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Crompton's the man

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Posts posted by Crompton's the man

  1. If I was running the ASADA case, I would open by stating that I will present a large body of evidence (albeit mainly circumstantial) which should prove to the tribunal's comfortable satisfaction that the 34 players ingested a banned substance TB4. I would then make the point that the onus is on the players to provide a plausible alternative as to what occurred at their club in 2011/12 and ask where is the evidence and where are the witnesses? Where are the records of what the players were given? Where are the people who ran the programme, supplied the material billed to the club? Where is the chemist who compounded that material? Where are Dank? Robinson? Charter? Hamilton and Alavi? What steps did the players and their representatives take to ensure their appearance at the tribunal to give evidence to provide a plausible alternative explanation as to the substances with which they were injected? I would ask why, if as they claim they were given vitamins, are all these people so eager to hide what was inherently such an innocent project?

    If the best the players' counsel can come up with is that there's no evidence in the absence of Charter and Alavi (incidentally, both have very good reasons why they should not appear - and you can add Dank et al to that), then I suggest he has some homework to do over the weekend. If those friends of yours were referring to our mate David Grace QC, then he should pack some warm clothes for his forthcoming trip to Switzerland.

    This is very well argued

    Can their strategy be to have an adverse finding, sanctions imposed and appeal against such finding that the standard of proof required while meeting the comfortable satisfaction of the tribunal, is not sustainable in the court of appeal as legal proof of wrongdoing and the penalties are unenforceable?

  2. Not just here but everywhere : " begs the question " is used interchangeably with "invites the question "

    Alas, I went to school in the days when English was taught and to beg the question meant to assume the answer in the framing

    ( all knowledgeable football fans agree that ....)

    I want to appeal that current use of terminology

  3. I suspect it will be at minimum 1 year as of the tribunal

    These idiots have fought all the way..no leniency. Having said that they ought to get 4 years . the new penalty. But may get 2y with benefit of......politics.... ( everything that goes into this pot )

    Anything under a year and WADA go apeshlt...as they should...even that is light.

    So hope you are right

    but pragmatism ( mounted on a pedestal in the AFL foyer and worshiped with admirable fervour) suggests the lettuce leaf option much (MUCH) more likely ....

    I really want to be wrong about this

  4. LH I think you under estimate the thickness of his skin.

    Hird and his cheer squad still think they are correct and I really believe they will go the grave with that belief.

    Not entirely unlike the attitude of the american policeman that shot the unarmed teenager dead : through his lawyer - no apology will be forthcoming ( because he did nothing wrong)

    One admires people who are totally convinced of their rightness .....

  5. Are you positing that his eyes close at the same time?


    To, Too, Two

    What’s the difference between to, too, and two? It’s not too difficult to use them, once you take the time to learn what they mean – and do some practicing, too.


    To has two functions. First, as a preposition, in which case it always precedes a noun.

    Secondly, to indicates an infinitive when it precedes a verb.

    I’m going to the store

    He went to Italy

    This belongs to David

    I need to study

    We want to help

    He’s going to eat


    Too also has two uses. First, as a synonym for "also":

    Secondly, too means excessively when it precedes an adjective or adverb.

    Can I go too?

    He went to France too

    I think that’s Paul’s book too

    I’m too tired

    He’s walking too quickly

    I ate too much


    Two is a number.

    One, two, three…

    I have two cars

    She ate two pieces of pie

    Edit:- I had to fix the errors in the eLearn English paste !!!

    Thanks for that ....

    I, too, was wondering what all them words meant

  6. The Medical Board / AHPRA are being as tardy and neglectful as are WorkSafe (or whatever they are called this week). He (appears to have ) failed in his primary duty, which is to to care for his patients and look after their welfare and instead put the employers' priorities first. E P I C F A I L !

    Could be as simple as the possible fact that no one has made a complaint to the relevant body

  7. Whatever it takes....?

    The Appellant concludes its response by suggesting that ASADA’s argument that unlawfully obtained evidence should nonetheless be admissible, is essentially that “the end justifies the means” and that this cannot be right.

    I get it :

    Irony !!!

    Good pickup


    The Social Litigator piece seems to only present each party's case but this time there is no evaluation of the merits; that would be interesting

    • Like 1
  8. His speech at the best and fairest was odd and his inability to let go of the coaching position when he said previously he didn't want it was a dramatic turn around. The Suns quickly withdrew their interest - some sort of alarm bells were ringing.

    He has withdrawn from the Coaches association, put the AFL seriously offside and has not spoken to Hird for a month without making it clear if he will stay with the Dons or not. His Press conference performances were entertaining but eccentric.

    He has really isolated himself and looks to have no chance of getting a football dept position anytime soon.

    There is something not right.

    Totally agree with that assembly of facts

  9. They're very few parties seeking that the truth these events comes out.

    The AFLPA must necessarily seek the minimum possible impact on the players' careers ; what they really think about the radical biochemical plan must remain hidden from public view because to lambast the administrators of the EFC necessarily entails the tacit admission of wrongdoing (which does not serve the purposes of the constituency and so will not happen)

    The AFL is in a similar position to that of a State Government faced with the dilemma of curtailing the gaming industry - the symbiosis is beyond conflict of interest to the extent that it is sadly naive to expect a real outcome from that direction.

    The EFC is not entirely unaware of this : hence the interminable blustering and delaying and creating various litigant parties all dedicated to trying to create confusion in the process with the aim of finding an exploitable chink. Quite a clever strategy really and inclined to move supporters to tears when the violins begin to play accompanying the refrain "Delay, delay - we never sought the delay"

    Meanwhile back at headquarters the troops are kept in line with a series of wink wink nudge nudge internal briefings that say " well we can't publicly tell you what was in those injections but what we can assure you is that we would NEVER have approved anyithing unsafe"

    The constant beating of lawyers' drums is eroding the will to do the right thing ......

    What deal will ASADA agree to so the sad circus stops performing ?

  10. Surely this is no more of a no go zone than the whole sordid drug saga - IF it compromised one game, one season or multiple seasons it would be equally relevant.

    Are you suggesting that this whole thread is "no go"?

    Well what I really meant is that just like that zone in the Lord of the Rings where it was not possible to consider what lay north of a certain point, absolutely no one has the wit or the will to consider the implications of cheating and its ramifications.

    It may have altered games and may have financial ramifications and people have been dudded.

    Just don't think any of the various vested interests are going to walk down that path is all

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