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Everything posted by binman

  1. I suffer from Pollyanna Syndrome. It flares up every year about this time when i fool myself into thinking we will have a fantastic year and make the finals only for the reality bus to run over me and back up to finish the job. I think it might have been in remission for the last couple of years, but i'm not sure. I still have the same feeling but lo and behold it has been proven largely on the money.
  2. Not sure I agree LH. I agreee it perhaps could be interpreted in different ways but i dont think Niall's is suggesting we let him down. You highlighted bit can't be read without the next sentence, which taken together imparts a different meaning: If their environment didn't cause Hogan's issues, it didn't shrink them much either That said he could have acknowledged the support we did provide which from the outside was terrific which Jessie said as much on a number of occasions Leaving that adide a pretty good article from a journo i rate.
  3. That's a really good point. They knew our premiership window was likely to be 2019 - 2022 and have done a terrific job at creating a list that is predominately 70 -100, which history shows is the recipe for premiership success. A factor is that you don't have too many retirements of key players and in a year or so Dunn and to lesser extent Howe will be coming to the end of the road, whereas players like Frost and OMac will be hitting their peak.
  4. Not unfair comments. I thought of saying he refused to play the zone because he was ok at intercepting. And I reckon you're right about that torp. Shocking decision that felt like a protest on his part. And I don't think he did play for us again.
  5. Agree. Dunn is one my favorite dees. He was traded because he didn't play the zone well enough. And it has to be said that Howe provided some great highlight at a time when any joy was in seriously short supply.
  6. Yes he was. And is. One if the best one on one marks in the AFL. He is not a great pack mark. The be rules would have helped him. a r the dees but Freo's midfield is woeful- even with superbly - so he won't get many one on one chances.
  7. He played well against the cats. Just ok against the hawks and like the rest of the team poor in the prelim. And he played well after he came in during the regular season. A solid footballer with an important strength - pace. I'm happy for him to be in the team. But Omac is ahead of him and as Gawn implies when may is back in omac stays and Frosty is the player most likely to be dropped. Which makes sense because he is a better, more reliable key defender
  8. It's remarkable how little info there has been about that session, particularly given it was supposedly a full scale low practice match and was at a known venue
  9. For those who would have frost ahead of omac these comments from gawny make it pretty clear what the pecking order is from the club's perspective. Sure that may not change your personal ratings of the relative strengths of each player. But nonetheless it is pretty useful info in terms of informing an objective assessment of both players and the likliehoos of one playing ahead of the other. Demons' Mayday set to bring on Frost, says Gawn - http://m.afl.com.au/news/2019-03-15/demons-mayday-set-to-bring-on-frost-says-gawn
  10. Is that a still from a porno? Bitters might be able to confirm
  11. As wiseblood rightly says jlt form means very little. This has been rge case for a few years, in part i suspect as a function of how aerobicaly challenging foory now is and how hard it is to get through a full season. And this year the new rules have thrown an extra curve ball in. And for rhe dees, for the first time in a long time we are coming off finals which is another factor to consider. The other thing about jlt is that from a win loss perspective they are only really relevant for teams outside say the top 10 teams. Bottom teams need wins to build up supporter faith. Top team don't need to worry about that, particularly the top 4 sides. We are one of those sides. And played accordingly. I'm fine with how we played. My bead is the last 15 minutes of the first q against the tigers. We looked every inch the top 4 side we are. We will be ready for port. The bookies have got it right. We deserve to be very short favorites. A loss would be a massive kick in the guts. But it won't happen. For punters jump on the over 39 bet and dees to have the highest score of the round.
  12. Old man rivers you probably didn't have to wear a seatbelt on your way to the ground and you could drink all you want and drive home. Ah the good old days before we went all namby pamby nanny state.
  13. Apologies for lateness of this but my best is Mastering race 9 no 5 Flemington. Should be a class above and form jockey on board helps. By the by my other best bets were alizee (First time I will have backed it) and fifty stars so good alignment today. I had a ripper start to my day snagging swift sis in the first (having had a saver bet on it at its last stsrt which it won at 30s). Love it as it gets my stake back so any wind from here are gravy
  14. And to think he was $12 to won Coleman. As I have previously noted that is how bookies win.
  15. Good Lord I stuffed this communication up. What I meant was I like being able to pause and go back on clips.
  16. I like also that you can find and control the clip inside dl. I often have multiple tabs open on my phone and when listening to a clip on a radio site it is really easy to find it again to pause, go back etc. By the glad is a super impressive interviewee.
  17. Yep I saw it. Part of my point. I didn't make that clear obviously. Listening to tmac now. I like how you can go back when you vague out of get distracted
  18. Thanks for these DL. Just great. I just had to catch a bus and was able to listen to Jones and viney. Couldn't find it on the new annoying Sen app. Was just looking for the goody interview. Not yet up on Sen. A terrific addition to the site in the last little while.mseans you can listen to dl radio!
  19. Yeah me too. That would be great. I hope it is the prelim.
  20. Agree on all points. In terms of time and space he is really skilled at getting back on his left foot kick and doesn't seem to be forced to kick with his right very often (the few kicks i can recall on his right foot have been serviceable IIRC). Has an excellent quick drop and stab kick too when needed. And can kick of the side of his boot when required to go short and wide Great vision of who is available to kick to completes the package. Very happy about this signing.
  21. C'mon deiter you can't be serious. He bumped him. He could have simply braced and protected himself and the result would have been almost exactly the same. With one small difference. He. Would. Not. Have. Been. Reported. Someone (apologies I can't remember who) made the excellent analogy that it was like a hard screen in basketball- the type that leads to a foul - where you lean into it and give the player a sold bump. As opposed to bracing and standing your ground - which is legal if you are not moving. May put a very hard and deliberate block on berry. And unfortunately for all concerned hit his chin. As soon as he did so he was gonski. Again the club acknowledged that. If he didn't put the extra in they would have argued he was innocent.
  22. Pity he put himself in a situation where he won't get the chance.
  23. I hope he is feeling gutted but most of all disappointed he has let the club down. A club that has spent big coin and a high draft pick to get him to our club. It was always going to get reviewed. High impact was a tough call and I thought there was a 50-50 chance we would get it downgraded to low impact and a fine (note: there seems to be confusion - some seem to think we were arguing he was innocent. We accepted his guilt). I understand people being frustrated with the system, particularly in regard to the inconsistencies. I share that frustration. Though I have laugh at suggestions it's somehow orchestrated by the AFL and the dees are victims of a conspiracy (if it was gws blah blah). I mean come on. But personally I'm [censored] off at may. None of the tribunal palaver comes into play if he engages his brain. It's of course not a hanging offence but we got him for precisely the sort of big forward line we come up against in round one. And it is a game of very small margins as the dees no full well. A loss might have huge ramifications. I hope those that give him a pass for his stupidity don't bag omac if he gets out muscled by one of their bigs.
  24. Pretend you are representing May and instead of trying to get it downgraded to fine (ie accept guilt but argue low impact) you try to get him off using this argument. In that pretend world does may get off?
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