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Crompton's the man

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Posts posted by Crompton's the man

  1. At the MCG

    Can still remember the thundering horror of the (Son of Satan's ?) lumbering thundering run by Ray Gabelich as he was alone in the Pies' half of the ground due to an unanticipated kick against the flow

    I remember the feeling of loss and dread well - before Neil Crompton was thrown forward and as I recall kicked across his body and it went through due to benign celestial forces that have been notably absent since.

    No one would have realised at that time that it was the end of an era

  2. Check out these prices for Paris apartments suitable for the Hird lifestyle. I dont think it is in their DNA to go slumming.


    And they might be a little pricey to buy but Shirley they rent out for almost nothink.

    And anyways, in the alternative, he would definitely need a place with decent security and an upper class hovel ( the sort of dwelling folks like us might use to house our mistresses) is totally to be expectorated

  3. BB has said he knows one of the Bombers player's family and has heard of the distress this saga has caused them all. I was thinking of that and I just can't help but feel utter disgust for the behaviour of the club Doctor during and after this saga.

    Additionally the fact that he is back there, is a disgusting reflection on this club's administration.

    Imagine being a player involved and having as your club Doctor, a bloke, who let you be injected regularly in the stomach, with substances that may be harmful and illegal. You would feel like dropping him.

    I think this is too harsh on Dr Reid who did write and put his reservations regarding the dangers (both biochemical and potentially legal) on paper

    It seems the more progressive thinkers decided he is just an old fuddy-duddy who could be ignored but for PR purposes needed to be kept as the identifiable ( if not the real) head of medical services.

    If this is correct the surprising thing is that he did not resign as the extent of his sidelining has become apparent

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