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Demon Dynasty

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Posts posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. Youre moulding two issues here (defamation from AD and defamation from CW) into the one issue.

    In regards to CW, Don gave a good, aggressive, statement in regards to an article or hers and dropped the Age as our sponsor (can someone also confirm this?)

    In regards to AD:

    • His statements werent worthy of suing as they are non-defamatory (would get thrown out of court as they could argue a break down of communication between Gill and Andrew so to his knowledge we mislead them + argue that no actual damage [ie, loss of sponsor/business])
    • When the AFL is investigating your club, and one of its captains for drugs - regarless of how good our case is - its good business practice to remain consistant with our no comments to the media, and a few press releases (which we have done)
    • We have no money to sue
    • At the end of the day, the right people, like you, me, supporters, and the AFL (particulary Gill and now AD) know what we told the

    North has had a serious issue with Caro for a long time now. Her claims, that they have been taking drugs, are defamitory.

    AD's claims that we werent transperant with him in regards to our original statment arent. Its small, petty and not worth kicking up a stink over - pick your battles.


    Jack/Bate/Drugs > a small non-defamatory comment by AD

    Ps, Just because I dont share your view, and I pick my fights doesnt mean I'm a push over. I'm a beligerant and the last person who lie down and lie on my knees

    EDIT: the ps and dot points

    Where did DM issue this "good aggressive statement" PJ? From behind the club secretary or media liaison officer again? There's no confusion in putting the 2 issues into my argument...only your understanding of it! It involves this club's willingness to stand up and refute matters that should be defended and doing so visibly rather than issuing "statements" that skirt around claims of lying and deceipt. If you think such claims from the head of the AFL arent damaging to the perception and off field marketing of the club then you're sadly deluded.

    The willingness and ability of anyone to stand up and communicate/represent the club and defend it publicly or even just give it a public face/spokesperson that will be listened and taken note of is non existent.

    The fact that you are unsure as to whether we took any action on The Age sponsorship or not is just another indicator of poor communication/weak leadership on offer atm.

    If you truly stand for your club you have to get on the front foot go public (live interviews or press conferences) and defend/promote and communicate what the club is about and that the Captain is well and truly in charge. Under the present President and board we appear weak, easily led and rudderless IMO.

  2. All bark and no bite.

    If North sue Caroline Wilson for defamation ill eat my shirt.

    Otherwise I'm content with being quiet, the right people knowing what we said to Gill and ensuring we get a good outcome for Jack... not being loud, and threatening to sue over something pretty minor.


    Nup. You obviously prefer to lay down and die on your knees mate.

    Not my style. At least North/Brayshaw stood up for their club and had the courage to publicly call her down.....

    If you allow a bully to keep bullying you that's exactly what he'll keep doing. AFL outcome on tanking looked poorly for us in a public sense. We were obviously bullied into an "AFL preferred" result. We rolled over. Now the AFL is happy to keep bullying us and feels it can say what it wants as long as it suits its own agenda and looks good in the media. Hence the AD accusations on the Dank/Bates issue. Keep lying down and they'll just keep hammering us publicly. And without anyone at the club publicly refuting it.....we look and are weak as. Bad for PR. Bad for the club's look. Can't be good for existing sponsor renewal negotiations and new acquisitions either. Who would want to join a club who doesn't stand up for itself? Hate to be on the front line of the membership drive atm. Hats off to the volunteers! Should be given medals of honor for every 50 new members signed!


  3. Sigh,

    RE tanking:

    We didnt loose our draft picks

    The club was found not guilty

    DB and CC charged under disrepute

    $500,000 fine - or roll the dice in court which will cost the same

    During this whole time we held a consistent view, led the media do their work, didnt add any fuel to the fire and came out with a pretty aggressive statement to CW.

    Yep, it worked out.


    Every club gets defamed. Look at North and Caro, look at Eddie and Caro, look at us and Caro.

    The difference is that this time its the AFL not Caro (dont bite the hand that feeds you)

    All im saying is that its in the best interests for the club to keep continuing with its quiet media front, until the Jack and Bate issue is resolved.

    They have said all they need to, and to the right people.

    The right people know the truth and to me thats all I care about. If you want to go chasing defamation cases by all me go for it. But its pretty petty, the club doesnt have any money, and why burn a bridge with the AFL/risk Jack's outcome.


    Yes and other clubs such as North (JB) have threatened Caro with defamation action and asked her to withdraw. At least publicly

    Not every club gets slandered by the chief like we have that i'm aware of, so there's no prior example to which you refer. Good try though.

  4. It's all good to stand up for the club etc, but which of Smorgan, Kennett, Evans and McGuire has actually called AD a liar in public?

    At the very least we'd have to accuse him of incompetently shooting his mouth off without checking the facts within the AFL. Anyone done that recently, even from a club with lots of dosh and no need for any favours form the AFL?

    No need to state "He's a liar". Just come out and publicly refute that which was said against us....publicly. And at least ask privately behind the scenes for a public retraction from AD regarding his line that we didn't fess up when we had the chance. Something may have happened behind the scenes at Board/Office unofficial levels. But to keep it internal if it has, again to me is a sign of weak leadership. Stand up for the club and communicate with your supporter base. What else are you there for otherwise?

    Weak response publicly on this issue so far = poor communication/ weak leadership

  5. I don't know what you've been reading but the club has mentioned everything in the article a while ago:



    I respect the club's quiet approach when it comes to the media. It worked during the tanking inquisition.

    The verdict still isnt clear re Trengrove - dont you think its smart not to bashing the AFL over something petty such as miss-quoted statements and clearly a breakdown in communication between AD and GM compared to protecting and ensuring a good outcome for Jack and the club?


    I'm not so sure it did. We were fined $500,000 for not tanking. You call that working?

    Yes i have read those 2 statements like most on here, but at no stage does the club refute or address the slur/slander that AD has committed against this club, either in writing or in any other media release/statement or interview that i'm aware of. Weak response, weak leadership.

    ...."Demetriou said in a radio interview that Melbourne would be in breach of league rules if the club had lied to his officials about Dank.

    ''If there was an association [between Dank and Bates], regardless of whether there has been an employment agreement, I think that would have been relevant to our briefings,'' said Demetriou. ''This issue of ethics and trust in our code is something that you can't play ping-pong with.''

    Priorities!!? Slander and Defamation should always be defended re the Club as a whole. If you aren't willing to defend the club in such circumstances at this level you may as well give the game away and head to the VFL or an amatear league. The official response/line from the club is that we've done all the right things governance wise with regard to the club doctor and supplement administration/procedures at the time. We reported it to the AFL in good faith in Feb (full disclosure). It appears we may have become aware of Dank's involvement with Trengove (as a minimum) via Bates with at worst a possible administration of an OTC anti obesity cream that purportedly contained traces of AOD964 post the Feb disclosure (courtesy of Dank & the 7.30 report). If there is a JT issue, then i agree with you, it is an accusation which must be handled with due care and the utmost dilligence and urgency.

    But with regard to defamation of the club itself...... in my eyes the Club is always bigger than any individual player. It should be defended varaciously in the press by at least one representative/spokesperson of the club. Yet we have an invisible Board that only issues the odd written statement that mentions nothing about the AD accusations/inferences.

    Where is our spokesperson/defender PJ? Where is our Smorgan, Kennett, Evans, McGuire?? Where is Don McLardy??

  6. Good to see the club putting the heat back on the AFL. For Demetriou to tell CW he was 'furious' about MFC not revealing all it knew is disgraceful, and clearly an attempt to put the AFL in the clear when they should not have been blindsided by Four Corners. Someone was not paying attention. Caro of course could not think independently or pose any queries - she'd just swallow and regurge like always. The AFL's head girl and snitch.

    But the club looks to be in the clear. Bates looks to be sunk and certainly it's hard to see the club trusting him again. JT? who knows? I'm in the camp that says we don't know if he acquired the cream, and if he did, whether he used it.

    "........Says the senior official: ''We are a football club, not an investigation agency. The AFL and the government have all the powers to do in-depth investigations and they keep saying that they know more than everybody else. To say that the club as a whole tried to cover anything up or mislead the AFL is a joke.' "

    Are you referring to this 'reported' quote Pit re us putting the heat back on the AFL?? I hope not. If so, and IF this reported response is anywhere near the truth and the source accurately quoted (and i'm not assuming they are) then IMO it's a pretty PW effort to defend the Club. If we did fully disclose the nature of the relationship with Bates/Dank back in the Feb meeting then Don, the Board/MFC should be asking for a full and unequivocal retraction from the AFL/The Age or take them both to court for defamation.

    If the club can't stand up for itself in the face of what appears, at this point, is clearly a series of misleading statements by CW/The Age and AD then what does it stand for and represent? And if this isn't the case and we didn't fully disclose when we had the chance then they will be seen to be just as inept. If the present Board/President can't defend the club under this scenario then it/him should be replaced ASAP with a ticket/people/president that are willing to.
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  7. I can take it that you have nothing to do with the medical profession.

    Or you were feeding Danks his lines with Bates

    Mate if you have the guts to say that to my face..... please ....feel free to send me an email with a time and a place (anytime after 8pm weekdays or pretty much anytime on a weekend will do just fine). You and me RR....mano to mano

  8. I can take it that you have nothing to do with the medical profession.

    Or you were feeding Danks his lines with Bates

    I'm sure you're a fully qualified Medico RR. I'll defer to your more learned judgement as always.

    If Trengove goes for applying a topical cream, part of which has a questionable weight loss chemical that isn't on the Wada banned list (only caught via a "catch all" sub clause introduced Jan 2011) then the whole AFL list would be at risk of being banned.

    As for your last line i see you haven't changed your spots RR. Always playing the man not the ball.

  9. "The AFL is furious that it only recently learnt that this drug was used"

    Last time i looked a drug was something you ingested or is otherwise introduced into the body (ie., by injection). A cream is not a drug. It may contain substances and supplements within it to acheive certain chemical reactions within the skin/muscle tissue but it isn't a drug.

    Trengove has nothing to worry about here and nor does the MFC. Open and shut case. This is the AFL looking to difuse and diflect the Bummers bombshell away from Golden Boy and his men any which way they can.

  10. Can someone please explain to me why the AFL would come out and say we hadn't been forthcoming with information about bates and dank when it looks like we had in february?

    1. The action or process of deflecting or being deflected.
    2. The amount by which something is deflected.
    1. Deceit used in order to achieve one's goal.
    2. A statement or action resorted to in order to deceive.
  11. So what you're saying is, "relax, we've got this"...... Hmmmmmmmm.....

    :blink: Subject to Clark/Dawes coming in in the next 2 to 3 weeks and staying there, minimal other injuries and Neeld/FD playing Rodan for the rest of the year and somehow getting Magner into the team....Yes!! :lol:

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  12. For MFC's sake your comment may be correct RN, however, Clark's playing record isn't good when games per season are considered, and Dawes?

    MFC does have the easiest draw this year, so all opposition could be considered decent and I guess any win (or even two in a row) is possible under those circumstances, but it hardly says much about MN's performance!

    Yeah i realise he's had a Scheisshaus 12 months and 3 matches Hard. No argument there, however.....

    Once belief starts to take hold in a playing group (and a club) things turnaround fairly quickly and they're already turning. And with very few players on the LTI i'm predicting a pretty good turn around from about Round 7 onwards. I don't expect us to be giant killers and nor do i expect we'll win this weekend without a Key Forward, but we should start to rack up some wins against teams from about position 9 and down. And no i'm not suggesting we'll win every match but other than interstate games and North at Etihad (where we completely suck and they own) i'd say we're a strong chance against any of the other clubs in those positions (9 and down) at the G.

    I'm predicting approximately 7 to 9 wins from about Round 7 onwards. Get your flogger out and your IQ on the ready and enjoy mate! B)

  13. This thread is going to look pretty silly in 5 to 6 weeks when we have Dawes/Clark back and the team starts stringing a few wins together on the trot against decent opposition.

    I can see another thread starting...... "WE MUST KEEP NEELD!!" B)

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  14. Agree with every word here. Frawley, whilst well down on his best this year, is still our best defender by a fair margin.

    As for Sylvia, sure he's great when on, but that is very rare. If he goes at the end of the year, a large percentage of our salary cap will be free (even more so with the retirement of Davey).

    I think Terlich and Garland are our best defenders so far this season. Yes, Terlich even at this early stage. Terlich's probably getting the 2nd or 3rd best forward so maybe that's a little unfair on Chip but Chip just seems happy to put in a reasonable game each week rather than extend himself to the next level.

    Terlich is "A" grade in attitude, effort and attack urgency at the ball/opponent. Chip is a B grader who's shown spurts of A grade form and effort in years past but has never quite taken that next step and definitely hasn't so far this season. Still a solid defender though IMO.

    Hopefully by seeing Terlich's efforts/urgency and willingness to take the game/opponents on, and even Garland's improved efforts and confidence so far this season, he might start to get a little riggle and niggle on in his attitude and put that extra effort/urgency and more effective/smart disposal into his game as the season progresses.

    Could be a little burnt out after seeing so much ball rain down on the defenseive lines the last 12 months. Maybe a little refresher up forward would't hurt for a few games, similar to what Neeld tried with Garland late last year. They say a change is as good as a holiday!

  15. DT, you're preaching to the choir. We all know JW is soft. If he can't change his ways he's gorn. If he hasn't got one already, he needs a personal mentor who can get into his head.

    How about a boxing trainer?

  16. Nupp.

    Just watched it, shivers down my spine..

    Honestly that was Gary Ablett like..

    Yeah it was great but not as great as how i saw it on the day. Maybe i should take my bonoculars to the match next time. Good to see though and hopefully we see this sort of attack and committment from the whole team from here on.

  17. From the AFL web site - http://www.afl.com.au/news/2013-04-25/neeld-better-than-ever

    Seems to be some unity from the playing group.despite the speculation.

    Look I agree with the Neeld doubters that Neeld has to keep the team competitive - losing every week by 100 pts is not acceptable..... But lets not make decisions on emotion,

    If by this time nex year no progress has been made I will be on the sack Neeld bandwagon - but until then lets give the boys some support

    Hi Mark and welcome to Demonland. Good luck against the Lions this weekend mate!

  18. I have selectively quoted you Rusty, because I think this passage says a lot. I would add one more feature - skills, skills, skills...

    You have said it very well.

    Cheers HN.

    Yep, they sure have it in spades mate. And they're so damn good at executing, in some cases both sides of the body too!

    In addition they make sure they've usually got at least 2 or 3 fast/or evasive outside runners (i say outside but they're also willing to take the game on through the guts at times) to receive and move the ball/break lines (in order to create mayhem/uncertainty/and defend by all out attacking play). Unfortunately they appear to have uncovered yet another one of these in young Motlop. Selwood was pretty amazing on the weekend but Motlop's ability to run/burn off an opponent through a change of pace and lateral movement, then execute lace out passes & fairly accurate kicks for goal after all that work is something to behold atm. Add a fit Varcoe back into the mix and look out. As if they aren't a handfull already lol. Stokes is pretty good at evasion up forward as well.

    Hopefully Byrnes is passing a whole lot of this good stuff on to the younger boys, well actually most of the boys lol! Really enjoying his work and hoping he can stay fit.

    Oh, one other thing, i think the skill level with some players will improve somewhat now that they appear to have found some belief on the field. I think many of them would have been playing in fear or for their career which can do weird things to people. With belief will come confidence and more attackiing flair (i hope!). Although i realise it will take more than one solid quarter against GWS to grow the belief/confidence factor. Going to be interesting to see if this is the case this weekend.

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  19. Funny you say that, because they will decide his fate.

    If they back him, then they should show it. If they show it, he will keep his job.

    I think in the end this is what it comes to RP. If the players truly believe in and have faith in the Neeld mantra, strategy and style then they'll show it more often and will fight games out to their last breath when behind and bury teams when they get on top of them and can.

    If they don't they wont and Neeld (or pretty much anyone that coaches them) is toast given enough carp dished up from the playing group and enough time.

    All Neeld (and the board/club) can do is set up the environment, facilities, culture and training program (which hopefully is TRULY elite or so close to it it doesn't matter) then the rest is up to the present player list and their efforts or lack thereof during every minute of every game. The coach can make some sort of difference there's no doubt, even on game day with match ups and pre match at the selection table. Even off the field with what he seeks from the trade table as well as how he (and others charged with doing so within the FD) develop each player individually.

    My one worry is the level of turnovers and some of the poor disposal efficiency that is still present in many minutes/quarters with some improvement in the 2nd half of the GWS match albeit against a below par opponent. If Neeld & crew are running an elite program it's awefully hard to tell when watching some of the woeful disposal/skill levels in most of the matches this year. I guess the only option (if it persists and they aren't improving over a reasonable time) is to keep rolling through the list and bring in further recruits who can to replace those who aren't able to cut the mustard.

    Ultimately though, if most aspects of the club's FD are very highly comptetitive with the top liners of the league (and assuming we recruit/develop quite well comparatively too), then surely success or otherwise will come down to the players and their own attitude/desire/want to better themselves as individuals and as a team.

    Where there's a will there's a way. All you have to do is watch the Cats in pretty much any game and it's on show. They never rest even when playing a high level of football and are always willing to do the 1 percenters as well as run both ways and close down space on their opponent to pressure him into a turnover or steal the ball themselves. They then have complete faith in each other, put 2nd and 3rd efforts in running forward/lateral once they win possession or think they're about to, demanding the next possession (even if they've just given it off). Their game style is fairly simple but what isn't simple is their massive desire and their will which they impose on each and every contest to try and outplay and compete/beat their opponent one on one.

    I realise our list is a million miles away from the Cats at this point, but if we show the same intent/desire and effort every minute of every game as the Cats do and as we did in much of the last quarter on Sunday, then i think Neeld (and any coach for that matter) is more than likely going to stay the journey.

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  20. Was a jaw dropping moment for me.

    Can't recall the last time i saw a player at the MFC do something like that. Maybe Jakovich in full flight, but even then it would only be 2 players max. I think Col brushed off 3 in that run or was i seeing things?

  21. Disagree - slow and slower.

    Unearthed Evans, now one or two more.

    Not disagreeing with you. But these are options for us until we find the right mix. Dont need to be super fast to play it smart in the mid field. Watson, Hodge, Mitchell some examples present day. Greg Williams a classic example of a past great. Players can be perceived as slow by foot and may well be, but if they learn to use and move the ball around smartly and quickly and also learn to baulk/fake etc laterally, it can make up for a lack of leg speed when trying to clear the centre contest, but only to a point.

    You certainly wouldn't want your ideal mid field to consist entirely of solid but relatively slow by foot types. That's why I added that we definity need leg speed outside, but u appear to only see what you want to see.

  22. Whilst I agree with a lot of what you say here BH, if we can improve our midfield, I think we'll see a drastic climb up the ladder. Naturally if it were to be this season, we'd have to uncover a few unexpected gems. Matt Jones would have to begin to get clearances like Nathan Jones. Viney would have to join in and Sylvia would have to become consistent. IF the midfield is playing accountable footy and winning its fair share of clearances, we will look like a much better side. Our defence will suddenly look like the great wall again, as confidence will flow through the entire team. It all starts in the midfield though. Your midfield makes your other players look better or worse than they are.

    EDIT. There was no inappropriate language used in the post. I edited it for its grammar.

    Re Sylvia, I think Neeld will be champing at the bit to get Dawesy into the foward line. Allows Sylvia to rotate through the mid more often versus up forward. Will provide another dangerous option up forward and stretch the opponents defence a tad more too. But yes, mid field is the key and needs more talent unfusion regardless of Dawes injection.

    Dawes injection will bolster things a little though.

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