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Everything posted by binman

  1. Not sure of the impact on goodies. But I do know the impact on me. It makes me ashamed to be Australian.
  2. That is myth the doco apparently addresses ie the booing began after the incident began. It intensified but he was being booed for almost 12 months by then, it would seem in response to being awarded Aus of the year. Another myth it apparently adreeses (using only archival footage to mitigate against history being rewritten) is tjat goodrs blamed the girl. In an interview the following day he said 17 times that he didn't blame the girl, that it was not her fault.
  3. I would not be shocked if he is struggling a bit with his mental health and they have given him a couple of weeks to freshen up. He had post season surgery, an interrupted pre season as a result and not been in great form. On top of that he cops all manner of abuse on social media and foorball fan forums from.so called supporters. And as we know from players like Boyd, heath Shaw, weed and others that can take a toll.
  4. Hah auto correct. I meant doco not sick. But it is sick. In the good sense
  5. Yes, it's on my to read list. Friends have told me it is brilliant. I recently watched Warrick Thornton's excellent (sort of) sick We don't need a flag about the southern cross and Bruce Pasco was interviewd. Interesting fella. Highly recommend the film for the much the same reason as you recommend Dark Emu. Great soundtrack too.
  6. Our game plan is much the same as last year's very successful model. Easy to forget we were the highest scoring team last year. The difference is we had more of our best 22 playing and our very best were injury free and in form.
  7. Careful Nasher, you'll get accused of the heinous crime of 'virtue signaling'. I wonder what the opposite of virtue signalling is? Bigot signalling? Redneck signalling? Nuffie signalling?
  8. Pulling my hair out is right. On one thread we laud a young KP player who is sruggling to find his best form for re signing and for the courage to share the impact of criticism on the net. And we have this thread, created purely to tell a young kp player it 'is time to go' and provide a forum for a bunch of anonymous people to pile on and express how [censored] poor they think he is. So yes pulling my hair out because it reminds me he how some still think it is ok to personally attack players behind the cover of a silly avatar and made up name. Despite repeatedly being told by courageous young men like weed of the damage it does. In this context i found this from the weed article powerful and timely and i reckon that some posters on DL might consider thinking about them next time they think about ripping into a player: “I have a lot of respect for our supporters and I do value what they say about me, so to hear and see a few words that didn’t really fall my way and were quite hurtful, it was challenging. “I know that comes with footy and I’ve got to cop it, but I think it was probably best for me to stay away from that.” While supporters ride the highs and lows of footy with their heroes, they can at times let their emotions get the better of them and be oblivious to the impact of their words. “I think there’s a lot of passion coming out in their comments and I don’t think they understand the power it can have on the players and how much effect it can have,” Weideman said.
  9. I look forward to watching the doco. Apparently it is going to shown as part of the Sydney Film Festival then that's it in terms of a cinema release. So no release to cinema and i don't think TV either. They plan to put it on a website (i can't recall which) where it can be viewed for free to enable it be used for educational purposes. Brilliant idea. Interesting concept for the doco in so far as there is no narration, interviews or talking heads. It is 100% archival footage, the idea apparently being that that approach support people making up their own minds about what happened and why.
  10. Looks a well balanced side. I reckon it could be one of those rare occasions where they line up as selected. I hope Fritter plays on the wing. I like the idea of Fritter on one wing and the ginger ninja on the other.
  11. Great post. Thanks for responding. Your last paragraph is fascinating and expresses a view that was rolling around my mind when writing my post. I was thinking of the contradiction between it being ok for young men to show vulnerabilities and what I see as a dangerous template driven by the media and the internet about what sex and intimate relationships with women should look like and the roles of men and women.
  12. Wow what is happening to the tigers? They are terrible. Fallen off the cliff. System has broken down. Skills poor. Mistake after mistake. No conection. Whatever could be the reason? Oh that's right - they have 7 of their best players out injured. Tipping point.
  13. Smokey if i recall from previous posts of yours am i right in saying you are younger fella (by that i mean younger than most of the middle age men like myself who post here)? The reason i ask is that it seems to be there has been a positive shift with young men who are more comfortable expressing how they actually feel and not hiding behind the faux stoicism that my generation uses as some sort of distorted template on how a man should act publicly. Do you think my sense of that shift is accurate? I for one thing think it is brilliant that Sam is confident enough in his own sense of self that he can be open about his vulnerabilities. I have near adult son and my hope for him is that he can articulate his what is going on for him and not feel the need to hide it behind a wall of machismo.
  14. Well my post that you quoted refers to trac. And I thought I made it pretty clear the explanation for why he is a rubbish kick is he has a poor technique. And that explanation cover 80% of our team unfortunately.
  15. Absolutely. We need more than anything else to establish a culture of winning. We have had 55 years of not winning. Done that. I would love it if we win enough game to make 9th. I look forward to the posts on DL bemoaning the crows and WC losses. Look at our last effort to bottom out. Netted us money bags, trenners and the toump (sounds like a bad SA breakfast radio slot). All gone. Win. Win. Win. i for one have watched enough bloody losses by my team.
  16. I just don't understand why they don't play this game at Olympic park on Monday. Start it at say 11:30am (yes I know that's early) and the game finishes at 2pm. Plenty of time for people to watch the vfl game and get to their seats at the g for the pre game palaver. You would get a huge crowd for it and the atmosphere would be fantastic. A footy festival.
  17. Indeed. Terrific he is still here to be part of that.
  18. I'm no doctor but i doubt the boil is causing the panic attack. Unless you are perhaps a stripper and you are worried the boil wipl be seen by your audience. That might cause some performance anxiety. Following the dees is my diagnosis.
  19. Seems stoned, is stuttering, long pauses, lips moving with no words coming out at times. Weird. Could be the fact my internet at work is lagging terribly i guess.
  20. Speaking of making people angry insert giph of John McEnroe here. Trac has a terrible kicking technique. He drops the ball from near his waist. Compare and contrast his style to Salem who practically places the ball on his foot (as should happen). No mystery why he is so much better at kicking the ball. Agree that he has a psych issue though. The problem is if you combine poor technique with the yips you get on the full from 30 metres out dead in front
  21. Spot on buck. I'm amazed that this is seemingly never pointed out by the so called experts in the footy media, who are mostly ex footballers. I posted a coupe of weeks back about Lyon bagging kicking for goals by current player and noted he spent almost all of his time in the forward 50 and probably ran no more than a 2-3 ks a game. The fitness issue doesn't just impact on goal kicking it also impacts on field kicking. it is hard to argue they should practice goal (and field) kicking more but the real issue i reckon is how many players come to footy with woeful technique. This must be a coaching issue in juniors. I mean how does a player like Trac, one of the best junior footballers in the country, get to the AFL with such a shocking technique? By that time is is too late to change it, other than tinkering around the edges. Poor technique is exposed by fatigue (and variables like slippery conditions for that matter).
  22. Question: is he wearing underpants in the above photo or are they actually shorts.
  23. I think part of his legacy will be his hard nosed, uncompromising, win at all costs mentality. That mentality is no doubt a factor in some of his abrasive behaviors over the years. And his inability to perform at the level he would like to no doubt bangs up against that mentality. But I for one am glad the young players at the dees have had the chance to play and train with someone with that mentality who has the record to back it up. Great if he does some mentoring for the rest of his time at the dees
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