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Everything posted by Demonsterative

  1. Yeah, well, maybe, or probably not. The doctors do not prescribe Peth, or Morphine or Heroin on match days. Its too mind altering. I would imagine a local aneasthetic (spelling??) would be the call for game day. If pain medication is prescribed, I would hope that the amount and length would not require a player to end up in a home detox situation.
  2. Cook was an AA under 18 player. Give credit where it is due!!! He may never play senior AFL football but he had some talent.
  3. I thought talent identification was in the hands of the recruiter. Yes Neeld indentifies talent within the list and he makes decisions on culling and retaining players, but I think the more important factor Neeld is currently addressing is players ability to play his game (style/plan) I see players moving clubs as a separate issue to the current FD as a player may thrive in a different environment, and that does not mean he would produce the same out put if he stayed llat the club. The direction Fan is taking in this thread is akin to 'I love you, BUT. It's a back handed compliment!! That was always designed as a way of putting you down
  4. Different coaches will get different things out a list. Jones improved alot this year and some of that has to be accredited to the current coaching group. Mitch Clark kicked as many goals in a season from 11 games that the lions could only get out of him in a full season. The point being is that the players who have gone would not have benefitted from staying at MFC. If they go elsewhere and play a role in their new clubs, good luck to them. Maybe being dropped will give them the kick up the arse they needed. Its not so black and white. Its very complex this game.
  5. Stuie, you have taken this to a level that it didnt need to go. There is no racism here!!! Not that anyone needs to explain to you, but i have worked for indigenous organisation in Melb and have lobbied for land rights by going to speak to politicians about 10 point plan legislation that took such rights away. look it up. It was the Howard administration. The thing about stereo types is, one they exist in all communities, and two, a bit fun can come out of making fun of them. Believe me, black men (aboriganals) take the [censored] out of themselves too. I could go on about many other minority groups too. Relax
  6. This maybe the case, but if the sport scientist were to have an imput and agree that recovery could be over come, and I hope the club looks at this side, then Darwin could be a winner for the club. The Hawks are a model to follow with the Launceston experiment and Norf are doing the same in Hobart. The club needs to look at revenue raising.
  7. I dont think being offensive was the aim from anyone. It was a joke. Wrong but funny!!! If I was to tell a joke about the Englishmen, Australian and the Irishman. Would you take the same offence? Sometimes wrong is funny. What makes it really wrong is if it comes from a place of prejeduce I dont think this was that case!!
  8. Lets stop this now and agree to disagree and leave the aggression alone hey...
  9. It has nothing to do with intelligence Stuie. Being politically correct can be just plain boring sometimes. I happen to think your reply was horrible. Those in glass houses.......
  10. Damn, I missed that article PJ. Ill look out for it on my next trip to the Pizza shop. One good article from the filth does not out way the consistently better articles from WD
  11. I agree it was wrong, but I had a little laugh at the humour. Some times wrong is just plain funny.
  12. If the club becomes a serious finals contender, sure!!!! I hate Etihad myself and dont like going there to see the team lose. MFC membership is good value, IMO
  13. I agree the Hawks are a club to be respected. But my sister winning that amount of money from the MFC, gives me a little bit of a bad taste in my mouth. I'll add, that not one cent of her considerable amount of money goes to the Hawks either. She decided to support the Hawks since the 80's as they were successful. My dad, a Saints supporter, and my mum, a Dee supporter were disgusted in her since she became a Hawk. Thankfully she is the black sheep
  14. The fact is Neeld Aniher, Supporters refuse to turn up to games against the Power and Lions at the G anyway. Yes a good 20 to 25 thousand do turn up, but more dont. With GC and GWS, it will only get worse. A few games in Darwin will mean more to the club than the faithful who do turn up to such games. Think outside the box and concede the G is home to many more clubs than us. Its not our fortress to own anymore
  15. Is this a statement from the 'Boys Club' that many talk about? Time to move on and build the club past the Geriatrics that have controlled the club for too long.
  16. My sister won $9000 on the pokies at The Bentleigh Club. I was [censored] as she has a mountain of money and supports the Hawks. Argh good on her!! If only the club allowed Dee supporters to win the money with a pokie tax (on top of the pokie revenue) going back to the club.
  17. Darwin proposes many more business opportunities than Launceston and Hobart. Population in Darwin is higher than Launceston. Its an opportunity the club could expose if completed wisely.
  18. If Jordie is to stay in the best 22, He needs to increase his output, offensively and with his skills. Modern day taggers offer an offensive element to their game these days just like Cam Ling. Jordie may not be as good as Lingy, but he needs another few strings to his bow to be worthy of a possible premiership player. At this stage ( like most of our list) he is not a player worthy of elite performance. He is still young enough to improve dramatically though.
  19. Maybe the club will sell affordable packages. A deal through Webjet could be on the cards. Dare to Dream Robbie Also, take a sickie on the Monday. Football is more important than work :-)
  20. If this can become a fortress like Launceston is to the Hawks and the finances add up, why not. If the players can use the camp to cool down their core tempreture from humidity training and give us an advantage, great. I like the idea of pencilling in two wins at the start of the season. Also, they love there football in Darwin. If the club can tap into building more members/supporters, like the Hawks have done it bodes well for the club.
  21. I just got back from ordering a pizza and saw a 2010 CFC magazine with a 3 page article on Mark Neeld. It was an interesting read that went through his playing career and coaching career (to that point) The main point that I picked up from this article was Mark talking about wanting to coach the hardest team to play against when coaching Ocean Grove. I must admit when I heard this when Neeld was appointed last year, I thought him to be making a stupid statement that seemed a little egotistical. It seems that this is a mantra to his coaching philosophy. He also spoke about working with the locals at Ocean Grove and that to implement his 'hardest to play against' mantra, he knew he had to build strong relationships with his players, who were mostly tradies. He went on to say they had a very good work ethic that he tapped into. Other points of this article were, He saw himself as wanting to coach at the begining of his career. Malcolm Blight gave out notes and information sheets to all his players at Geelong and told his players if they ever wanted to coach, to keep these sheets as a resource. Mark kept them all and was using them as a tool when coaching at all levels. He talks about coaching a defensive game plan when at the Jets, school coaching and Ocean Grove. He had the opportunity to go to the Western Bulldogs or Collingwood, but when he was interviewed by Malthouse. He stated they had very similar ideas and ended up coaching at the Pies. It was a very good read and this article has given me more faith in the direction Neeld is taking the club. It seems that his philospohy has not changed throughout his career. He is a successful coach at other levels and as an Assistant Coach. I believe a little more since reading the mag. On the way home my hands felt dirty from reading the Magpie mag, so i thoroughly washed them when i got home. If your asking why read the mag? It was a choice between Womens Day. A no brainer and as I said the article was very good
  22. Once again I'm on my iPhone so will try to give a simple answer to a very complex issue In short, the issue ( I don't believe there is a war) with AOD issues should be addressed holistically as drug abuse is systematic of deeper issues like mental health. Only recently have govt recognized this and have poured money into different organizations to work holistically with individuals. Again I'll use the drug issue and mental health. A more skilled work force working holistically helps but does not stop the issue with drugs but t helps. The Issue with drugs in my opinion cannot be fixed but only adressed with good services and support systems to the individual addicted. A heroin user, and this can be related to other drugs, will always seeka higher high. Regulating or legalizing heroin won't provide a user with highs they want to achieve and will send indiviuals back on the street top up on their drug of choice
  23. Once again I'm on my iPhone so will try to give a simple answer to a very complex issue In short, the issue ( I don't believe there is a war) with AOD issues should be addressed holistically as drug abuse is systematic of deeper issues like mental health. Only recently have govt recognized this and have poured money into different organizations to work holistically with individuals. Again I'll use the drug issue and mental health. A more skilled work force working holistically helps but does not stop the issue with drugs.
  24. I haven't read all this thread and I'm working from my iPhone so it's difficult to read and reply. Tassie you seem to have alot of experience and knowledge in his field. I too have 20 yrs experience in the AOD field. I have moved in circles where recreational use was rife and excepted. I also watch friends who hide behind the bottle or pill bottle pretending to be functioning Individuals. The so called legal drugs have a massive impact on the many levels of society already. Why extend this to drugs like heroin or marijuana. IMO such drugs have a massive impact on society, families, youth, work place etc etc. Issues like domestic violence, mental health, general health etc etc can't be ignored when talking about any drugs. They intertwine
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