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Crompton's the man

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Posts posted by Crompton's the man

  1. Apparently, Brazil wants to bring criminal charges against its players. It's high time we did the same. For mine incarceration and hard labour are the only answers. And floggings BBO.

    Clearly you're against capital punishment.


  2. We'll no doubt this be off topic, but according to tonight's ABC news : following last month's decision by Workcover ( which I think has been recently magically rebadged) to investigate the Essendon Football Club for possible breaches of workplace safety associated with its injectable supplements program ( which decision I had been ignorant of), said Workplace Safety organisation has now received a request to investigate every other Victorian club apart from Essendon for possible workplace safety breaches. ( No, this is not an April 1 joke ).

    Workcover is currently considering this request.

    Does anyone have an idea about who might have forwarded this suggestion to Workcover?

  3. Great thanks Compton, that narrows down the options.

    Just keeping you pointed in the right direction

    And while we're talking, hasn't Lynden Dunn's progress this year been astonishing!

    He's playing with confidence and authority, and when you're watching the replay of the last quarter, see how he guarded the goal from the kick that would have regained the lead for that other team

    We'll done Lynden !!

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  4. Well a conspiracy theorist might think so.

    But apparently the 2 1/2 hour dinner was a private meeting, so no policy matters would have been discussed.

    Mr. Abbott simply wanted to meet " a distinguished Australian".

    Although I must confess I am unaware that he is an Australian.

  5. Interesting to see that Tony has dropped into see Rupert today, no doubt to receive further orders. Look out ABC, Fairfax and anti siphoning laws, we are in for a big News Limited ride. AfL, Olympics,

    Just setting the timetable for closing down ABC News 24

  6. At least he closed down the local car industry.

    That should save some carbon emissions

    And getting poor people to stop going to the doctor has a sound economic basis.

    If they die sooner rather than later they will stop being a drain on the public purse.And they would have contributed to greenhouse gas emissions. They're not stupid these people. This will help us reduce emissions

    We have top men on the case

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