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Posts posted by durango

  1. The fact that clubs win back-to-back premierships or 3 peats makes the players who played in all 2 or 3 life long respected players of their respective clubs.

    There some clubs who have won 2 premierships in a 3 year period which is also a great achievement.

    The fact that clubs like Richmod have won 3 premiership in 4 years is also great.

    I would love the MFC to replicate the 1955-1960 performance in the next 5 years but I would also be happy with 3 premierships in the next 6 years with no back-to-back.

    To win a premiership has become harder in recent years because the competition has become more even and fierce at the top end where teams who peak in the finals win the premiership whether they play 3 or 4 games in the finals.

  2. 28 minutes ago, Whispering_Jack said:

    The point is that a person’s choice of sport is not necessarily dependent upon how much money they make from their participation. It could be as simple as the enjoyment of the game or an individual not wishing to live in the shadows of their parents achievements.

    The fact is professional sports people always play a sport they are good at and try to make as much money as they can so when they retire they have a reputation which will open other doors in their life after retirement.

    If you want to be an amature then thats ok, provided you have a good job with income to live off or your parents want to support you.

    I was an athletics official and work at the MFC as a trainer so I have seen both sides of the sports.

    In the end we work to make money to make our lives better, if your sport is your work then guess what.

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  3. The fact is that good players in both AFL and NBL, make more money playing football in the AFL than Basketballers in the NBL.

    If your goal is to represent your country then basketball is the way to go, if you are good enough to play in the NBA then go for it.


  4. At this stage there are 18 teams wanting to get in the top 8 and some are just dreaming whilst others like Carlton, WC, Richmond, Freo and the Saint are a real chance if they can get there game together.

    We lost games last year to Adelaide, Collingwood, GWS and WB drew with Hawthorn so we cannot afford loses to teams like Adelaide and Collingwood if we are going to do the Back-to-back which every team talks about when they win the premiership.

    The team will be under the microscope from round 1 next year and we need to bring our A Game week-in-and-week-out in this competition because every team will want the premier's scalp, the opposition will be hyped up against us from the Get Go.

    When Hawthorn did their 3 peat they finshed at the end of the home and away season in 2013 1st, 2014 2nd and 2015 3rd which show you need to finish top 4 to have a chance at a 3 peat.

    Richmond finished 3rd in 2017, 2019 and 2020  finishing on top in 2018 again they finished top 4 in each year.

    The only team to win the premiership in the last 10 years from finishing outside the top 4 was the WB in 2106.

  5. I think he arrived at a club where the development coach in Mark Williams is an intelligent ex-premiiership coach and a great mentor of young players developing Port, GWS and Richmond players during his football career.

    Mark Williams helped developed Warren Tredrea who became a great CHF in a premiership team.

    A lot of Richmond supporters believe he helped Dustin Martin become the footballer he was destined to be.

    So Jacob has some of the tools but his football education begins now, where he has to focus on the things he does not do so well and improve on them.

    As Malcolm Blight once sad 'learn to do the simple things very well and improve in the other areas makes a great footballer'.

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  6. I have not seen him play except when we played the Saints but he was recruited to have more midfield depth and has played over 100 games so he must have done something right in his football career.

    I believe the extra pressure on the younger players like Jordan and Sparrow will be good for their development since they will have to earn a spot in the 23.

    For players like Harmes and ANB they will have to maintain their form or they will be playing at Casey.

    I general the replacement of Vandenberg and Jones by Dunstan who is only 26 was a good get and allows players like Rosman, Laurie and Woewodin time to develop their game at Casey rather than being thrown in the deep end al la Watts, Grimes and Trengrove.

    We are the premiers and we have only lost some players who played less than a total of 25 games last year.

    In the past the club kept on losing core players and the club relied on recruits to fill the holes.

    He made this move to the premiers knowing he will have to fight tooth and nail to get a game, so he backed himself to break into this team on form not injuries. 

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  7. We have 10 more days to savour our 2021 premiership on January 1st 2022 we become last years premiers and become the favourites for the 2022 premiership with no guarentees we will even make the grand final.

    The players will have to forget 2021 and prepare for round 1 against the WB who will want revenge for the 2nd half fadeout and drubbing at the hands of the premiers.

    Hunger for more success is good but satisfaction of living in the past is bad.

    The good thing is players like Hunt, Tomlinson, Smith, Dunstan, Chandler, Melksham, Baker, Daw, Brown and Weideman all want a taste of ultimate success pushing all the incumbent 23 premiership players to greater hieghts or they will be replaced.

    If players like Daniel Turner, Deakyn Smith, Bailey Laurie, Fraser Rosman and Toby Bedford can take the next step, along with the any of Howes, Van Rooyen, Woewodin, Mcvee or Moniz-Wakefield making an impact, then complacency will be subsituted by ergency amongst the group.

    If we can have a virtual injury free year like 2021 and a little luck then we will probably repeat the 2021 success on the MCG in the last match of the 2022 calendar year.

    GO Dee's

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  8. The sedentary heart rate varies from person to person, I am 75 lost 20kg in the last 2 years and have a sedentary heart rate of around 50 when I was in my 30's my sedentary heart rate was around 40.

    I tend to put on weight and find that my heart rate gets into the 70's when I carry 20kg extra.

    The problem is 140 is okay during activity when you start with a low heart rate and have a high fitness base whilst when you are not fit your heart rate can get as high as 180's before you feel light headed or pass out.

    I used to train little athletics back in the 1980's and used interval training for 800 meter athletes but the interval was 30 meters with a jog of 30 meter running around 1.6 km's.

    Franz Stampfl was a great believer in interval training and push his athletes to run 100 x 100m his success with Ralph Doubell 1968 gold medal in the 800 meant a lot of athletes try this method.

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  9. As most of the people on this site interval training is harder than a 3km run because you tend to go faster over 1km than 3km where you get a rhythm and basically run easy before doing a fast finish where as the 1km you go out hard and then get a rhythm and a fast finish.

    Also the rest period is there to get your pulse and blood pressure back to as close to normal as possible before you do the next interval whether it is 2 minutes or 10 minutes it depends on the individual.

    The player wear a blood pressure monitor and stop watch on the wrist and GPS unit in the back of the man [censored] top.

    All these units are monitor so that players can get the best out of each interval.

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  10. I looked at the team and we have got Van Rooyen who was drafted as a forward in the future and Weideman who if he becomes more like his grandfather and less like his father in his attack on the ball would become the forward we need.

    In the midfield we have added Howes who if he comes along will allow Brayshaw back into the midfield, Jordan and Dunstan who pressure all the incumbents to be better.

    We have Taj Woewodin and Judd McVee who have a huge upside if they come on.

    Tomlinson and Hunt want their place in the team.

    And I believe that Clayton Oliver could do a Petracca and become a goalkicking midfielder.

    Jackson, Rivers and Pickett have only played 2 seasons of senior football and are still scratching the surface of how good they could be.

    Bowey, Laurie and Rosman have played very little football in the last 2 years and if the reach their potential then we are in for a treat.

    Our true weakness is between the ears if we believe we only have to turn up to win, I think that was the attitude when we played the Magpies and Adelaide the first time.

    In general the premiership is ours to lose if we have lots of injuries and complacency to boot we will allow the contenders to take our prize. 

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  11. Only one of two players to play 300+ games for the MFC and yet neither had the luck to play in a premiership team.

    His efforts to play at a high level when we were rubbish has to be applauded and he stuck by the team for the only reason to be able to play in a MFC premiership but fate had him making the ultimate sacrifice he return to see the birth of his children rather than staying in hope of being the 23rd member of the preimership team.

    I have always believed that any player who plays 1 game for the team in the season of the premiers should get a medal commerating the premiership.

    If the AFL wont do it I believe the MFC should get a medal made for players like Jones, Tomlinson, Jetta, Chandler, Hunt, Baker, Melksham, Vandenberg, Weideman, Mitch Brown and Smith as recognition of the efforts for the MFC during the season.

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  12. I have followed the MFC since 1952 and our Midfield has never been in better shape.

    In previous seasons we had players who were drafted to bolster the midfield frorm other clubs like Tyson and Vince or via the draft Trengrove and Scully.

    Now we have a mature midfield with a mix of 24-27 year olds who are the core and some 21-23 year olds pressing for spots.

    We have young players like Laurie, Rosman and Howes all iching to get a first game in this side.

    As one of he commentators said in the GF the premiers has a midfield in career best form which is the reason that they won.

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  13. The future players like Mac will be hidden from the football world by encouraging players to play basketball so they can be recruited as rookie b candidates when they reach drafting age.

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  14. Taj has enough expectation put on him when your dad played 200 games and won a brownlow, he just has to put his head down listen to the best development coach in the AFL (Mark Williams) and practice the skills required to be an AFL player.

    The fact that he was selected at 65 in the main draft will have no bearing on his future, only skill to execute on field at the highest level, attitude to training and carrying out the coaches instructions in games.

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