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Everything posted by binman

  1. Agree. I have used him as an example of the sort of player we need for a couple of years. My guess is his asking price is too high. Who knows if accurate but there has been talking of him asking for up to 800k a year.
  2. I've got it. A bit of yze magic mixed with basil and you get hey pesto.
  3. Wouldn't trust that demonblog fella....
  4. Um, if keen on knowing what Demonlanders think about the idea of drafting Adam Tomlinson, this thread would be a good place to start
  5. Another opportunity to pot Roos? That seems to imply that i have been a relentless critic of Roos, which is simply not to true. And unfair i might add. I have made it abundantly clear over the years that he was fantastic for the club, made plenty of great calls and that i have full respect for what he achieved. I reiterated this view only recently. My recent criticisms of him, albeit pretty mild ones, are related to what i see as him failing to take responsibility for his part in where we are at present. Roos loved the adulation and roosy chants during last years finals. And well he should, he had much to proud of in terms of his role in our journey. He, Bartlett and PJ were the key architects of our rise. But you can't take partial credit for all the good and not accept responsibility for some of the bad, in particular recruiting and trading decisions made under your watch that still impact the club. I'm not 'one of those' that that attributes all the bad calls to Roos but i'm also not 'one of those' who think Roos was the messiah who could do no wrong.
  6. On roos and our need for an outside player with elite skills it should not be forgotten that under his watch he ticked off giving up pick 3 for Salem and Tyson, meaning missing out on Kelly. I supported the decision at the time, but history has not been kind and there is no doubt in hindsight it was the wrong call. The argument that we would have picked up billings doesn't wash with me for two reasons. One, I suspect it is not true and besides they actually never had to make the call so who really knows what they really would have done. Second, if they had taken billings they would have made an error in terms of judging talent and the type of player our list ultimately would need. Besides even if they had picked up billings he would have provided more outside run than Salem and Tyson.
  7. That may be true (Roos not rating him). But roos argued he was surprised we were into him Tomlinson because we need outside run. Yet that is exactly why we are keen on him as he is an elite runner (regularly topped has time trials). Maybe he meant outside player with elite skills (e.g. hill). I've said it before but jeez I would have liked it if roos had targeted such a player when he was coach, instead of so many meat and potato contested ball winners. Surely given we dont have to give up anything to get him it's a good deal for us.
  8. I don't think goody will review this season. Put it behind us. Wasn't the Melbourne way. (Insert sarcasm emoji here)
  9. How on earth is this different to your quote from dz?
  10. Ya don't mess with dl goody. Nice get Moonie. Graphics and all. Typical from the footy media. Really most are just dead lazy and I'm amazed given they are paid to be experts at their collective lack of knowledge. The only ex footballers I rate from a knowledge and analysis point of view is Mick mcguane and Terry Wallace.
  11. Strange isn't it. Very strange. Worries me that he is not a gre a t kick but we desperately need runners and he seems to offer that. As does Langdon. Durable too. Hardly missed a g a me. Of course now that he is likely coming to us he'll cop an injury.
  12. My though too. No idea what this says but maybe it is referring to us: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/more-news/giant-adam-tomlinson-might-be-forced-out-as-gws-tries-to-keep-lachie-whitfield/news-story/6990af03a2d28cf2d95636759099777c
  13. Might be tricky to build into the CBA
  14. Of course he knows, or at least the general scope. And I'll bet london to a brick he knows the salary. My guess is that richo himself will have a fair say in what his responsibilities are and what his role will be. They wanted him, wanted to ensure another club didn't grab him and I have little doubt part of the pitch was to create a win win scenario. We get his expertise and he gets, within parameters, scope to focus on what he is most interested in. Given things are still somewhat fluid I see it a massive vote of confidence in the fd and tbe club that he went with us or didn't just say let's wait a while.
  15. What's the rush? I mean im all for transparency and good comms but their review is still going, and the dust is still settling from the departures, so I assume the full scope of his role is yet to be nailed down. So it would be silly to make some announcement about his title and resposibilities ahead of that. And to what end? To appease a few dees fans who are worried about the lack of clarity about his role?
  16. Gws have some brilliant kicks too. Kelly, finnlayson and Whitfield in particular. A key skill players need these days as opposed to say 15 years ago is the ability to weight a ball over zones and into pockets of space and the quick change of direction diagonal kick. Both very tricky and both reasons why so many kicks get turned over and intercepted across hb.
  17. All of 50. Brave too. I'm hoping for a dry deck on Friday as I reckon if dry wc will give cats a real touch up.The cats simply can't score enough.
  18. Agree dazzler. There was one kick in particular, back into the corridor, that was a thing of beauty.
  19. Not sure if you are joking (sarcasm can be difficult to discern - grapeviney says hi). But if not I agree. I love the giant's theme song. I give has a real shot at going all the way. I think they'll beat lions (Great odds btw - lions short priced face. But shouldn't be. Favorites yes. But not 1.65). And if they do they'll have some real momentum.
  20. Yes that makes sense. Had to laugh when sorry kids said goodbye a couple of weeks back. Have them both on ignore. I wish posters would stop quoting them
  21. I h as he listening to dees games on the radio. Don't mind races at tall though. I can visualise the race and have listened to so many races that it feels more natural somehow. Good day to trust form. Snagged dreamforce and fatinaah for handicap, track and first up form reasons. I like tbat.
  22. Perhaps you could have used a clip from the film Weekend at bernaise
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