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red and blue forever

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Everything posted by red and blue forever

  1. STRETCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  2. yeah, perhaps returning to football was not such a good idea seems leaving us for a change of scene for his mental well being has not actually fixed anything. irony is he probably would not be getting sledged as much if he had stayed at Melbourne
  3. just saw dawes is out. the bloody AFL website ran with the line "Key forward out for dees" nearly had a heart attack...... *edit spelling
  4. you wonder how long they had been following him and giving him grief.. clarko slaps the guy after he screams full voice right in his ear... siding with clarko on this one....
  5. it's the 4th behind int he 3rd quarfter if you are watching on the smart replay... marvelous piece of acting.....
  6. Did anyone else see the great one handed contested mark by Dawes in the thundering rain inthe 3rd quarter!!!
  7. Goal!!!!!.........| |*| |.........Hogan!!!!! Melbourne 4.5.29 Adelaide 4.1.25
  8. Woooo.... traing thread, been waiting for this. questions, what was the feeling amongst the group. did they seem upbeat or down. Jones, Jones Jones. how was he moving. any sign of injury/sickness?
  9. between playing and training how many hours would a player put in per week?
  10. yes I did... but as with the week before I thought we had held up to a resurgance from them... (we did win the quarter.)
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