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Everything posted by binman

  1. My best Exhilarates mv race 5 no 1 A really top days racing. I think lots of favs will get up at the valley and randwick. The Concorde is a ripper. Is nature strip too short? Quick but I think I'll trust the handicap and go with redzel, even though it hasn't won for a while. Best value: kenedna (a horse i can never seem to snag. I hope that changes to today) Best roughie: a the between ashlor and mister sea wolf. Good punting fellas
  2. Yes one game is not much of a sample. But I was referring to wet toast approach. Yes the bombers turned it over horrendously (looked very familiar I have to say), but from the get go wc moved it forward very quickly and aggressively, using the corridor and not holding in their back. The quarter time score reflected this attacking style. Really they only reverted to the chip or around their back half when the bombers closed within 24 points after saads goal. They used tempo to kill rhw bomber's momentum very cleverly. And that was that. The total match point line was 157. Money for old rope. I predicted a line of 170 and it ended up over that easily.
  3. Excellent summary DS. The chip, hold, mark and spread style so in favor this year requires elite aerobic fitness and we simply were never fit enough this season. A poster (I forget who - apologies) made an excellent point about the type of athlete needed for this game style ie 400 metre runners who can run at pace over 400 metres as opposed to the fast twitch power athletes, burst players we have so many of (which is in large part a failure of recruiting in my opinion - and not just a recent failure i might add, which is why i get annoyed with Roos distancing himself from where we are at). You make an excellent point about KK and VDB. Both players are exactly the sort of athletes we have lacked, as is Hanan to a lesser extent and their absence has really hurt us. And based on May's recent comments in quite a revealing interview on SEN they were hoping he would also provide running cover (he is surprisingly quick over distance for such a big unit). On the the chip, hold, mark and spread style i posted in another thread that i think there will be less of it in the finals (and consequently higher scoring than has been the case during the season). I think we saw evidence of that last night with the styles' best proponent being much more attacking with their ball movement and only rarely going to tempo, chip it across the hb football.
  4. Agree with most of the above. Personally i don't think the 666 rules had much impact at all - to us or the league as a whole
  5. I need a head exploding button. Toump and cook were two real first round corkers
  6. Not to mention a club undergoing a review. Let me be the first to say I believe there will be major changes at the crows. Major.
  7. That there would be more changes? Ground breaking stuff
  8. Good point Red. Though we weren't forced to take the Toump. Who was next on the draft list? Ironic that the Toump also ended up at Port (and ended at Port).
  9. So do i. I predict there will further changes #theinsidesource
  10. You think? The last thing we needed was another inside bull with average kicking skills. An besides Wines has hit his ceiling and it ain't that high
  11. Maybe i didn't make myself clear. I totally understand that more often than not people can't reveal their source. But if that is the case contextual info of the sort you and Lord Nev provided is really helpful. You gave me more than sufficient information to help me make a judgement on the validity of your comments. Which is great. LH, perhaps you are right and i am being disingenuous to say i couldn't care less if posters post unsubstantiated 'rumours'. The more honest comment is that in most instances i don't but i am suspicious about the motives of some posters and have read enough misinformation over the years on DL to know that some posters deliberately spread falsehoods to further an agenda (which might be as simple as causing drama on DL)
  12. Why? I thought i made that clear in my previous post. In short i find it helpful and it promotes intelligent dialogue.
  13. I could care less if posters post rumours without any supporting info. Good for them. But when posters include the sort of contextual information Lord nev and demon forever posted (Thanks to both btw) I find it much, much more interesting and valuable, particularly because I have zero inside sources. I can use that info to sort out what I think might be the 'truth' of a given situation and often two bits of info build a picture and sometimes corroborate other info.
  14. Ok, lets play the game. Who is your 'reliable source'. its not guaranteed he'll be with us in 2021 by any stretch? Seriously? Sheesh.
  15. Exactly WB. Chook in Perth (and small number of other posters) has a proven track record and i trust his mail is reliable (or as reliable as any rumor based mail can be). i appreciate people hear things all the time, particularly in this day and age of people repeating texts and stuff they have read on their various feeds and implying it is real mail rather than simple old as time, gossip. A funny thing as happened in the last 10 years, in an environment where the President of the US retweets and supports bizarre conspiracy theories, the onus has shifted from the person spreading gossip and rumors proving its validity to those hearing disproving it. Crazy stuff. To even consider taking a rumour or any mail seriously i for one need a source. Or if that is not possible at least some indication of who the rumor has come from (eg player manager, club employee, board member etc etc). Even then i am skeptical but at least i have some parameters work with to gauge the reliability of the information. In the absence of either of these criteria (and often even with them) it goes though my mental shredder. Which of course is not to say the information is not accurate. Just not credible.
  16. Spot on aw. A related issue is that tbe talent pool of players who are able to play AFL football is too small. Look at how many mature aged players are being recruited from the vfl, wafl and sanfl. 800 players needed. All need a level of athleticism that the game only demanded of 25% of a list 20 years ago. With soccer and basketball making huge inroads in tbat time there simply are not enough elite level athletes. So as you say every team will have to have their share of fringe players The advantage the top clubs have is tbat sustained success supports good depth. Players have access to strong, well resourced and long established development programs (not to mention accesd to state of the art facilities). And those clubs find it easier to attract better players. The above is one factor that works against the AFLs efforts to use the draft to support teams rising up the ladder. But even a club as successful as the hawks start to suffer when they lose their best ayers and their fringe players have to play. This issue is one more reason why next year is so important. We can't afford to stay near the bottom or even mid table.we also desperately need elite facilities. Our current set up is a joke.
  17. Cool posting name. Fun start to your time on dl too. Incisive stuff.
  18. You are the ying to my yang. Or as you might say I'm your yang to your ying.
  19. I thought the same thing. Coincedentally i was thinking yesterday that it is remarkable how little chatter about moves to and from the dees. We have not been leaking, which is a good sign. Compare us to say the crows.
  20. I'm very clear on this If we are going to get him i think he is a great pick up. If we aren't i think he is total dud and i was never vaguely interested in getting him. Same applies to Amon and Langdon.
  21. Agree on both points. I know it is a hobby horse of mine but our comms are not up to scratch. But maybe, just maybe your two points are related. Maybe the point of the article is to give some confidence to supporters who have rumours about him wanting out that they are not true. I wonder if a sub text is also flagging the understanding of how much critical aerobic fitness is to the current game. Maybe that's a stretch.
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