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Everything posted by FarNorthernD

  1. Those stats freak me out. Just shows you the opposite ends of the over hyped/ under rated spectrum. Thought I’d see how Betts compared on a goals per game basis Rioli 1.5 Garlett 1.8 Betts 1.9
  2. Somewhat strangely 25 years ago I happened across a naked Mick Jagger. I’m guessing Lizzie looked different sans clothes
  3. I am against pokies but I am for a strong and stable cashflow for the Club. Makes me concerned how they will replace the lost revenue
  4. No Garlett, No Oliver = No credibility
  5. He cheats and it will diminish his footballing legacy after he retires..
  6. I have had different experiences to you Colin. When people I meet find out I barrack for Melbourne the general reaction till recently was one of pity. The Club rather than the supporters has been seen as a pea hearted, basket case by pretty much one and all. As for riding the bumps well Rnd 23 last year was a biggy. The meek loss the previous year to Carlton when we were still in the race for finals was certainly a bump as was the 100 points loss to Geelong in Paul Roos’ last match as coach. Speaking of Geelong. 186 in 2011. That was bumpy The Mark Neeld era. Regular 100 point losses by a team which would was really only VFL quality. Some say we were within a poomfteenth of folding if it wasn’t for the money stumped up by supporters including some on here. Two Grand finals in my lifetime. The first was a record losing margin and the second was a ten goal hiding that was over by half way through the second qtr. The current record of 11 seasons without a finals appearance pales compared to the run of 23 years that finished at a preliminary final that was lost by an Irishman running over the mark to tell his parents that we had won....Bumpy. Players, coaches and administrations all come and go. We are the only ones that stick around for the duration. I don’t know about you Colin but I am sick of being told to be patient. You are right it is not going to be all "downhill skiing" but it would be nice if there was some one day.
  7. To a certain extent it will be these matches - the ones that we should win - that will let us see how good a coach Goodwin is.
  8. I read that and I know you are right. We have far more talent all over the park. But the last decade of disappointment has conditioned me to expect the worse
  9. Yep. As will Cunnington and you can pretty much guarantee that Billy Hartung will kick a few too
  10. I must admit I used to think of Harmes as the proverbial depth player - a good honest tryer that lacked the skills to be assured of a guaranteed spot in the side. He has improved each year though and his practice match form has been excellent. I have high hopes for him this year..
  11. Yes but if you couldn’t tell the truth about what you knew, you shouldn’t have posted the "on track" line. I’ve always looked forward to your pre-season training reports, they help bridge that long gap between our yearly disappointments, but perhaps you should not comment on any injury/availability/recovery issues as you are obviously compromised. I can understand if others would want you banned for a time as you have apparently knowingly posted on here things that you knew to be untrue.
  12. I think Wagner is a better HBF than Tyson which is where he will play.
  13. Essendon winning the flag. Bastards.
  14. Wow that is a fair write up. “Corey’s game was probably one of the best performances I’ve ever seen at VFL level - in any game”. Bring that sort of intensity to Rnd 23 and we play finals. On reflection I’m pretty happy that Tyson, a player that most of us believe is best 22, has been dropped. Like many of our players their difference between Dom’s best and worst is vast. He will need to work hard to get back in and won’t be taking selection for granted. Hopefully our increased depth will keep everyone on their toes.
  15. Ok so that is big, Maynard over Tyson. I’m not upset by this but am surprised. Wagner over Brayshaw, not as big but still a surprise too
  16. I’m all for ‘playing their best’ and all that but at least having Dangerfield out balances the outs on our side.
  17. Top speed maybe, I don’t know, but he has an awesome first couple of steps
  18. Sorry but I’m not loving the caricatures. Can they be converted to normal photos at the end?
  19. If Goodwin had of quit there would have been a lot of coaches from other teams quickly checking their contracts for ‘get out’ clauses. A new coach would get a club with a steady, professional admin, a playing list chock full of talent and in the age group poised for a serious, long term tilt at success. A drovers dog could take this club to finals..
  20. If everyone else plays their part and Hogan has the opportunity to play at his best, then we play finals
  21. That’s a really good photo Ethan. Thanks. Great way to bring up 7,000 posts..
  22. DD do you think we would have more paid up members now if we had of played finals last year?
  23. That’s wild isn’t it. You would think out of all the commentators of the game the AFL team captains would have a good handle of which team is looking the goods. It just further reinforces the idea not to get caught up with beginning of the year predictions, from anyone!
  24. The easy way to honour Daniher whilst also contributing to the MND cause would be to have Melb V Essendon at the G the weekend following Anzac Day. It works for scheduling as both clubs are coming off short weeks, both clubs obviously have the Neal Daniher connection and we get the benefit of another financial windfall blockbuster whilst also doing a good thing for society.
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