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Fork 'em

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Everything posted by Fork 'em

  1. Have a look at the faces on the Richmond blokes ?
  2. Lyon was at the helm during some pretty flaky stuff as well. Also was the Mayor of Hollywood Boulevard.
  3. I'd suggest they hadn't actually ruled him out and didn't want the opposition to know he had a very sensitive cheek.
  4. The great Ronald Dale also said if he had a choice between a goer and a kid with natural talent .... "I'll take the goer everytime." Or words to that effect. In the book 'The Coach.'
  5. He doesn't just tackle them. He grinds them into the ground. Provides the mongrel. Love his work.
  6. Well .... I found it funny. Not sure if I'm allowed though. But I'm sure a couple of the local preacher men will tell me.
  7. I'll throw in Essendon. May they permanently occupy the bottom rungs.
  8. Reckon you're spot on. They hit the jackpot in a couple draft years picking up Hodge, Lewis, Franklin, Roughy and Rioli. Poached Burgoyne and Gibson and as you said held their position on top with Geelong cherry picking other lists as the rest of the comp squabbled over the draft picks that GCS and GWS didn't want. And as you say their arrogance believing their "Culture" will turn average players from other clubs into superstars has failed. Remember they also took Fitzy. Saw today that Clarkeson still doesn't believe the answer is going back to the draft. I hope that dooms them to a decade or two in the doldrums.
  9. You mentioned some others. Some good stuff And try this one on. Should really get you pontificating with one of your sermons.
  10. Glad you enjoyed it. Here's another just for you.
  11. Did I say I didn't want racism to end? Be great in a perfect world if it wasn't a thing. But guess what ..... The world isn't perfect and never will be. Go right ahead. Live in ya little echo chamber.
  12. And we'll never get there. Racism is rife the world over. Only the naive think they'll end racism by pontificating on social media.
  13. Agree. Just have a look at the recent BLM movement. Much of that was pure open hatred toward whites that was condoned.
  14. Must admit .... I am bored. So bored I'm arguing with triggered snowflakes on the internet. Hate sunday arvo games. Anyway, good news is Essendon got done by a point.
  15. So what were you suggesting he needed to clear his head and be with his family from in a threat titled "Racist comment targeting Nev" ? And you can wish like a child all you like. Still won't make it go away.
  16. Out of touch with the leftist ideals I know.
  17. I get all that. But for eg ..... Should a player miss a game because there has been a death in the family instead of playing on with a black arm band. I'm sure they might not be totally focussed. And as my original post stated that Hardtack also didn't like. You will never ever totally stamp out racism ...... Some might wanna live in fairyland and believe if they call out every percieved slight on the internet that they can.
  18. How am I twisting your words? Did you or did you not suggest Nev might be missing because someone posted an emoji?
  19. Surprise, surprise .... The virtue signaller resorting to name calling. I'll have you know I'm so offended.
  20. No I don't .... Thats the point. Hardtack seems to think so though.
  21. You're the one with your panties in a bunch cause my opinion is different to yours. You don't lke it .... Scroll on.
  22. Well, amazes me that an emoji gets posted and people like yourself think the sky's fallling. And if the coaches didn't play me cause some fool posted an emoji on my twitter page I'd be having something to say to them too. But I also highly doubt that is why he's not getting a game. His form wasn't real flash last year and hasn't improved. What else ya got?
  23. Highly doubt it Hardtack. If Nevs not playing because of that he really should "Pack it in."
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