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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. and whooda thunk it? BHP are bottoming out!!! Guns ,Steel,Germs and Chemicals-you can never lose. War is cool. I want to have a money bath with Tikki Fullerton and who cares about age. I love this life.
  2. Dr John. Nobody is . The words "nasty ,brutish and short" come to mind. The most powerful Rugby player is not exempt . Nor was Jimi,James,(Morrison)Janis or James(Dean)-who got 13 or less years on this beautiful planet. Amongst other less famous genius.
  3. Biffen


    I picked you for a Dick Smith Aussiemyte type.
  4. Even the losers(get lucky sometimes) By Tom Petty. The current tune is American anyway.
  5. Anyhow. my shares in Raytheon have skyrocketed. I knew being an ethical investor would pay off.
  6. You are either cowed by extremism or too Pi55weak to decry the barbarians who would take literal meaning from the Bible,Koran or Mein Kampf. I'm not that afraid .(Although criticism of Islam is fairly dicey). My loathing of Islamist extremists,radical Mullahs,Southern Baptists,Racist preachers are all one and the same. Peaceful people aren't my enemy-and I would think you know me better than that.
  7. My Drag name is actually Paulette,not Pauline The complexity of your posts ,the references contained therein -usually over reach. Not this one!!!!!! Good for you-you've learnt to dumb it down.
  8. Quote Adam Hills ,Waleed Aly or whoever you wish. Once again you misrepresent me. I have not suggested murdering peaceful Muslims. If you have ever read the Koran or the Hadiths you might realise that the text is mostly about killing Jews,Christians(Kaffirs),trading slaves,and making an enemy of those who refuse to convert. I loathe nobody Dr. I actually don't mind Aly either . Comedy is a powerful weapon I agree-one you might acquire one day if you watch enough Channel 10.
  9. Any retard who puts a coin in the box for the next Mosque. It is the violent text behind the ideology that fuels the simpletons who wish to follow this text. Islam follows poverty and ignorance like a lost dog.
  10. Biffen


    I was eating a jar of vegemite in a bean bag.
  11. Easily the most under appreciated Demon in the last 30 years. Must be teaching the Dorks a trick or two.
  12. Moneyeater-you are a victim of your times. My ideas are simpler: Kill extremists in their peace loving Australian homes and let moderating voices who are influenced by the idiotic Koran talk about Richmond FC. I've never been a fan of puppet shows.
  13. Can i suggest some modifications. it's a grand old flag and we play like handbags who have got nothing better to do You can push us off The ball if you if you want and if you wait we will kick it to you. Every heart will spew for the red,white and blue As we chuck a game or two If old successes be forgot Just remember we won one or two!
  14. Maybe it was a bit choppy SR. Either that or the White Ox.
  15. "Don't be rude to the dishwasher-he's done some time" He lived off Acland near The Dogs Bar.
  16. He lived near me for some time. You could have been something had you not wasted your literary talents in a secure job. Hopefully your novel will be far more succinct.
  17. Having read your interests-i would like to see you post more often. This is a wonderful anecdote.
  18. I doubt your table manners would be acceptable in the aristocracy. Earl has informed me that royalty never skip the entree.
  19. I have a question about him. How does a Donvale boy get to become a Zen master?
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