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Everything posted by Moonshadow

  1. Instead he got Heany sitting on his head!
  2. Beautiful post, coach. Hope we do it for your old man's sake.
  3. Used to be a contested marking beast in his first year or so. Remember the day he towelled up Rance? What happened to that aspect of his game? Was he found out or did he lose his mojo?
  4. Great thread. The win at the Western Oval in 87. Didn't have a trannie (not the BBO kind) so didn't know what was happening at the Geel vs Haw game. Had to ask around when the roar went through the crowd half way through the last. Pure joy.
  5. Uplifting. Lucky I don't have any sharp objects handy
  6. The answer is: a [censored] load.
  7. What suburb are you coming from WYL?
  8. I agree with your enthusiasm, but the bolded bit is simply a stereotype. Do you have facts to back it up? Last I looked, there was no income test on the MCC applications. My old man, for example, was a 50+ year member who struggled to find the money most years. I know of 2 other members who have let it lapse because of finances.
  9. Good on you WYL. So it's an additional 13% to add on the standard MFC membership?
  10. Probably had scans either Sat or today. Club would've waited until he saw the surgeon today to get full picture. Can you imagine how it would look if they came out with full ACL reco news on Friday and the scans showed different? I'm only speculating, but perhaps Nietschke requested it not be made public until he had recieved all the info and spoken with the club. I personally don't have a pressing need to know the moment things like this happen. Having said that, had it been Oliver or Gawn they probably would've fast tracked the process and come out earlier.
  11. What exactly is "completely certain" in the AFL (apart from nepitism and double standards, of course)? Ask anyone from an opposition club where they rate Nut. I believe they'd trade for him in a flash, if it ever came to be. And still only 23 years old!
  12. You're on your tropical island honeymoon Ron. You shouldn't be missing anything from home!
  13. Ah, the honeymoon high! Nice work Ron, stay classy.
  14. If he leaves after 3 MFC flags I'd thank him for his service and wish him all the best without a skeric of ill feeling
  15. Certainly a long way for you to ride from Fitzroyalty on your fixy Lekker, Earl
  16. I've said this before, and not meaning to diminish the obvious ability of Hogan, but we are definitely closer to a flag with May in our side than with Hogan. Can't wait!
  17. Good read. Thanks mazer. Some interesting points for comparison
  18. Interesting. I was thinking of Steven May as Hogan's 'replacement', as he was the main part of the trade deal. I had expected the Weid to continue his improvement in the seniors regardless of who he played alongside.
  19. Give him the keys to a couple of new E types and he'll be over the moon
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