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Posts posted by durango

  1. 2 hours ago, Deedubs said:

    completely missed the point. We're not saying that you can't be a good forward unless your tall. We're saying that the majority of the best tall forwards in 2022 are 199cm on average. It's like all thumbs are fingers but not all fingers are thumbs. Not sure how what I said could be misconstrued.

    I thought we were talking about Jacob not the current 199+ forwards I have noticed one thing all these 199+ forwards play well below their knees this is a result of players now work on mobility as well as marking at training so they can be multifaceted rather than the lumbering mark or spoil player who are useless once he ball hits the ground.

    If you look at the NBA players like Ben Simmons are now guards at 211 not like the old days were guards were between 183-200. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, Nasher said:

    That sounds like one of those stupid things that football supporters say because they saw it once. It's a bit like Ed LaNgDoN iS a BuTcHeR from Freo fans when he came here - sure you don't want him attempting laser passes to a teammate who's swamped by 4 oppoonents, but by and large he is competent. At ground level, of course you'd prefer Kozzie, but it was never sensible to call him "useless", and he hasn't miraculously improved since coming to the MFC.

    I look at Langdon and along with most good judges who have said his kicking has improved since Mark Williams has taken him under his wing.

    Sometimes opposition supporter when a player leaves the club they want him to fail because he is no longer one of their players.

    I look at May, Lever, Langdon, Tomlinson, Brown x 2, Daw, Dunstan, Hibberd and Melksham who in some way have contributed to the success we are now having.

    A lot of those players have filled holes allowing the younger players to flourish and become AFL Standard along with some improvement in their own football. 

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  3. My son-in-law supports NM and when we recruited BB he said he was glad he has gone because he was useless once the ball hit the ground.

    After the grand final he said he could not believe how much BB has improved playing for the MFC.

    We must be developing players well when a player on the cusp of 150 can improve his game in just over 1 season.

    • Like 4
  4. At round 9 last year the 8 inculded West Coast and Richmond who dropped out for Essendon and GWS.

    I believe this year some teams may make way for Port and WB if they get on a roll.

    This weeks matches will be critical for Port annd WB in their quest to make the final 8, if Port beats Geelong at Geelong they may become the team to dropout?

    • Like 2
  5. 4 hours ago, Dwight Schrute said:

    We wanted to see him improve his defensive game, we loved what he did on offense but he simply didn't work hard enough the other way and would fade out of games completely as a result. 

    The dogs offered him job security and more consistent games in the seniors so pretty easy decision for all involved there

    Fortunately for MH he got to be there on the day when the team that drafted him had the ultimate success


    He went missing when the team was under pressure and takes the wrong option on lots of occassions, I have the opinion he was and is an ordinary player who is just an opportunist and rarely creates goals from nothing.

  6. 2 hours ago, Mazer Rackham said:

    How does this current team compare to the years 55-60? Both in playing personnel/style and in supporter expectations?

    The teams of the 1955-1960 expected to win when they played, much like 2021-2022 at this stage but they have a long way to go to get success like the 1955-1960's.

    The MFC in those years had an advantage playing on the MCG in the finals with no co-tenants, the players today are professional and the senior coach has a group of assistant coaches and professional medical and fitness staff.

    In 1955-1960 the coach had a doctor who was a volunteer and had no background in sports science, a seconds coach and a group of players upto 50+ to coach with no fitness staff.

    So comparing the 1955-1960 is very difficult but supporters turned up expecting the team to win no matter who was the opposition.

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  7. We  may not be able to match the Saints in money but with Melksham and Hibberd likely to retire or be delisted there must be some good coin there and if we win the flag he will be coming to a team with prospects of another flag before he retires.

    • Like 1
  8. The players drive the attitude when players are confidant they can win in any situation the veil of negativity is lifted.

    The match against Geelong at Geelong in 2021 was a lifting point that being 44 points down is not impossible to win and then in the grand final that belief when 19 points down rose and guess what they won.

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  9. I have always believed that coaches are their worst enemy after a bad loss because after the game they should not address the players unitl they have thought things thru even waiting until monday to address the elephant in the room.

    It is too easy to say something outlandish after a bad defeat even during a gameyou have to be composed to get a message across to fatigued minds and bodies.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, The heart beats true said:

    He was a gun coach, and was very highly regarded in the industry. He took absolutely no prisoners from all reports.

    He was a great coach who listened to others but his foul mouth ruined his chances to be a great senior coach when he applied for the MFC senior coaching job they rejected him because of it and selected John Northey who was successful but never could win the ultimate prize because he was more inspiring with his speeches and lack the knowledge of tactics.

  11. They still managed to win 3 premierships recently and 5 others since they moved there home games to the G.

    They increased the size of the oval in 2012/2013 to the same size as Marvel stadium 159m x 124m yet complain they cannot play well at Marvel, so if the increase the size to 160m x 141m its 1 meter shorter which means half a meter shorter from the center to the goal line and 17meters less width.

    The stand has been there since 1915 which is a heritage that the club cannot and should not destroy, seem we destroy history for development in all suburbs and replace them with new building without any character.

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  12. I was at MFC when Ray Manley was and on game day he was always listening to the races to the get result letting players know which horse won and how much it paid.

    He was a lazy person who got the job and just wallowed in the job giving his offsider all he work he did not want to do, these are facts I saw first hand.

    I don't blame Cranky because there were a number of leads given to Ray and he along with Jim Durnan ignored.


    • Angry 1
  13. I have watched the replay and ANB kicking and disposal was poor he had at least 4 getable shots at goal.

    Some on this site have criticised J Smith for his handball to Lynch yet when other players have a poor handall like May in the 3rd quarter resulting in a Riewoldt goal nothing was said.

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