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Everything posted by DemonWA

  1. As long as they don't take Petty out of the backline I'm fine with trying something new. Daw and Tommo are probably the ones who they could try forward in leiu of Weid or MBrown and it wouldn't impact us too much. Gus Brayshaw might help too- he's a great 1 on 1 player and mark and we might be better served having him on a HFF now Salem is back.
  2. I thought the handball was OK. Oliver slowed down and made it worse than it was imo
  3. I think that is a revisionist version of the truth. Aside form the prelim and the GF where we flicked some sort of switch that I hadn't seen before or since, I think even last year we were a beatable side - twe managed to win the close games but I don't think we were dominant like people seem to believe we were
  4. Hate to sound like our old mate Satyricon but the amount of people potting some of the lads after 2 losses is a bit on the nose.
  5. Don't get me wrong, pretty much everything you've said is anchored in fact - but spare me the hyperbole. You don't win flags in early June
  6. That was tough to watch. I'm not sure if it's our game plan but I didn't see many forwards leading for the ball. Seems like we're planning to score from bombs in and hoping we can mop up better than out opposition. Lots of guys down on form or playing slightly lazily imo. I don't think BBBB should get dropped because 2 weeks in a row he's been out numbered and asked to take miracle grabs to get a possession. Steven May obviously hides some of our shortcomings in defence. And TMac obviously gives us alot structurally too.
  7. I hate freo supporters and spent decades being an obnoxious looser at subi oval. Not sure what the point of my post is but thought I'd share. Haha
  8. Absolute linchpin of the team. Good recognition here
  9. Some huge ins. I didn't really appreciate what the team was missing until you see the names coming back. I think Trent Rivers has a huge future so hoping he can find a role back within the team. Should probably get the Sub role this week. No doubt Brayshaw needs to stay back and JJ has effectively taken Riv's spot in simple numbers terms
  10. Oliver Viney Brayshaw Jordan Jackson Fritch
  11. Don't think he has what it takes unfortunately, having said that last night our forward line entries were very chaotic and not helpful for the big forwards
  12. In: Viney, Bedford Out: Dunstan, Melksham (sub)
  13. Great news. His old man was a very good player
  14. I'd argue that Brown joining the club has had the sort of impact that rivals the impact of us getting May and Lever. He was made to earn his spot last year but ever since he's been a 'best 22' player we've been a considerably better football side. Absolute gun 🔫 and a nice bloke Hope he kicks a bag on the weekend
  15. Great OP. Seems a lifetime ago that theose message boards were full vastly different discussion! I will never take last year, or any other successful campaigns, for granted
  16. Milkshake is a solid, low risk choice and probably a better Like for Like replacement for a Harmes than Bedford or Dunstan.
  17. I haven't seen you this negative on an issue since Jamie Bennell was running around in our kit
  18. Jack Viney 27 and 12 tackles 🍆
  19. One of my favourites. Just goes about his business with little fuss but plenty of polished. Great re-signing
  20. Big fan of Gus' and he's putting together a brilliant year which vindicates the choice to delay signing. In 2 recent interviews (Big Freeze and Gus and Gawny) he's seemed very uncomfortable when asked about his contract though. It may be that he's just that way when talking about these things, but for a bloke that is usually quite eloquent I get the feeling there is something to hide here. It may be that he is just searching to maximise his deal or perhaps the option to play with his brother is getting more consideration than we'd like to think would be possible.
  21. Yeah, wasn't good for the blood pressure
  22. I felt as though Perts speach to the playing group was a thinly veiled discussion around why people need to leave some cash on the negotiation table 😅
  23. Absolute gun. Had 2 clear marks punched from his hands in Q1 against the Hawks and didn't drop his bundle either. He's a pro
  24. Why not add more salt to the wound?
  25. That's my take. I think he'll stay short term to kick the big decision down the road. Subconsciously he'll be working towards a move back west in 2-4 years. It's really upto the club to continue to be successful and make decisions to leave in a couple of years a difficult one again. With all that said I also wouldn't be surprised if he signed a godfather deal because he does seem to love the lads and the city
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