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Queanbeyan Demon

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Everything posted by Queanbeyan Demon

  1. With analysis like this @speed demon, you’ll never get a gig at 7.
  2. Greg Norman won one major and shot his load at at least three others. Turns out he was a [censored] too.
  3. When the whips are cracking, the Bears are soft. When Big Joe misses, from 15 metres, the thing I’ll be feeling . . . is totally tossed.
  4. Everyone's an expert, everyone's after a quid. Pulling up the rear, content value runs 10 lengths behind egocentricity and money.
  5. Thank goodness for Demonland. Absolutely no insight from SEN.
  6. I remember thinking that in 2013 myself.
  7. I can name have a dozen up there that would fit the bill.
  8. With all due respects @demosaw, thinking, or even believing, that that is even remotely possible is deluded. do governments act with integrity? will economic and social inequity ever cease? will the media ever act professionally and even? A suggestion, FWIW, you'll find the freedom you seek in accepting the unacceptable.
  9. Yep - thin edge of the wedge, Bennite solution, beginning of the end. This type of insight provided by @waynewussell could easily lead to truth becoming a fatal distraction from the primary objective of 'Land. What will we do with a life devoid of meaning and purpose without Demonland's omnipresence to sooth the neurosis associated with being a Dee?
  10. D'land is not a forum for facts. Please cease and desist @waynewussell.
  11. All good points Rubbish Binny. Woey Sr. was spotted during grand final week in '21, outside the ground peering through the fence, watching us train. He's a Dee through and through. My contact @Anti Saint had a chat to him and said he's still supremely fit. So with our observations as background . . . Can we start Woey Jr. in the centre and bring Woey Sr. on as the sub in the last to run the [censored] around the Aints?
  12. I've just closed my eyes again Climbed aboard the dream weaver train Driver take away my worries of today And leave tomorrow behind Ooh, dream weaver I believe you can get me through the night Ooh, dream weaver I believe we can reach the morning light
  13. Your soul is redeemed Rubbish Binny. It's a story that, more-or-less, mirrors mine. Made a deal with the devil in '77. Uncle said he'd take me to the footy if I barracked for the Demons. I was a child! He, on the other hand, lived through the golden era of the '50s and early '60s and was adamant the great days would return soon enough. The wonderful era of Dennis Jones can be best summed up by Robert Flower in his book. Dedicated a whole chapter to it if I remember. "The least said about this year the better". End of chapter. Uncle moves to NT at the beginning of '79 Saw the blood bath on my own in July with 15,000 other hardy souls. Remember coming away from the game thinking our forward line was hopeless and that if we only had Bob Beecroft, it would all turn to gold. Sound familiar? Thought we were on a role with Big Carl in '79-'80. Loved him and begged him not to leave: face-to-face Then took the train from Glen Iris to whatever [censored] hole we were playing at most weeks on my own for years. Winning a game felt like a premiership for me. Rode the ups and downs for decades and had resolved in my heart I would never see a Dee flag. And for the most part, it was okay. I took solace in some great wins and watched some truly wonderful footballers. So fast-forward to 2021. When I watch the replay, talk to my mates about it, and almost every time a tear comes to my eye (like right now). Whatever anyone ever says that is disparaging about the Deez, I remind them: we invented the game, we built the greatest stadium in the world - three times, were time and again handy-capped by the VFL/AFL who quite deliberately designed the rules of the game to [censored] our growth and development, and played the greatest 40 minutes of transcendent grand final footy in the history of the game. So, yes @binman, I'm with you. A disappointing team in 2023? Let's make a realistic judgement about this era in 15 years from now. And at worst, we might say that we missed an opportunity - à la Norf in '98. Regardless of everything, in the mystery of hurtling through time and space on spaceship Earth, I forever love the Deez and will always have Paris . . . as they say.
  14. Because the only thing that counts is premierships.
  15. Exactly. You know there is little to excite in this years free trade period when the headliner is a reserves player at a club currently 11th on the ladder.
  16. How many premierships has Colinwood won in the last 12 years? Actually, how many have they won since '58?
  17. The ultimate example of dodging a bullet.
  18. Like you @Diamond Tim I'm still on a high 640 dayz later.
  19. Still better than our shot for goal conversion.
  20. I find that viewing each of the AFL's actions through at least one of two filters provides the answers to every problem: 1) Image, and 2) Money. The AFL, which in reality, is the players, are basically a self-serving and self-interested bunch. And as the AFL is a sub-culture of the broader society, it says a lot about each of us. We all, to one degree or another, suffer from psyche malfunctioning, the individual bias of egotism, the group bias of social and economic self-interest and the general bias associated with short-term goals at the expense of the long-term greater good. Because of our many human biases, the upward movement to human maturity encounters a radical moral impotence.
  21. Essential pre-requisit for being on D'Land unfortunately.
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