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Queanbeyan Demon

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Everything posted by Queanbeyan Demon

  1. its unbelievable the club has engaged these 'singers'. they are simply appalling.
  2. Music is more irritating than a half forward line of Toby Green, Ty Vickery and Steven Milne.
  3. The AFL should have scheduled the game in Canberra. Would have sold out, satisfied the 'home game' requirement of GWS and would have looked better on TV.
  4. Mmmmm....................... That'll fix it Kochie . . . you'll win a flag next year mate! Glad he's not president of Melbourne.
  5. Great contribution Redleg. Brasso loved 'Crazy Horse' and he played in the '77 premiership winning team. What you got with Crazy - and I suspect what we get with Frosty - is full on, deadset commitment. Often a little agricultural, but a team player who will always be 'up for the fight' as it were.
  6. In no particular order . . . The Filth Action Jackson Mr Roos Pedo The big No. 1 The big No. 11 The fact we invented the bloody game The fact we have the most realistic and authentic supporters in the league (with Footscray just behind us) Ray Biffin and Spud Dullard The MCG My uncle who bribed me into barracking for the Deez in 1975 Me mate Brad who has travelled the Dee journey with me Darren Bennnnnnnnnneeeeettttttttt. Jackaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Schwartaaaaaaaaaaaaa Wizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  7. Harry's calls of the 1977 finals series when Snake Baker and Tiger Crosswell tore it up were absolutely brilliant. He was a big influence on many that came after him including Hunt, Newman, Sheedy and Lane. A naive entrepreneur - led him to innovate brilliantly but get mixed up with some total tools as well. And yes, his son Brad (who also umpired at VFL level), is a mad Dee. I'm led to believe he might even frequent 'land every now and then. The Big H also had a soft spot for the Deez and certainly loved the idea of "Brasso" coming 'home' in 1981. Harry had a brilliant footy brain and was respected by many of the game's greatest players and coaches. That's a great legacy and compliment.
  8. Wish I'd taken 1000/1 on the File winning the Norm Smith.
  9. Attended the pregame function in Canberra today. Brendan McCartney was the guest speaker. He was super impressive. Here are some of the points he made . . . We are getting it right 85 percent of the time – flags are won by teams that get it right 90 percent of the time No team ever operates at 100 percent – that’s a fallacy Often he can tell who’s going to win a grand final within two minutes of the opening bounce based on how many numbers are at the ball and mistakes made Numbers at the connect is what counts – bad teams have players that leave the contest too early or arrive to late You know the side is playing well when you leave a contest and the opponent is on the ground Pressure acts must be executed with the body close to the ball/opponent (i.e. not with the arms out stretched and the body at a distance from the pressure act) The Melbourne game style is based on a ‘physical’, style of game – hard to play but ultimately successful in finals Teams that don’t play a physical style (he said there were six at the moment) will be found out in September Young, low profile coaching group and it’s a deliberate approach to keep media profile low Under pressure, players default to their ‘instinctive’ way of playing (this was in reference to a question about Jack Watts) Players attend around 16 meetings a week Players review clips of their performance Most players are able to provide accurate self-analysis of their performance Videos are made and reviewed of training sessions and more is often learnt from these than game footage His role is one of mentoring and assisting the assistant coaches – often sitting in on their meetings with players Goody’s role is confined as much as possible to the players and game day (90 percent of his time) the other 10 percent is meetings with the board or managers etc. A club is operating well when it can find good players low down in the draft (in reference to Maynard) Priority has been to recruit players “who love the contest” The players are acutely aware of how their performances effect the supporters Many players who were treated poorly by the club a few years ago are now around the club (McDonald was mentioned) Most professionally run club he’s been involved with The club has provided a lot of education about the history of the MFC to the players and they all love the place At any one time a maximum of 90 percent of the players will be buying into the game plan or coaching philosophy and anyone who says they have 100 percent buy in is kidding themselves All players are given full and frank information about their performance and no player can claim to be in any doubt about the standards required from the club (both on and off the field) and how their contribution is measured When asked about why the players do “dump things” he said footy teams are like any other endeavor where people management is involved . . . just because a coach (CEO/manager/parent) directs something to be done (example sighted was kicking long with the wind last week), it doesn’t mean they will/can execute it
  10. I was at the game today LT and the incident referred to unfolded in front of me. It wasn't Oliver's fault. Down field there were two on ones in the GWS favour. And this happened time and again today. We often find ourselves with the ball and have no options in front of us. Why??? Our 'run and spread' and workrate has collapsed which is why we look slow. We do have speed - but players are not working hard enough - either leaving the contest too late or too early. Jessie's absence is huge for us. Even if he's not kicking goals himself, he makes the forward line a lot more functional than it was today. Watts isn't in a great patch of form, but I would hate to be operating as a forward for Melbourne at the moment.
  11. Anyone think that Goody might have something to do with the form of the two ArmagedDON boys?
  12. Good post. I for one will welcome the day when the blokey, misogynist, sexist, mindless ranting coming from all commentary boxes is replaced by more articulate women who enlighten us with their well considered thoughts on the game. The current trend of women commentating on the game is welcomed by this poster. And agree, Daisy is superb and I am rapt she is associated with our great club.
  13. good point. how about Tippet or Vickery?
  14. I like the idea. Let's see if we can swap him out for Jack Darling or one of the Reids. Makes sense.
  15. How many premierships did Gary Ablett play in again? Both highly dubious individuals who have been investigated for abusing women. Wonderful men both!
  16. Good point Win4theAges. You are right of course. But their wingeing and self-centred psychopathy have cost them dearly for 60 years. Two flags in that time shows they are about as resilient as a wet lettuce.
  17. GWS = Greater Waste of Resources Richmond = Dump Road Hawthorn = Gold Taps Grove, Hypocrite Highway Carlton = RPC (Royal Parade Cheats) St Kilda = R*&% Road Suns = Bums Sydney = Credit Card Crescent
  18. Channel 7 has had appalling commentators for generations . . . "There's enough time if they're good enough Lou" - Peter Landy every second week "Oh golly Pete, this game is going down to the wire" - Lou Richards every second week "That's a terrible decision umpire" - Ian Robertson every second week
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