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The heart beats true

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Everything posted by The heart beats true

  1. Oh gees. That short doco they played after tonight’s game about last years premiership. What a tear jerker. It was so good.
  2. Seeing the demons fans respond to the the Brisbane win was something special. I reckon that was the best non finals moment I’ve had at the G.
  3. To be fair I don’t tell my parents everything either…
  4. Oh that’s interesting. The way they promoted it implied the Priority 3 was only for GF 👍
  5. To be honest I’m responding to what I heard from people calling talk back this morning. Collingwood fans saying they were Legends fans (I don’t know what that is, but assume it’s Trident equivalent) and they didn’t get through for 90 minutes and felt very annoyed about the investment. I empathised with that. The club is selling priority access membership for $30. It gives the highest priority for the first 3 weeks of the finals. Then for Gf that priority is level 3 (no idea what that means but I assume they’ll sell Gf tickets in a more tiered system). 👍
  6. I feel like it’s unfair that someone who pays a couple of grand a year to support the club has the same access as someone who paid $50 to become a member in July. It’s not a value judgement of either person, merely an observation on the access established by the membership concept itself. For example I’m not a Trident member, but I fully support those members getting earlier access than me, because their investment in the club is greater than mine. 👍
  7. I see and hear a lot of members from both sides bemoaning the lack of access for members with Priority seats. The issue is around how hard it is to get through, not the access once they are in. I do find it frustrating that they can’t allocate members different time slots. Especially when the club was selling access this week, and undermining the value of memberships most of us have paid for and used for the last 7 months. Would it kill Ticketek to give priority seating access its own hour?
  8. You’ll be able to see Kozzie snag the sealer from there!
  9. GA is available. Level 4. Hard to get seats for 2 or more though.
  10. FTB, which game was the 74K? That's really low for a fully ticketed event.
  11. I quite like level 4. I have a reserved seat in M53, but if the crowd is low and I’m by myself I often go up to 4 and watch. I feel like you can see the tactics of the game so much better up high - and it gives you enormous appreciation for the running by the wingers and high half forwards, and the timing of the intercept defenders.
  12. I’m in q49. You’ve confirmed I’m sitting with Melbourne people. I actually love watching the game on the level 4 wing. You can see the positioning of the teams really well.
  13. I just realised that in the excitement and anxiety of it all I didn’t select Priority membership allocation. I don’t care that much. I just need to be there. 🤦🏻‍♂️
  14. Got through. Only thing on the wings was level 4. Some behind the goals on ground level left, and nothing on 2 left at all. I got q49, which is wing. I quite like watching the footy from there so I'm ok with it. I'm a priority one member but all priority ones were sold by the time I got in.
  15. The theatre of the disappointment and frustration of this experience will keep the AFL on the front of the paper all week. It's hard to believe any of it is an accident.
  16. I really feel for Toby Bedford. He’s been sensational this year, and deserves to play finals footy. He made a split second decision to put his body in the way to do the team thing. It’s a tough penalty considering a player made a decision to scrape his hands over someone’s eyes and is free to play.
  17. He moved brilliantly when he came back on, and kicked some class goals looking like the Rolls Royce he is. He looked happy after the game.
  18. I know someone on the inside, and she swears he’s fine.
  19. I hope this makes the boys realise that nobody wants us to win. There’s no media story, no romance - just the best system and mindset of any team in the league. I’d be annoyed, if I didn’t think it was a sign of just what a good TEAM we are.
  20. This. I literally can’t believe the revisionist history that’s going on.
  21. I still have PTSD from the Taylor Swift situation. That was 3 days I’m never getting back, followed by a traumatic conversation with my 10 year old niece. Worst. Uncle. Ever.
  22. Jesus wept. I love how the AFL knows what a junkie I am and increasingly jacks up the price for a fix.
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