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At Least I Saw a Flag

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Everything posted by At Least I Saw a Flag

  1. I thought the same. Surprised it wasn't mentioned before. Twas a moment of madness, and was eerily (frighteningly) reminiscent of the match we lost against the Saints at Doglands in 2015. Montagna kicking the winning goal after a similar tap out by Max. (Howe had put the Demons ahead with 41 seconds left.) Learnings!! Max should have either grabbed the ball, or tapped it at his feet to create a secondary ballup. It would have been game over. Still, no harm done .. except to my nerves !! I've been reading the Blues bigfooty page ... and suprisingly, the comments are incredibly reasonable. Kozzy showed why he can never be dropped. He has the x factor, and can win games off his own boot, even when having a quiet one.
  2. Watched some of the Bulldogs v GWS match. Free kick Bulldogs (and conversely no free kick GWS) directive being implemented.
  3. They are actually 11 point turnarounds. Sorry, I'll see myself out.
  4. Can't remember which season it was, but about 7 so years ago, Carlton won only 4 games for the season. 2 of their wins were against Melbourne, who weren't far off making the finals. MFCSS has set in, particularly in view of the fiasco regarding Cripps which Carlton will see as a victory. Demons were short priced favourites v filth (first time round), Freo (first time round),, Swans, . None of these matches ended well.
  5. I popped in to the training session today. First time ever ! It was beaut to meet some D'landers ... As others have said, the general vibe (on and off the oval) was very relaxed. Go Dees !!!
  6. Besties .. and what ripper blokes they are !!
  7. So inevitable .. Is anyone here really surprised?.
  8. Richmond won a flag with Grigg as second ruck. Ruckman ARE overrated unless they can go forward, or have X factor like Max.
  9. The ground is public open space. The building is used, in part, for some useful community purposes. Victoria Park used to be referred to as the zoo. Insulting to animals really.
  10. A high percentage of their supporters are vile. They are truly the filth. Seeing the filth win is as bad as seeing the Dees lose. When both events occur in the same match .... god help us.
  11. Never understood why peeps pop an "h" in his name. 😲
  12. In: Tackles that stick/pressure/learnings Out: Missed tackles/lack of pressure
  13. JK .... respect.
  14. Hope you're right ... he certainly shouldn't. But not so sure about that.
  15. Here's a song for you. https://www.google.com/search?q=kumbaya&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBAU843AU843&oq=kumbaya&aqs=chrome..69i57j46i67i131i433j0i67i131i433j0i67j0i131i433i512j0i512l5.1534j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  16. Jackson reminds me of Grundy. An undersized ruckman. I think paying massive overs for him isn't justified. Good luck to Freo if they go down that path.
  17. Agree .... sadly. Happy to have seen a flag. Hopefully the team will be fitter next year and can challenge again. The filth brought in a few young players, which seems to have refreshed them. I think we need to do the same.
  18. Sportsbet Demons $1.39 Carlton $3.02. They seem pretty juicy odds on Carlton.
  19. Ian Dury summed it up best ... what a waste. The filth had a player (Johnston) playing his 9th game. 4 goals!! So disappointing. Bad enough to get overrun yet again ... but by the filth again.
  20. These conditions are not favourable to lumbering oafs wearing Peabody glasses.
  21. There have been quite a few matches this year where there have been late changes. Hopefully none tonight ...
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