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Crompton's the man

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Posts posted by Crompton's the man

  1. you have to stop using the conservative word/title... they are NOT conservatives when it comes to Climate change; they are radicals, terrorists of the climate. There is nothing conserving in the liberal party, when it comes to protecting our climate, & of Australia's nature.

    nor is there any conserving of Australia's egalitarian culture.

    they are not conservatives.

    They certainly weren't conservative when it came to Medicare ..

    If they'd had their way what with copayments and cutting hundreds of millions out of the forward estimates of the States' health budgets, then those worthless poor ( not including me I hasten to add) would have been forced to fend for themselves just as they should ( as happens in the Home of the Brave and the Land of the Free where those wretches have to sell their almost worthless houses to pay for their childrens' appendix operations which is just the market economy expressing itself as the cream rises to the top and the dregs sink).

    I'm pretty sure they were on the right track

    But why would they want to support universal health care anyway?

    After all, it was brought in by Labor originally so it must be bad ipso facto.

    So they probably were being conservative in a way - just conservative of the way it used to be before the poor had access to decent health care ( which I and many respectable surgeons maintain they don't deserve )

  2. I hope that's a pizz take. The internet sometimes doesn't allow us to see if people are actually being sarcastic....

    Well I thought it to be a reasonable rewording of Mr. A's plea for not changing leaders pre-last night's Liberal Party poll where he said by way of arguing against a leadership change : We're not Labor

    So truly sorry to have to explain these things ......

  3. I love you blokes (Tories that is). You are more than happy to stick the boots into people (migrants, single mothers, the LGBT community, JULIA GILLARD) but when the shoe is finally on the other foot, you expect all the compassion of Mother Teresa.

    Maybe you can change my mind towards Tony's downfall tonight. I will set you a challenge. Show me the error of my ways using a simplistic three word slogan. Have fun with it and make sure to make Tony proud with how banal and vacuous you can be.

    They always treated Julia Gillard with nothing but respect at all times because that's in their DNA

    As for your 3-word slogan - how about this

    Where? Not Labor!!

  4. Absolutely there is, the point you are missing is that soccer will most likely become the top code in the land. That may well mean no more MCG for the AFL as it will be used for soccer as the MCC will make more money that way. It may mean half the current teams gone. If we keep our insular view of the world this outcome becomes all the more likely.

    Don't we have lease conditions with the MCG trust that extend as far as the eye can see ?

  5. My wife (who does not watch AFL) asked me tonight after about two minutes if he was drunk.

    I said probably.

    Well my wife, the first time she saw him on Footy Classified around a year ago, asked me if he had a serious medical condition

    • Like 3
  6. Been a good few weeks, all considered.

    We ended Collingwood's season, Trengove is running again at last, and Gawn has written a 3-year-long signature.

    In our hearts, we all know the contract was written in all caps. It is the only suitable way.

    Speaking of which , it was a little disappointing to see the Pies lose tonight

    Not that I'm the poorer for it but

  7. There's got to be a mini-series, or at least a book in this, and when it materialises one would hope that the weasels who peddle biased lines promoting their favoured protected species are exposed as the unreliable witnesses that they really are.

    Let's hope News Corp is not in charge of production.

  8. So. The owner of the company didnt produce a certificate that what he supplied was TB4.

    Even though he said and thought it was TB4

    Everyone else thought they were getting TB4

    But because there wasnt a certificate to go with it it might not have been TB4.

    Spare me

    Excerpt from the email ordering the Stuff :

    (..... send us the stuff but no certificate .)

  9. I'm looking forward to the arrival of Gurrumul's new album ( on order) and have been listening to one of his old ones at work this morning.

    Beautiful music, very spiritual and yet full of nostalgia, angst and melancholy.

    Reminds me so much of the waves of emotion emanating from the Collingwood Cheer Squad last Saturday during the third and fourth quarters

    • Like 1
  10. Apparently there's a huge split between the "God squad" and the "party squad." Almost irreparably so. I imagine Rocket wouldn't be helping the situation, at all.

    I was totally and completely persuaded by the intellectual integrity of this argument but am now having trouble reconciling Gary Ablett's return with the stunning GC victory tonight

    P.S. it's not that I'm saying it was the most moronic thing I've ever seen

    There have been others to compete and a couple of those recently on Demonland to do with drugs and social policy

    And some others in the Australian

  11. Interesting to read Dank referring to the healing effects of one of his potions on periodontal "sockets" ( which do not exist)

    Doesn't look as if he either had a good grasp of research or understand the rudiments of what was meant to have occurred.

    Try pockets Stephen

  12. Top six teams banned from Free Agency trades each year and bottom six teams divy up the first 10'draftbpicks each year, first six picks go in order of how they finish, the next 4 picks go into a lottery or even go to the teams that finish in the top 4 of the bottom six so as to stop teams tanking. That is at least would be a start to equalisation in the modern era.

    Something needs to be done - and that suggestion would be an excellent starting point.

    The unevenness is probably a greater threat to the competition than the lingering smell of PEDs

    If the Commission allows the vested interests of the wealthy clubs to nobble some real restructure it will likely see the error of its ways in the next ten years and realise it's folly albeit too late

    They may need another off-season trip to the USA to observe the NFL again

  13. Really?

    I thought Scott Thompson was much more valuable at the Crows, than Pike was at Brisbane.

    Fair enough - won't argue too much except to say Martin has played in more Premiership sides.

    But I've been feeling the pain for quite a few years now,every time watching Adelaide play, agreed.

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