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Crompton's the man

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Posts posted by Crompton's the man

  1. Perhaps RR's last effort explains to me why I feel so uneasy with blaming the coach - it seems that if you do that the underperforming players are too easily let off the hook.

    Was it several seasons ago that we ran Collingwood close?

    How did we do that?

  2. Have to agree 110% with RR

    Sniping and cutting people down takes us backwards.

    I don't believe there actually was anything "easy to say" about exposing the fact that destructive criticism (about a woeful performance) can never ever lead us out of the wilderness.

    It's just the wrong language and the wrong way to go.

    If we moved past off with his head, we might actually come up with some good ideas.

    (Please don't kill me for expressing these thoughts )

  3. One of the most concerning aspects of tonight's game was the ease with which our tackles were brushed off and equally worrying was the Eagles' ability to take marks under pressure when all too often we couldn't.We were rattled - no question.

    We can understand it's a hostile environment over there and perhaps make some allowances - looks like a pretty important game coming up next.Aside from that

    This may not be a popular sentiment at the moment but here it is:

    Disunity is Death

  4. That's so true Strawbs

    and what is such a bonus is that he appears to have arrived without personality disorders - the type of individualism that infects the team ethic and eventually erodes it.

    His only fault seems to have been that English is not his native language.

    All power to L. Jurrah

  5. What do we lack?

    possibly these :

    1. a strong and arrogant FF or CHF who can shuck the opposition's best defender/s and stand tall ( he could be in the team already )

    2. midfielders who can brush off tackles and in the alternative - make them stick

    such players are probably already on the list

    Confidence will cause the corner to be turned - and it has to happen on the field.

    It may not be a popular viewpoint but for what it's worth - we played some really interesting footy against the Hawks

  6. A person ought not forget - we can play some very exciting football

    Unfortunately for us it was in the first half aginst the Hawks and not the second

    If the players feel the pressure is on the coach and not on them that can be a buffer to avoid responsibilty

  7. I can remember - possibly four seasons ago - seeing Aaron Davey dominate a game so comprehensively that G. Ablett looked embarrassing in comparison.

    For sheer talent he can have few who could claim to be his peer.

    That was before he tore his hamstring at Etihad and - just for discussion - I ask if he has been as acomplished since?

    If he has then I wonder if there exists in the modern game the strategy of a bulkier ( not necessarily as bulky as Fevola ) player protecting/clearing the path for a gifted playmaker like Aaron to be given the opportunity to create?

  8. Best odds are obtained by live betting and waiting til they are down by approx 18 points.

    Usually achievable by about 20 mins game time into the second quarter.

    I have made my fortune this way

  9. Grant Thomas on Footy Classified tonight suggests Moloney should have legal grounds to proceed against MMM while at the same time implying if he doesn't then maybe where there's smoke etc.

    One of the issues must remain Eddie and Co.'s failure to use the mute button until the "facts" could be checked.

    Of course the same policy absolutely would not have been followed were the allegation about a Collingwood player.

    Garry Lyon was saying that this is the second time this year Eddie has launched at a Melbourne player this year.

  10. Thanks for the video posts : Cat Ballou and Joe South : they are great and make some good observations

    The downsides are evident to everyone - the possibility of introducing a poisonous and self-centred or self- and team-destructive atmosphere into a squad that is growing together.

    In this respect the initial Club response is the correct one : Great Reservations ( i.e. we totally ( TOTALLY) remain to be convinced )

    I keep thinking of Martin Pike and what a pity it was that he simply would NOT knuckle down until he was on his very very last chance at his third club - Brisbane - ( and how he then played in - I think - 3 premiership sides and I've always wondered why it was unfortunately inevitable that he would not play his best football for our club).

    Now I wouldn't imagine that Brendan has that much football left in him .......... but just suppose that he doesn't enjoy being in the B team ...... just suppose that he does actually realise there will be zero chances after this ....... suppose he continues to be a prima donna in the forward line ( 96.8 probability ) but suppose other developing players can learn from the game time and events - for better and for worse - the senior coach could probably turn it all to the positive ulimately.

    To me the next concern is the fact that he simply WILL NOT chase in the forward line - effectively giving the oppostion a free man in their backline.

    I can't see how he can play for MFC while he won't chase ( in the case of one of the Roccas it used to be called "lack of aerobic capacity" )

    If he won't/can't do this - then it takes a stretch to see how he could help MFC ( but here's hoping anyway - hang on for the ride )

  11. Having watched Melbourne for many years - over fifty - and seen some truly exciting times - it might seem trite to say - the best times are when we play the team game and we fire off each other.

    This type of team vision is the antithesis of individualism and has a lot to do with collective success , perhaps more easily acieved after times in the dungeon , when few will be tempted to think they are grander than is real.

    Our success against last year's premiers is a sign that we should be confident enough to give Dean Bailey the support he might need.

    The Club arguably is developing an exciting style of play and lacks the emphasis of self-seeking egos that sound the death-knell of long-term progress.

    We have much to look forward to - and our Koori players could easily be the superb complement to our well-laid recruiting foundation.


  12. I read these posts most nights with interest.

    Just wondering if my understanding of the sequence of events is correct in saying that it went roughly like this :

    1. Mick Malthouse somewhat interestingly ( surely not to muddy the waters for his successor? - surely not!) comes out and publicly states that any Collingwood player who does not commit to Collingwood will be directly challenged by M.Malthouse

    2. Eddie Maguire ( who is not stupid ) realises that that will put all uncontracted or soon-to-be uncontracted Collingwood players right in the spotlight and that this if not quickly controlled might become a distraction and a circus


    3. Suddenly Eddie using his media profile to the benefit of his club - diverts attention onto another club and suddely noone is thinking about those three uncontracted Collingwood players any more because Eddie's story has taken off and grown legs

    Well Done Eddie !!

    He would be having a chuckle as he goes to bed.

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