of the future? And again when he said jack's standing as a number one pick didn't matter as he was now on a list, but jack showed all the tools to be a very successful afl player? You just keep posting your sickening propaganda, never with anything constructive, just the same vitriolic spiel.
  2. Prefer that I took a passive aggressive approach and force fed my thoughts, good sir? Haha With the negativity surrounding several players long term place at our club, the footy department will need a plan b, or a "worst case scenario" if you like. I think cross has plenty to offer. I think stiffy could be a good stop gap, but as others have said, injuries and being burnt by rodan's impact probably put us off of that idea. totally agree, and grabbing him would ease the pain of losing Scott Thompson.. Maybe?
  3. "Stiffy" is out of contract at years end. Doesn't seem to have a spot at the crows. Probably got 2 serviceable years left, great skills (can take kick outs). Obviously isn't going to thrust us into the top 4, but could play a role. What's everyone's thoughts? On a side note, Daniel Cross seems to be another our of favour at the dogs, could add some midfield depth and is also a hard worker with leadership qualities. Discuss.
  4. Come on mate. Most reliable? You dropped yesterday you vaguely remember the posting from last year. Most intelligent football experts picked moloney and rivers leaving, and no disrespect to them, they didn't provide the leadership required of experienced footballers.
  5. This galah keeps posting the same incoherent jazz day in day out mate. Yesterday it was neelds fault that Stef Martin left for that reason. you remember stef martin, the dominating bigman on our list for several years? Tomorrow I'm thinking David Schwarz's knee injuries will also be neelds fault.
  6. Your best mate player manager invite you to that meeting? Did you bring the cupcakes? You remind me of a galah my aunty and uncle used to have. Always saying the same thing over and over everywhere it went.
  7. Exactly right chookrat. Some players have picked that up, others are taking a bit longer and some were moved on because they weren't going to pick it up! It's a long road back, but all we need is freo or someone in the next few games to get ahead of themselves and we snag a win. After that, confidence builds and expectations turn from competing, to believing, then to expecting to win. Small steps. Unfortunately some players taken over the last few years didn't develop how they (or supporters) would have liked- Addam maric, Matthew bate, Jordy gysberts, Lucas cook, Ricky petterd, cale Morton and Jamie bennell. All top 35 picks who should be forming the cornerstone of our team now. Unfortunately it hasn't happened, so the light at the end of the tunnel now is getting grimesy, trengove, Clark, jones, garland and frawley keep developing the standard so that viney, toumpas, hogan, Kent and Barry have that foundation to learn from.
  8. I think big max is putting his contract talks off due to missing a lot of footy and probably wanting to string some games together. The club aren't going to offer him a big contract on the back of 8 games that he has played, so him waiting til the end of the year is more about increasing his own worth- plenty of players at other clubs have done it recently- Andy Otten and Dave McKay at crows, max bailey at hawthorn among others. As far as jack watts is concerned, I don't think anyone on demonland wishes anything but a prosperous career for him. Obviously we all hope that's at the dees though. Neil Craig and mark neeld said last year the program they were going to put in place wouldn't be for everyone. I'm personally sitting on the fence here. I've always said he will turn into a hard working CHF in the mould of nick riewoldt or drew Petrie. Obviously that hasn't happened as yet.
  9. Lets get this straight. A player manager who looks after all of Moloney, frawley, rivers, Sylvia and watts seeks you out to tell you that all of these players are seeking a trade because of mark neeld, just so you can run to demonland and create a large enough protest and have mark neeld sacked. And my head is in the sand?
  10. Stef Martin out injured? Well isn't that something that we saw a lot! Either way, he has played 4 games. Click the link above mate, you'll see that he hasn't set the world on fire there. Anyway, that's enough revisiting of a past player who is not on our list anymore. Good luck to him either way.
  11. Spin and bs? http://finalsiren.com/PlayerCompare.asp?SeasonID=2013&PlayerName1=Stef+Martin&PlayerName2=&PlayerName3=&PlayerName4=&Compare=Compare&SelectedPlayers=2081%2C have a look at each players stats and tell me if you think we actually lost ANYTHING substantial. I'm not saying pedersen is a world beater, but you used him as an example. Martin was 3rd or 4th in line for ANY position he could play here, and at Brisbane he still can't get a solid run at it. You do realise some players just aren't up to it? You used Martin as an example of a player who left directly of not getting along with mark neeld. You then go on to claim you "know" that Sylvia, watts and frawley are all headed off, even though frawley is contracted and watts can't leave anywhere unless via trade or PSD. I put it to you that you are a muppet and you live in a drama filled fantasy land where you think all players and coaches at other clubs get along like BFFs from high school. Nothing but hysteria and tunnel vision in any of your mindless rants. Try finding something positive to look at. Like the fact we have found a couple of very commendable players in dean terlich and Matt jones, or that we played with some genuine mongrel and fire on Sunday. We all know the scoreboard hasn't gone as well as we wanted, but at least we aren't holding onto as many poor players as we were over the last 2-4 years.
  12. I bet you unplugged all your computers and waited to fight robots at the turn of the millennium! Have a look at what you are saying. Martin left, and in a Brisbane team screaming for someone to grab a tall forward post, Stef Martin languishes playing for the Brisbane reserves. Jared rivers left for Geelong, has played 3 games and is stated to be out for another 2-4( I guess that's mark neelds doing as well mate?) And for the 100th time, Brent Moloney had been at the club for 8 years, a club bereft of on-field leaders since junior was pushed, and instead of working hard, he chose the option of feeling pity for himself and trying to create a divide between the players. They've all left. Boohoo! No amount of your Moloney-esque sulking about that is going to change it. You frequently bring up gysberts too. Well hasn't that set the club back! Ill have a little wager with you, grand old flag. I put it to you that both gysberts and Martin are delisted by their clubs before mark neeld is moved on by us. You can throw Jared rivers into that deal as well if you like. The loser of the bet can start a thread titled "apology to demonlanders for being so wrong"!
  13. Moloney and gydberts if you believe demonland.
  14. I decided to check out his stats iva. In 2011, he had over 520 disposals, of which 220 were contested. In 2010 those stats were higher again. Even in an injury interrupted year last year, where he spent more time forward too, he still had 430 disposals, of which 180 were contested. But you know what is more impressive? He has laid more than 60 tackles every year since 2007, for a career average around 3 per game. Not bad stats for a "link player" iva?
  15. You've not noticed that we are breaking down between the arcs on the spread? I think your post shows exactly why daisy IS what we need.
  16. Optimism is definitely welcome after the year we've had! It would be good to see trengove, Matt jones or maybe Evans pull out a 30+ possession game (with high efficiency) this weekend to really get us excited too!
  17. Exactly right. That is so obvious I forgot to add that! Getting at least one a-grade mid is vital this year. Not only does it give jones a chop out from getting the hard tag, it takes pressure off Evans, viney, toumpas and trengove so they can naturally develop instead of trying to fast track themselves. There is a lot to envy about Geelong and their club structures, I'm optimistic that we are putting similar plans in place now!
  18. Add Leigh brown. For what it's worth, I reckon he is a pretty critical target for us. Young kids love him and he comes across as a pretty good club person. Marketability, a bit of X factor, good skills. If you have daisy Thomas and Jeremy Howe together, all of a sudden we have a couple of players young kids can get excited about watching and a bit more optimism for demonlanders!
  19. Lets just hope that we ask him directly and not just ask his manager?
  20. You are a dead set hero. Congratulations. As a doctor, you would know all about the ligaments and how they work? You'd know about previous injuries the kids had too? Get a life hero.
  21. Good news to all the fans of jimmy magner, been upgraded to play this week, in place of grimes. Now lets just see if he is as good As some posters have made him out to be over the past few weeks... All the best to him!
  22. I'm a jack watts fan, always have been (like all players who wear the red and blue) he is a great person and a very genuine guy. Unfortunately, I reckon he is probably the most likely player we have to swap. Forget jamar, GC have plenty of tall depth. Frawley could be a viable trade also, but I think the club would be negligent to lose a player of his calibre. I remember an article leading into the 2010 draft about Dion saying it would be a dream to play for the dees, unfortunately GC took him at 9, and we all know where our pick went!
  23. Won the clearances, rebound 50's.... And clangers.... Sorry for my earlier posting. "Don't worry we will win this" was auto corrected on my iPhone. What I meant to say was "good to see some rainfall in western Victoria, hope it passes through with good snow coverage for falls creek and mt hotham." Alright I've gotta admit though, as an overly optimistic, trusting supporter, the positive's I can draw from today were "when our playing group see Clark, grimes, trengove, hogan, Dawes, toumpas and potentially Dion prestia and/or daisy Thomas in the team, we will all walk taller" well pessimistic me found the voice to say "well Jordy Mckenzie will probably be grey headed by then, sellar could pull in a mark and nicho/macca could kick a drop punt to position." Then the "well I told you so" voice in my head reminded me that I used to follow Geelong as a wee 9 year old, but after gazza snr retired, jumped on board a wooden spoon demon outfit. I still remember the fight the dees put up against nth Melbourne on The Friday night prelim in 98 after smashing Adelaide who later won it, I still remember dismantling every team in 2000 with our run, dare and risk taking, (bar the scum), our 2002 semi final loss to the crows where I honestly think we had the group to go all the way, and lets not forget losing to freo when we were undermanned in 2006. I fit in well with all (both) of the fans who still think we will turn the corner quickly and go on a 8-0 run and get in the 8. I still buy my red leg membership even though I rarely get to games because I play on Saturdays and Sundays I get the frozen beans out and lay on the couch. I've always loved the dees, always will. Will always hate Carlton, will always hate essendon. I'll never like another team in the same way I Like Melbourne. But(for lack of better/censored word) GOSH, I genuinely feel worried for the welfare of some players, long term supporters, all of our sponsors, demonland regulars and the statisticians for our tackles/uncontested possessions. The bad thing for our playing group, is we have played all of gws, GC, pa, Brisbane, last years bottom teams bar us, and we are 1-6 with 50%. Sacking mark need has never crossed my mind as I genuinely have thought he could be the bridge to our clubs gap, he could be the leader to throw enough challenges down that cleared the dead wood and got the best out of players. What I watched tonight was Lyndon Dunn, James frawley and Jordy Mckenzie do nothing to increase their trade value, James sellar, Shannon Byrnes and Rohan bail do nothing to to stay on the list, and our coaching department do very little to get the best out of pickles Evans, Matt jones, Strauss tapscott and terlich's run, nor did they look after the endeavour of jones (dirty night) Sylvia (the guy genuinely wants to do the best and stay at Melbourne). The biggest disappointment is how played with deficiencies still haven't been coached stronger techniques to eliminate these errors. Jeremy Howe still can't kick for goal, players like Dunn, Mckenzie still turn short handballs over, or when they kick it, it's a bomb down the line. Is it hard to find a 25-35m option across the ground and keep the ball but open up the ground??!? What about our delivery 15m over the top of gawn/Dawes/tapscott after they had lead so hard to get 2m in front position? These are mistakes that haven't changed since Matthew bate, Daniel bell and brad millar used to do weekly. Back in 2007... Where to from here? Do we teach viney, m.jones and toumpas to keep making these underage mistakes? The errors they keep making are not acceptable. Sure all of us would wear a holding the ball or a in the back, but it's so frustrating watching a 30m kick miss it's target by 5 m, generally to a 1 on 3 contest 70 from goal. Can mark neeld tape Geelong, or hawthorn or freo, and show our players how much reward you get from running hard to every contest, wether that contest is 1.5m away, or 150. We always seem to be jogging. With no/low intensity. Last point- 4 or 5 years ago Jordy Mckenzie used to have 5+ tackles a game. Today he had zero and half his teammates had less than 2. How can you stop knowing how to tackle???? Rant/essay done. But please just show some intensity. Some care, some enthusiasm. This guts me every day, not just weekends.
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