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Everything posted by Willmoy1947

  1. ......as sands in the looking glass, all things must pass........as we who are left, to experience this farce, etc etc....ran out of rhymes.....
  2. And probably while everyone is saying they have done their time, JH will sneak in through the back door, midway through this season or next , just to say hello
  3. McGrath should be pretty stoked, best fitness staff and training conditions inside the business and out.....
  4. While people are saying at the moment, and rightly, what should and shouldn't be forgotten, spare a reflection for a "misguided" medical man and several "misinformed" families.
  5. What about: "The Dopey Bombers Saga made The Fat Bloke Lose His Voice" moderators?
  6. Yes and hope they are brothers!
  7. He's talking now,me thinks....
  8. Me no understand "Single Dutch"
  9. Who else wants their names in lights for being a selector in A A selection panel besides K Bartlett in 2012, I wonder....looks better in Newspaper Print of course!!
  10. To Who Shall Not Be Named............by me in protest at what they as a Founding Team perpetrated..
  11. Wikipedia changed already, no mention of TWSNBN.....clean slate
  12. In some ways i hope the dumb bast###s leave ASADA & WADA and then "the gear" permeates down through the AFL grades, gets to the kids areas, and the whole thing blows up in their faces. Still no TWSNBN parents awake at the moment. Then they can string these blokes up for pulling the plug on a system that's desperately trying to keep order. There should never ever be any continued immunity for those responsible, and for the amount of power these troglodytes have in this "OUR" code.
  13. Not forgetting fooling the world population on a day to day basis including sixty million white American males and females into voting for a lunatic and then employing them to build a wall, albeit gainfully employed....
  14. Emphasis on "approximately"
  15. Why would you bother playing for them then, for the next umpteen years, inexplicable??
  16. Vive la bummers francaise, combien il Fait? (Can only speak in French now, poor dear)and not too well....
  17. Caroline's article in the Age was nothing short of apologetic nonsense well short of her standard. Is Tuesday going to be now the most shameful day in Australian and AFL Sport
  18. Lifetime banter everywhere for this fellow......
  19. And what has made the shambles worse is that they tried, and are still trying to COVER THE WHOLE BLOODY THING UP, What happens, along comes another, alarm bells,cover up.......
  20. If the records aren't there we know where they are... ha ha
  21. Much more fun doing it that way! Thailand...my bad spelling
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