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Everything posted by Nascent

  1. Lol at the typo in the topic heading. Congrats to Couch, Panozza, Tynan and Lovett for their individual accolades. While I'm here would like to extend my thanks to you KC for keeping us updated on all things Scorpions and in particular the match day updates and summaries. Really appreciate the time and input you give. I'll be watching the VFL finals with interest, go Scorps.
  2. I keep seeing this written yet have no idea what it stands for???
  3. A deal which cannot be officially agreed upon. My point was that we try and get Viney through to the 2nd round with a "promise" of pick 3. So say we have now locked Viney in with our 2nd rounder with neither GWS or GC bidding. Now we hold the upper hand. We could keep to our word and give them pick 3, or we could play hardball and say it's now pick 4 or nothing.
  4. And right there is where we can be ruthless pricks. Offer GWS pick 3 in exchange for MD2 (if everything else falls into place), then hopefully get Viney through to the 2nd round in the f/s bidding. Come trade time, we could just say pick 3 is now off the table and you can take or leave pick 4. Also, would it not seem really suss to give GWS the higher of our 2 picks. From the outside persepective its going to look like melbourne have done a deal i.e. "draft tampering", or that we are a nice (read soft) club that doesn't mind giving another club an extra advantage in the draft.
  5. Bit of symmetry for Josh Tynan playing the first and last game of the year. Gysberts is interesting, would have thought he had done enough to deserve a call up. Hopefully Neeld is just putting high demands on him to lift in certain areas as I would hate to see him traded. Big preseason for him coming up.
  6. Why would we trade GWS pick 3 and give them a selection before ours? Pick 4 is (most likely) still going to be better than the next best rival bid.
  7. Didn't sign-on for 3 years, just like scully...... everybody panic!!!
  8. Found him in less than 2 seconds. You don't have to tell me how awesome I am, I already know it.
  9. I think you and Cheesecake are in agreement, with the 2nd post i've quoted being the source of the confusion. I think the bluff most people refer to is that GWS will call our bluff by nominating Viney to stop him sliding into the 2nd round and us getting an additional top 4pick. You have also contradicted yourself by saying if they nominate they have to take him in your 2nd post, when you've already highlighted that we have the option to match their bid with our first live pick, #3. Hope this clears up the confusion a bit.
  10. Are you sure your facial features aren't too deep set to be considered classically handsome?
  11. Best of luck to Jess Trengove who is competing in the Womens Marathon, race now under way.
  12. All for positivity and fun. Although it wasn't pretty, we got rare win... gotta be happy with that. Plus Essendon lost and are a step closer to missing the 8... all round a good day
  13. Lol. We are. Also they are outside the eight on percentage. They will want to smash us to ensure finals.
  14. Is that the worst 7 goal win ever? Glad to come away with the win but that was extremely hard to watch. McDonald attempting to bounce the ball provided some comedic value.
  15. By most reports Morton had a pretty good game last week and we still need to field 22 players each week. It's a bit unfair, in my opinion, to condemn a person on a single mistake in a game of footy. Show me a player that doesn't make an error in 120 minutes of football and I'll show you a guy that doesn't like head. If we were picking players on their merits alone, we would probably struggle to put more than 10 players on the park. Sellar (196cm) should be more than capable of giving Spencer a chop out (remember the days when this was Dunn's job? Shudder). It's not ideal for Spencer to be rucking the majority of the game, but I presume the match committee has decided that a running midfielder will be of more advantage than Fitzpatrick spending time up forward with stints in the ruck.
  16. Terry Wallace admitted to not doing everything in his power to give the Tigers the best shot at winning against St Kilda in Round 22 2007 knowing that a win would cost them Trent Cotchin. Instead of making odd positional changes, he became a spectator and let the game play out.
  17. Yep, I'm getting more and more confident that Viney will slip through to the 2nd round... just too much talent at the top end to risk.
  18. Thanks for the info. Was just using last year as a guide to how it may pan out this year. I haven't seen any of Martin or Hogan this year and don't know how they rate into the scheme of things. If they aren't clearly ahead of Wines, Toumpas or Stringer then obviously it makes no sense.
  19. For those that have watched a bit of the championships, is Martin and Hogan worth going for in the mini draft? Using Gold Coast and Adelaide as a guide. Mini Pick # 1 -> Pick 4 and Mid 1st round compensation pick Mini Pick # 2 -> Pick 10 and 1st round compensation pick So if we wanted to get mini pick one, we would most likely have to part with pick 4 and 13. Would people be happy with.... Mini Draft Pick # 1 - Jack Martin/Jesse Hogan Pick # 3 - Jimmy Toumpas/Jake Stringer/Ollie Wines 2nd Round Pick - Jack Viney
  20. Yep, mis-read the article on him thinking he would miss this game. Having surgery to fix his hip after this game and will miss the rest of the year. Looks like a player.
  21. Ahh they have too... good pick up. Indeed a salient point, 8kgs is a lot of weight to lose and they would want to manage his loads until he can get back to his optimal physical fitness. Still may play today as Dr. Mubuto pointed out but wouldn't be surprised or even unhappy if he was to sit this one out.
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